Кесарево сечение – от античности до нашего времени
Кесарево сечение – от античности до нашего времени
Захарова И.Н., Бережная И.В., Сазанова Ю.О. и др. Кесарево сечение – от античности до нашего времени. Педиатрия (Прил. к журн. Consilium Medicum). 2018; 2: 24–32.
DOI: 10.26442/2413-8460_2018.2.24-32
Zakharova I.N., Berezhnaya I.V., Sazanova Yu.O. et al. Cesarean section – from antiquity to our time. Pediatrics (Suppl. Consilium Medicum). 2018; 2: 24–32.
DOI: 10.26442/2413-8460_2018.2.24-32
Кесарево сечение – от античности до нашего времени
Захарова И.Н., Бережная И.В., Сазанова Ю.О. и др. Кесарево сечение – от античности до нашего времени. Педиатрия (Прил. к журн. Consilium Medicum). 2018; 2: 24–32.
DOI: 10.26442/2413-8460_2018.2.24-32
Zakharova I.N., Berezhnaya I.V., Sazanova Yu.O. et al. Cesarean section – from antiquity to our time. Pediatrics (Suppl. Consilium Medicum). 2018; 2: 24–32.
DOI: 10.26442/2413-8460_2018.2.24-32
В статье описаны этапы развития акушерства и хирургии, начиная с античных времен, особенности формирования знания об анатомии человека в зависимости от эпохи, религиозных взглядов и накопленного опыта. Представлены разные взгляды хирургов на технику проведения оперативного родоразрешения. Отражены статистические данные по материнской, младенческой смертности в разных странах мира и в разные эпохи. В статье собраны данные о научных работах ученых, хирургов, акушеров. Проводится анализ необходимости столь неуклонного роста доли кесарева сечения в современном мире. Обсуждаются проблемы и последствия неуклонного роста доли кесарева сечения в краткой и долгосрочной перспективе. Ключевые слова: кесарево сечение, естественные роды, материнская смертность, краниотомия, овариотомия, акушерские щипцы, общая анестезия, хлороформ, наркоз, антибиотики, перинатальная патология, диагностика, пороки развития, ультразвук, младенческая смертность.
The article describes the stages in the development of obstetrics and surgery, beginning with ancient times, the peculiarities of the formation of knowledge about the anatomy of a person depending on the era, religious views and accumulated experience. Different views of surgeons on the technique of operative delivery are presented. The statistical data on maternal, infant mortality in different countries of the world and in different epochs are reflected. The article contains data on scientific works of scientists, surgeons, midwives. An analysis is made of the need for such a steady increase in the proportion of Caesarean section in the modern world. The problems and consequences of a steady increase in the proportion of Caesarean section in the short and long term are discussed. Key words: cesarean section, natural childbirth, maternal mortality, craniotomy, ovariotomy, obstetric forceps, general anesthesia, chloroform, anesthesia, antibiotics, perinatal pathology, diagnosis, malformations, ultrasound, infant mortality.
Список литературы
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7. Johansen FS. Portraits in Marble of Gaius Julius Caesar: a Review. Ancient Portraits in the J.Paul Getti Museum 1987; I (32): 28.
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12. Geiger W. The Dīpavaṃsa and Mahāvaṃsa and their historical development in Ceylon. Ceylon: Cottle H.C., Government Printer.
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51. Molina-Sosa A, Galvan-Espinosa H, Gabriel-Guzman J, Valle RF. Self-inflicted cesarean section with maternal and fetal survival. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2004; 84 (3): 287–90. 2004. DOI:10.1016/j.ijgo.2003.08.018. PMID 15001385
1. Ukybasova T.M. Klinicheskij protokol kesarevo sechenie, 2013. [in Russian]
2. Sewell JE et al. Cesarean Section – A Brief History: Part 1. National Library of medicine for The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in cooperation with the National Library of Medicine U.S. National Institutes of Health, 2009.
3. Pieter WJ et al. Caesarean section: etymology and early history South African. J Obstet Gynaecol 2009; 15 (2): 62.
4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numa_Pompilius
5. Högberg U, Iregren E, Siven CH. Maternal deaths in medieval sweden: an osteological and life table analysis. J Biosoc Sci 1987; 19: 495–503.
6. Claude Moore Sciences Health Library, Ancient Gynecology: Caesarean Section.
7. Johansen FS. Portraits in Marble of Gaius Julius Caesar: a Review. Ancient Portraits in the J.Paul Getti Museum 1987; I (32): 28.
8. Bostock J, Riley HT et al. Pliny the Elder. The Natural History. London: Taylor and Francis, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, 1855.
9. Historia Augusta. The Life of Aelius, Loeb Classical Library, 1921.
10. Torpin R, Vafaie I. The birth of Rustam. An early account of cesarean section in Iran. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1961; 81: 185–9.
11. http://encyclopaedia.bid/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%BF%D0%B5%
12. Geiger W. The Dīpavaṃsa and Mahāvaṃsa and their historical development in Ceylon. Ceylon: Cottle H.C., Government Printer.
13. Butler, Lives of the Saints; Stadler, Heiligenlexicon; Gams, Kirchengesch. von Spanien, III; Acta SS., VI, 729.
14. Fr. Mario Salas Becerra San Ramón Nonato, El Santo de la Vida..... Pastoral Vocacional Mercedaria 2011.
15. Rouling M. Evropa v Srednie veka. Byt, religiya, kultura. M.: Centrpoligraf, 2006. [in Russian]
16. https://alchetron.com/Guy-de-Chauliac
17. Harcourt G. Andreas Vesalius and the Anatomy of Antique Sculpture. Representations 1987; 17: 28–61.
18. https://wikivisually.com/wiki/File:Vesalius_Fabrica_p190.jpg
19. https://www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/historicalanatomies/vesalius_home.html
20. Clifford D et al. A People's History Of Science: Miners, Midwives, And low Mechanicks.
21. Boley JP. The History of Cesarean Section. CMAJ 1991; 145 (4): 319–22.
22. Donnison J. Midwives and Medical Men: A History of the Struggle for the Control of Childbirth, London: Historical Publications Ltd., 1988.
23. Fatkullin I.F., Galimova I.R. Kesarevo sechenie: Uchebn. posobie. M.: MEDpress-inform, 2007. [in Russian]
24. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/cesarean/forceps.gif
25. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/cesarean/scissors.gif
26. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/cesarean/cesarean_3.html
27. Gabert HA. History and Development of Cesarean Operation. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am 1988; 15 (4): 591–605.
28. Gorelova L.E. Stranicy istorii «kesareva secheniya». RMZh. 2008; 19: 1292. [in Russian]
29. Cesarean Section – A Brief History: Part 2. U.S. National Institutes of Health, 2009 http://www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/cesarean/part2.html. Retrieved 2010-11-27
30. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/cesarean/cesarean_3.html
31. Ricci JV. One Hundred Years of Gynaecology, 1800-1900, Philadelphia: The Blakiston Company, 1945.
32. Young JH, Lewis HK et al. Caesarean Section: The History and Development of the Operation From Early Times. London, 1944.
33. Ivanov B.Yu., Komzolova A.A., Ryahovskaya I.S. Gosudarstvennaya duma Rossijskoj imperii 1906–1917. M.: Rossijskaya politicheskaya enciklopediya (ROSSPEN), 2008. s. 384, 385. [in Russian]
34. Ferdinand Adolf Kehrer: Lehrbuch der operativen Geburtshülfe. Enke, Stuttgart, 1891.
35. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/cesarean/cesarean_3.html
36. Cesarean section – a brief history. Part 3. U.S.National Library of Medicine, 2000.
37. Ojunga, Durrenda. The medical ethics of the 'Father of Gynaecology', Dr J Marion Sims. J Med Ethics 1993; 19 (1): 28–31.
38. Kritiko-biograficheskij slovar russkih pisatelej i uchenyh (ot nachala russkoj obrazovannosti do nashih dnej). T. 1. Vyp. 1–21: A. SPb., 1889. [in Russian]
39. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/cesarean/sims.gif
40. Recke und Napiersky. Allgemeines Schriftsteller – und Gelehrten-Lexikon. Т. 4. Митава, 1832; с. 229–31; Todesfeier K.B. Sommers, Рига, 1815.
41. Rihter, Vilgelm Mihajlovich. Enciklopedicheskij slovar Brokgauza i Efrona v 86 t. (82 t. i 4 dop.). Pod red. F.A.Brokgauza, I.A.Efrona. SPb.: Semenovskaya Tipo-Litografiya I.A.Efrona, 1890–1907. [in Russian]
42. Fafurin G.A. Izdatel Iogann-Yakob Vejtbreht (J.-J. Weitbrecht) i medicinskaya literatura v Rossii v XVIII veke. Medline.Ru (http://www.medline.ru/public/histm/medmono/sym11.phtml) [in Russian]
43. Pesochenskij B.S. Krassovskij i ego rol v istorii russkogo akusherstva i ginekologii. Akusherstvo i ginekologiya. 1949; 2. [in Russian]
44. http://weblib.omsk-osma.ru/frk/frk50.html#357
45. Sorokina T.S. Istorija mediciny. T. 2. Gl. 7. Akusherstvo i ginekologiya. M.: Akademiya, 2008. [in Russian]
46. Briskin B., Yagya N. Kesarevo sechenie. Russkij Medicinskij Server. 23.04.2004. [in Russian]
47. Sorokina T.S. Istoriya mediciny. T. 2. Ch. 5. Novejshee vremya. Gl. 9. Stanovlenie sovetskogo zdravoohraneniya i mediciny (pervye gody sovetskoj vlasti). M.: Akademiya, 2008. [in Russian]
48. Nicolson M, Fleming J, Spencer I. Hyaline membrane and neonatal radiology-Ian Donald's first venture into imaging research. Scott Med J 2005; 50 (1): 35–7.
49. Radzinskij V.E., Knyazev S.A. Nastoyatelnye rekomendacii VOZ o snizhenii doli kesarevyh sechenij. Status Praesens. 2015; 3 (26): 8–12. [in Russian]
50. Radzinskij V.E. Akusherskaya agressiya v.2.0. M.: Mediabyuro, 2017. [in Russian]
51. Molina-Sosa A, Galvan-Espinosa H, Gabriel-Guzman J, Valle RF. Self-inflicted cesarean section with maternal and fetal survival. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2004; 84 (3): 287–90. 2004. DOI:10.1016/j.ijgo.2003.08.018. PMID 15001385
1 Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 125993, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Barrikadnaia, d. 2/1;
2 Khimki Central Clinical Hospital. 141400, Russian Federation, Moskovskaya obl., Khimki, Kurkinskoe sh., vl. 11