Стимуляторы работоспособности в спортивной медицине: многообразие выбора и влияния на здоровье
Стимуляторы работоспособности в спортивной медицине: многообразие выбора и влияния на здоровье
Балыкова Л.А., Ивянский С.А., Самошкина Е.С. и др. Стимуляторы работоспособности в спортивной медицине: многообразие выбора и влияния на здоровье. Педиатрия (Прил. к журн. Consilium Medicum). 2017; 4: 78–83.
Balykova L.A., Ivyanskiy S.A., Samoshkina E.S. et al. The banned drugs in sport and cardiovascular system. Pediatrics (Suppl. Consilium Medicum). 2017; 4: 78–83.
Стимуляторы работоспособности в спортивной медицине: многообразие выбора и влияния на здоровье
Балыкова Л.А., Ивянский С.А., Самошкина Е.С. и др. Стимуляторы работоспособности в спортивной медицине: многообразие выбора и влияния на здоровье. Педиатрия (Прил. к журн. Consilium Medicum). 2017; 4: 78–83.
Balykova L.A., Ivyanskiy S.A., Samoshkina E.S. et al. The banned drugs in sport and cardiovascular system. Pediatrics (Suppl. Consilium Medicum). 2017; 4: 78–83.
Статья обсуждает одну из самых острых проблем спортивной медицины – использование запрещенных препаратов. Рассматриваются вопросы изменения распространенности применения наиболее популярных стимуляторов среди атлетов. Особое внимание уделяется влиянию подобных средств на сердечно-сосудистую систему. Описываются негативные кардиальные эффекты допинговых средств, а также случаи гибели спортсменов в результате их употребления.
Article discusses one of the most burning issues of sports medicine – use of the forbidden medicines. Data on tendencies on prevalence of stimulators among athletes are provided. Data on use of the most popular sports stimulators are provided. Special attention is paid to impact on cardiovascular system of athletes. Negative cardiac's effects of doping means are described, and cases of death of athletes as a result of the use of doping means are described.
1. Overbye M, Wagner U. Between medical treatment and performance enhancement: an investigation of how elite athletes experience Therapeutic Use Exemptions. Int J Drug Policy 2013; 24 (6): 579–88.
2. Mazzeo F, Monda V, Santamaria S et al. Antidoping program: an important factor in the promotion and protection of the integrity of sport and athlete's health. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 2017; p. 2–17.
3. Morente-Sánchez J, Zabala M. Doping in sport: a review of elite athletes' attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge. Sports Med 2013; 43 (6): 395–411.
4. Ostojic SM. Mitochondria-targeted nutraceuticals in sports medicine: a new perspective. Res Sports Med 2017; 25 (1): 91–100.
5. Всемирный антидопинговый кодекс. Версия 3.0. 20 февраля 2003 г. http://www.wada-ama.org / Vsemirnyi antidopingovyi kodeks. Versiia 3.0. 20 fevralia 2003 g. http://www.wada-ama.org [in Russian]
6. Grivetti LE, Applegate EA. From Olympia to Atlanta: a cultural historical perspective on diet and athletic training. J Nutr 1997; 127 (Suppl.): 860–8.
7. Angell PJ, Chester N, Sculthorpe N et al. Performance enhancing drug abuse and cardiovascular risk in athletes: implications for the clinician. Br J Sports Med 2012; 46 (Suppl. 1): i78–84.
8. Kinahan A, Budgett R, Mazzoni I. Structure and Development of the List of Prohibited Substances and Methods. Med Sport Sci 2017; 62: 39–54.
9. Ljungqvist A. Brief History of Anti-Doping. Med Sport Sci 2017; 62: 1–10.
10. La Gerche A, Brosnan MJ. Cardiovascular Effects of Performance-Enhancing Drugs. Circulation 2017; 135 (1): 89–99. DOI: 10.1161 /CIRCULATION AHA. 116. 022535.
11. Rodriguez NR, Di Marco NM, Langley S. American Dietetic Association; Dietitians of Canada; American College of Sports Medicine, American College of Sports Medicine position stand. Nutrition and athletic performance. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2009; 41 (3): 709–31.
12. Nicholls AR, Cope E, Bailey R et al. Children's First Experience of Taking Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids can Occur before Their 10th Birthday: A Systematic Review Identifying 9 Factors That Predicted Doping among Young People. Front Psychol 2017; 8: 1015.
13. Arieli R, Lahav Y. Ergogenic sport supplements for athletes. Harefuah 2016; 155 (6): 370–3, 385.
14. Momaya A, Fawal M, Estes R. Performance-enhancing substances in sports: a review of the literature. Sports Med 2015; 45 (4): 517–31.
15. Kanayama G, Pope HG Jr. History and epidemiology of anabolic androgens in athletes and non-athletes. Mol Cell Endocrinol 2017. pii: S0303-7207(17)30152-1.
16. Sinha-Hikim I, Artaza J, Woodhouse L et al. Testosterone-induced increase in muscle size in healthy young men is associated with muscle fiber hypertrophy. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2002; 283 (1): E154–64.
17. Turillazzi E, Perilli G, Di Paolo M et al. Side effects of AAS abuse: an overview. Mini Rev Med Chem 2011; 11 (5): 374–89.
18. Cheung AS, Grossmann M. Physiological basis behind ergogenic effects of anabolic androgens. Mol Cell Endocrinol 2017. pii: S0303-7207(17)30060-6.
19. Luke JL, Farb A, Virmani R, Sample RH. Sudden cardiac death during exercise in a weight lifter using anabolic androgenic steroids: pathological and toxicological findings. J Forensic Sci 1990; 35 (6): 1441–7.
20. Goldman A, Basaria S. Adverse health effects of androgen use. Mol Cell Endocrinol 2017. pii: S0303-7207(17)30336-2.
21. Zmuda JM, Cauley JA, Kriska A et al. Longitudinal relation between endogenous testosterone and cardiovascular disease risk factors in middle aged men. A 13 year follow-up of former Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial participants. Am J Epidemiol 1997; 146: 609–17.
22. Bueno A, Carvalho FB, Gutierres JM et al. A comparative study of the effect of the dose and exposure duration of anabolic androgenic steroids on behavior, cholinergic regulation, and oxidative stress in rats. PLoS One 2017; 12 (6): e0177623.
23. Zgliczynski S, Ossowski M, Slowinska-Srednicka J et al. Effect of testosterone replacement therapy on lipids and lipoproteins in hypogonadal and elderly men. Atherosclerosis 1996; 121 (1): 35–43.
24. Frati P, Busardò FP, Cipolloni L et al. Anabolic Androgenic Steroid (AAS) related deaths: autoptic, histopathological and toxicological findings. Curr Neuropharm 2015; 13 (1): 146–59.
25. Di Paolo M, Agozzino M, Toni C et al. Sudden anabolic steroid abuse-related death in athletes. Int J Cardiol 2007; 114 (1): 114–7.
26. Seara FAC, Barbosa RAQ, de Oliveira DF et al. Administration of anabolic steroid during adolescence induces long-term cardiac hypertrophy and increases susceptibility to ischemia/reperfusion injury in adult Wistar rats. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 2017; 171: 34–42.
27. Montisci M, Mazloum R, Cecchetto G et al. Anabolic androgenic steroids abuse and cardiac death in athletes: morphological and toxicological findings in four fatal cases Forensic Sci Int 2012; 217 (1–3): e13–8.
28. Baggish AL, Weiner RB, Kanayama G et al. Cardiovascular Toxicity of Illicit Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Use. Circulation 2017; 135 (21): 1991–2002.
29. Vanberg P, Atar D. Androgenic anabolic steroid abuse and the cardiovascular system. Handb Exp Pharmacol 2010; 195: 411–57. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-79088-4_18.
30. Sculthorpe N, Taylor L, Grace FM. Prolonged androgenic anabolic steroid (AAS) induced QT interval shortening: a suitable screening tool? Drug Test Anal 2016; 8 (1): 120–2.
31. Karila TAM, Karjalainen JE, Mantysaari MJ et al. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids Produce Dose-Dependent Increase in Left Ventricular Mass in Power Athletes, and this Effect is Potentiated by Concomitant Use of Growth Hormone. Int J Sports Med 2003; 24: 337–43.
32. Anderson LJ, Tamayose JM, Garcia JM. Use of growth hormone, IGF-I, and insulin for anabolic purpose: Pharmacological basis, methods of detection, and adverse effects. Mol Cell Endocrinol 2017. pii: S0303-7207(17)30337-4.
33. Kanbay M, Akcay A, Delibasi T et al. Comparison of effects of darbepoetin alfa and epoetin alfa on serum endothelin level and blood pressure. Adv Ter 2007; 24: 346–52.
34. Casella M, Dello Russo A, Izzo G et al. Ventricular arrhythmias induced by long-term use of ephedrine in two competitive athletes. Heart Vessels 2015; 30 (2): 280–3.
35. Carlsen KH. Bronchial hyperreactivity in athletes. Nord Med 1994; 109 (1): 16–8.
36. Kierzkowska B, Stanczyk J, Kasprzak JD. Myocardial infarction in a 17-year-old body builder using clenbuterol. Circ J 2005; 69: 1144–6.
37. Shaw G, Slater G, Burke LM. Supplement Use Elitу Austalian Swimmers. Int Sport Nutr Exerc Metab 2015; 2: 658–62.
38. Hans Geyer, Parr MK, Koehler K et al. Nutritional supplements cross-contaminated and faked with doping substances. J Mass Spectrometry 2008; 43 (7): 892–902.
39. Blank C, Schobersberger W, Leichtfried V, Duschek S. Health Psychological Constructs as Predictors of Doping Susceptibility in Adolescent Athletes. Asian J Sports Med 2016; 7 (4): 35.
40. Persky AM, Brazeau GA. Clinical pharmacology of the dietary supplement creatine monohydrate. Pharmacol Rev 2001; 53 (2): 161–76.
41. Engelhardt М, Neumann G, Berbalk A. Additions crea tine at fatigue spots training. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1998; 30 (7): 1123–9.
42. Розенштраух Л.В., Витт Р., Розанский Г. Электрофизиологические аспекты действия креатинфосфата на клеточную активность миокарда в нормальных условиях и при ишемии. Кардиология. 1990; 11: 97–102. / Rozenshtraukh L.V., Vitt R., Rozanskii G. Elektrofiziologicheskie aspekty deistviia kreatinfosfata na kletochnuiu aktivnost' miokarda v normal'nykh usloviiakh i pri ishemii. Kardiologiia. 1990; 11: 97–102. [in Russian]
43. Higgins MF, James RS, Price MJ. The effects of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO(3)) ingestion on high intensity cycling capacity. J Sports Sci 2013.
44. Brisola GM, Artioli GG, Papoti M, Zagatto AM. Effects of Four Weeks of b-Alanine Supplementation on Repeated Sprint Ability in Water Polo Players. PLoS One 2016; 11 (12): e0167968.
45. Folland JP, Stern R, Brickley G. Sodium phosphate loading improves laboratory cycling time-trial performance in trained cyclists. J Sci Med Sport 2008; 11 (5): 464–8.
46. Kreider RB, Wilborn CD, Taylor L et al. ISSN exercise and sport nutrition review: research and recommendations. J Intern Soc Sports Nutr 2010; 7: 7–50.
47. Балыкова Л.А., Ивянский С.А., Урзяева А.Н. и др. Элькар в детской спортивной практике. Рос. вестн. перинатологии и педиатрии. 2013; 5: 102–8. / Balykova L.A., Ivianskii S.A., Urziaeva A.N. i dr. El'kar v detskoi sportivnoi praktike. Ros. vestn. perinatologii i pediatrii. 2013; 5: 102–8. [in Russian]
48. Формулярное руководство по применению лекарственных средств в детско-юношеском спорте. Под ред. С.О.Ключникова, И.Г.Козлова, А.Г.Самойлова. М.: MBP-Agency, 2014. / Formuliarnoe rukovodstvo po primeneniiu lekarstvennykh sredstv v detsko-iunosheskom sporte. Pod red. S.O.Kliuchnikova, I.G.Kozlova, A.G.Samoilova. M.: MBP-Agency, 2014. [in Russian]
1. Overbye M, Wagner U. Between medical treatment and performance enhancement: an investigation of how elite athletes experience Therapeutic Use Exemptions. Int J Drug Policy 2013; 24 (6): 579–88.
2. Mazzeo F, Monda V, Santamaria S et al. Antidoping program: an important factor in the promotion and protection of the integrity of sport and athlete's health. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 2017; p. 2–17.
3. Morente-Sánchez J, Zabala M. Doping in sport: a review of elite athletes' attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge. Sports Med 2013; 43 (6): 395–411.
4. Ostojic SM. Mitochondria-targeted nutraceuticals in sports medicine: a new perspective. Res Sports Med 2017; 25 (1): 91–100.
5. Vsemirnyi antidopingovyi kodeks. Versiia 3.0. 20 fevralia 2003 g. http://www.wada-ama.org [in Russian]
6. Grivetti LE, Applegate EA. From Olympia to Atlanta: a cultural historical perspective on diet and athletic training. J Nutr 1997; 127 (Suppl.): 860–8.
7. Angell PJ, Chester N, Sculthorpe N et al. Performance enhancing drug abuse and cardiovascular risk in athletes: implications for the clinician. Br J Sports Med 2012; 46 (Suppl. 1): i78–84.
8. Kinahan A, Budgett R, Mazzoni I. Structure and Development of the List of Prohibited Substances and Methods. Med Sport Sci 2017; 62: 39–54.
9. Ljungqvist A. Brief History of Anti-Doping. Med Sport Sci 2017; 62: 1–10.
10. La Gerche A, Brosnan MJ. Cardiovascular Effects of Performance-Enhancing Drugs. Circulation 2017; 135 (1): 89–99. DOI: 10.1161 /CIRCULATION AHA. 116. 022535.
11. Rodriguez NR, Di Marco NM, Langley S. American Dietetic Association; Dietitians of Canada; American College of Sports Medicine, American College of Sports Medicine position stand. Nutrition and athletic performance. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2009; 41 (3): 709–31.
12. Nicholls AR, Cope E, Bailey R et al. Children's First Experience of Taking Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids can Occur before Their 10th Birthday: A Systematic Review Identifying 9 Factors That Predicted Doping among Young People. Front Psychol 2017; 8: 1015.
13. Arieli R, Lahav Y. Ergogenic sport supplements for athletes. Harefuah 2016; 155 (6): 370–3, 385.
14. Momaya A, Fawal M, Estes R. Performance-enhancing substances in sports: a review of the literature. Sports Med 2015; 45 (4): 517–31.
15. Kanayama G, Pope HG Jr. History and epidemiology of anabolic androgens in athletes and non-athletes. Mol Cell Endocrinol 2017. pii: S0303-7207(17)30152-1.
16. Sinha-Hikim I, Artaza J, Woodhouse L et al. Testosterone-induced increase in muscle size in healthy young men is associated with muscle fiber hypertrophy. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2002; 283 (1): E154–64.
17. Turillazzi E, Perilli G, Di Paolo M et al. Side effects of AAS abuse: an overview. Mini Rev Med Chem 2011; 11 (5): 374–89.
18. Cheung AS, Grossmann M. Physiological basis behind ergogenic effects of anabolic androgens. Mol Cell Endocrinol 2017. pii: S0303-7207(17)30060-6.
19. Luke JL, Farb A, Virmani R, Sample RH. Sudden cardiac death during exercise in a weight lifter using anabolic androgenic steroids: pathological and toxicological findings. J Forensic Sci 1990; 35 (6): 1441–7.
20. Goldman A, Basaria S. Adverse health effects of androgen use. Mol Cell Endocrinol 2017. pii: S0303-7207(17)30336-2.
21. Zmuda JM, Cauley JA, Kriska A et al. Longitudinal relation between endogenous testosterone and cardiovascular disease risk factors in middle aged men. A 13 year follow-up of former Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial participants. Am J Epidemiol 1997; 146: 609–17.
22. Bueno A, Carvalho FB, Gutierres JM et al. A comparative study of the effect of the dose and exposure duration of anabolic androgenic steroids on behavior, cholinergic regulation, and oxidative stress in rats. PLoS One 2017; 12 (6): e0177623.
23. Zgliczynski S, Ossowski M, Slowinska-Srednicka J et al. Effect of testosterone replacement therapy on lipids and lipoproteins in hypogonadal and elderly men. Atherosclerosis 1996; 121 (1): 35–43.
24. Frati P, Busardò FP, Cipolloni L et al. Anabolic Androgenic Steroid (AAS) related deaths: autoptic, histopathological and toxicological findings. Curr Neuropharm 2015; 13 (1): 146–59.
25. Di Paolo M, Agozzino M, Toni C et al. Sudden anabolic steroid abuse-related death in athletes. Int J Cardiol 2007; 114 (1): 114–7.
26. Seara FAC, Barbosa RAQ, de Oliveira DF et al. Administration of anabolic steroid during adolescence induces long-term cardiac hypertrophy and increases susceptibility to ischemia/reperfusion injury in adult Wistar rats. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 2017; 171: 34–42.
27. Montisci M, Mazloum R, Cecchetto G et al. Anabolic androgenic steroids abuse and cardiac death in athletes: morphological and toxicological findings in four fatal cases Forensic Sci Int 2012; 217 (1–3): e13–8.
28. Baggish AL, Weiner RB, Kanayama G et al. Cardiovascular Toxicity of Illicit Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Use. Circulation 2017; 135 (21): 1991–2002.
29. Vanberg P, Atar D. Androgenic anabolic steroid abuse and the cardiovascular system. Handb Exp Pharmacol 2010; 195: 411–57. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-79088-4_18.
30. Sculthorpe N, Taylor L, Grace FM. Prolonged androgenic anabolic steroid (AAS) induced QT interval shortening: a suitable screening tool? Drug Test Anal 2016; 8 (1): 120–2.
31. Karila TAM, Karjalainen JE, Mantysaari MJ et al. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids Produce Dose-Dependent Increase in Left Ventricular Mass in Power Athletes, and this Effect is Potentiated by Concomitant Use of Growth Hormone. Int J Sports Med 2003; 24: 337–43.
32. Anderson LJ, Tamayose JM, Garcia JM. Use of growth hormone, IGF-I, and insulin for anabolic purpose: Pharmacological basis, methods of detection, and adverse effects. Mol Cell Endocrinol 2017. pii: S0303-7207(17)30337-4.
33. Kanbay M, Akcay A, Delibasi T et al. Comparison of effects of darbepoetin alfa and epoetin alfa on serum endothelin level and blood pressure. Adv Ter 2007; 24: 346–52.
34. Casella M, Dello Russo A, Izzo G et al. Ventricular arrhythmias induced by long-term use of ephedrine in two competitive athletes. Heart Vessels 2015; 30 (2): 280–3.
35. Carlsen KH. Bronchial hyperreactivity in athletes. Nord Med 1994; 109 (1): 16–8.
36. Kierzkowska B, Stanczyk J, Kasprzak JD. Myocardial infarction in a 17-year-old body builder using clenbuterol. Circ J 2005; 69: 1144–6.
37. Shaw G, Slater G, Burke LM. Supplement Use Elitу Austalian Swimmers. Int Sport Nutr Exerc Metab 2015; 2: 658–62.
38. Hans Geyer, Parr MK, Koehler K et al. Nutritional supplements cross-contaminated and faked with doping substances. J Mass Spectrometry 2008; 43 (7): 892–902.
39. Blank C, Schobersberger W, Leichtfried V, Duschek S. Health Psychological Constructs as Predictors of Doping Susceptibility in Adolescent Athletes. Asian J Sports Med 2016; 7 (4): 35.
40. Persky AM, Brazeau GA. Clinical pharmacology of the dietary supplement creatine monohydrate. Pharmacol Rev 2001; 53 (2): 161–76.
41. Engelhardt М, Neumann G, Berbalk A. Additions crea tine at fatigue spots training. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1998; 30 (7): 1123–9.
42. Rozenshtraukh L.V., Vitt R., Rozanskii G. Elektrofiziologicheskie aspekty deistviia kreatinfosfata na kletochnuiu aktivnost' miokarda v normal'nykh usloviiakh i pri ishemii. Kardiologiia. 1990; 11: 97–102. [in Russian]
43. Higgins MF, James RS, Price MJ. The effects of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO(3)) ingestion on high intensity cycling capacity. J Sports Sci 2013.
44. Brisola GM, Artioli GG, Papoti M, Zagatto AM. Effects of Four Weeks of b-Alanine Supplementation on Repeated Sprint Ability in Water Polo Players. PLoS One 2016; 11 (12): e0167968.
45. Folland JP, Stern R, Brickley G. Sodium phosphate loading improves laboratory cycling time-trial performance in trained cyclists. J Sci Med Sport 2008; 11 (5): 464–8.
46. Kreider RB, Wilborn CD, Taylor L et al. ISSN exercise and sport nutrition review: research and recommendations. J Intern Soc Sports Nutr 2010; 7: 7–50.
47. Balykova L.A., Ivianskii S.A., Urziaeva A.N. i dr. El'kar v detskoi sportivnoi praktike. Ros. vestn. perinatologii i pediatrii. 2013; 5: 102–8. [in Russian]
48. Formuliarnoe rukovodstvo po primeneniiu lekarstvennykh sredstv v detsko-iunosheskom sporte. Pod red. S.O.Kliuchnikova, I.G.Kozlova, A.G.Samoilova. M.: MBP-Agency, 2014. [in Russian]
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