Бехтерева М.К., Иванова В.В. Зачем нужны пробиотики в практике педиатра. Педиатрия (Прил. к журн. Consilium Medicum). 2018; 4: 50–55. DOI: 10.26442/24138460.2018.4.180104
Bekhtereva M.K., Ivanova V.V. Why do we need probiotics in pediatric practice. Pediatrics (Suppl. Consilium Medicum). 2018; 4: 50–55.DOI: 10.26442/24138460.2018.4.180104
Зачем нужны пробиотики в практике педиатра
Бехтерева М.К., Иванова В.В. Зачем нужны пробиотики в практике педиатра. Педиатрия (Прил. к журн. Consilium Medicum). 2018; 4: 50–55. DOI: 10.26442/24138460.2018.4.180104
Bekhtereva M.K., Ivanova V.V. Why do we need probiotics in pediatric practice. Pediatrics (Suppl. Consilium Medicum). 2018; 4: 50–55.DOI: 10.26442/24138460.2018.4.180104
Медицинскую помощь детскому населению оказывают врачи-педиатры. Основой работы являются профилактика и лечение инфекционных заболеваний. Пробиотики – средство профилактики и терапии респираторных инфекций, инфекционных диарей, инфекций мочевой системы, антибиотикоассоциированных диарей. С помощью использования пробиотиков можно влиять на иммунный ответ при проведении вакцинопрофилактики. В публикации рассмотрена эффективность отдельных пробиотических штаммов и их консорциумов.
Medical care for children is provided by pediatricians. The basis of the work is the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. Probiotics - a means of preventing and treating respiratory infections, infectious diarrhea, urinary tract infections, antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Through the use of probiotics, it is possible to influence the immune response during vaccine prophylaxis. The publication discusses the effectiveness of individual probiotic strains and their consortia.
1. Приказ Министерства труда и социальной защиты Российской Федерации от 27.03.2017 №306н «Об утверждении профессионального стандарта "Врач-педиатр участковый"». / Prikaz Ministerstva truda i sotsial'noi zashchity Rossiiskoi Federatsii ot 27.03.2017 №306n "Ob utverzhdenii professional'nogo standarta "Vrach-pediatr uchastkovyi". [in Russian]
2. Клиническая диетология детского возраста. Руководство для врачей. Под ред. Т.Э.Боровик, К.С.Ладодо. М.: МИА, 2008; с. 606. / Klinicheskaia dietologiia detskogo vozrasta. Rukovodstvo dlia vrachei. Pod red. T.E.Borovik, K.S.Ladodo. M.: MIA, 2008; s. 606. [in Russian]
3. Нутрициология-2040. Горизонты науки глазами ученых. Под ред. В.В.Бессонова, В.Н.Княгинина, М.С.Липецкой. СПб.: Фонд «Центр стратегических разработок "Северо-Запад"», 2017. / Nutritsiologiia-2040. Gorizonty nauki glazami uchenykh. Pod red. V.V.Bessonova, V.N.Kniaginina, M.S.Lipetskoi. SPb.: Fond "Tsentr strategicheskikh razrabotok "Severo-Zapad", 2017. [in Russian]
4. Valles Y, Gosalbes MJ, de Vries LE et al. Metagenomics and development of the gut microbiota in infants. Clin Microbiol Infect 2012; 18 (Suppl. 4): 21–6.
5. О состоянии санитарно-эпидемиологического благополучия населения в Российской Федерации в 2014 году. Государственный доклад. М.: Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере защиты прав потребителей и благополучия человека, 2015. / O sostoianii sanitarno-epidemiologicheskogo blagopoluchiia naseleniia v Rossiiskoi Federatsii v 2014 godu. Gosudarstvennyi doklad. M.: Federal'naia sluzhba po nadzoru v sfere zashchity prav potrebitelei i blagopoluchiia cheloveka, 2015. [in Russian]
6. Guarino A, Ashkenazi Sh, Gendrel D et al. European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition/European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases Evidence-based Guidelines for the Management of Acute Gastroenteritis in Children in Europe: Update 2014. JPGN 2014; 59 (1): 132–52.
7. Acute diarrhea in adults and children: a global perspective. World Gastroenterology Organisation Global Guidelines 2012.
8. Hodson EM, Willis NS, Craig JC. Antibiotics for acute pyelonephritis in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2007 (4): CD003772.
9. Баранов А.А., Намазова-Баранова Л.С., Брико Н.И. и др. Вакцинопрофилактика пневмококковой инфекции у детей. Педиатрич. фармакология. 2015; 12 (5): 550–8. DOI: 10.15690/pf.v12i5.1457 / Baranov A.A., Namazova-Baranova L.S., Briko N.I. i dr. Vaktsinoprofilaktika pnevmokokkovoi infektsii u detei. Pediatrich. farmakologiia. 2015; 12 (5): 550–8. DOI: 10.15690/pf.v12i5.1457 [in Russian]
10. Vaira D, Valik N. Blood, urine, stool, breath, money, and Helicobacter pylori. Gut 2001; 48 (3): 287–9.
11. Белова О.Л., Богословская С.И., Белова И.М. Критическая проблема клинической патогенности Helicobacter pylori в гастроэнтерологии (обзор). Саратовский науч.-мед. журн. 2014; 10 (1): 96–102. / Belova O.L., Bogoslovskaia S.I., Belova I.M. Kriticheskaia problema klinicheskoi patogennosti Helicobacter pylori v gastroenterologii (obzor). Saratovskii nauch.-med. zhurn. 2014; 10 (1): 96–102. [in Russian]
12. Runners-Up. Your microbes, your health. Science 2013; 342 (6165): 1440-1. DOI: 10.1126/science.342.6165.1440-b
13. Science's 2013 Breakthrough of the Year feature, along with news, videos and a podcast is available at news.sciencemag.org/breakthrough- of the year 2013 and http://scim.ag/Breakthrough13
14. Бондаренко В.М., Рябиченко Е.В. Кишечно-мозговая ось. Нейронные и иммуновоспалительные механизмы патологии мозга и кишечника. Журн. микробиологии. 2013; 2: 112–20. / Bondarenko V.M., Riabichenko E.V. Kishechno-mozgovaia os'. Neironnye i immunovospalitel'nye mekhanizmy patologii mozga i kishechnika. Zhurn. mikrobiologii. 2013; 2: 112–20. [in Russian]
15. Шендеров Б.А. Роль питания и кишечной микрофлоры в программировании и реализации эпигенома здоровых и больных людей. Вестн. восстановительной медицины. 2013. Спецвып.; с. 102–7. / Shenderov B.A. Rol' pitaniia i kishechnoi mikroflory v programmirovanii i realizatsii epigenoma zdorovykh i bol'nykh liudei. Vestn. vosstanovitel'noi meditsiny. 2013. Spetsvyp.; s. 102–7. [in Russian]
16. Probiotics and prebiotics. World Gastroenterology Organisation, 2017.
17. Szajewska H, Guarino A, Hojsak I et al. Use of probiotics for management of acute gastroenteritis: a position paper by the ESPGHAN Working Group for Probiotics and Prebiotics. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2014; 58 (4): 531–9.
18. Kirjavainen PV, Ouwehand AC, Isolauri E, Salminen SJ. The ability of probiotic bacteria to bind to human intestinal mucus. FEMS Microbiology Letters 1998; 167: 185–9.
19. Juntunen M, Kirjavainen PV, Ouwehand AC et al. Adherence of probiotic bacteria to human intestinal mucus in healthy infants and during rotavirus infection. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol 2001; 8 (2): 293–6.
20. Захарова И.Н., Дмитриева Ю.А. Штамм-специфические свойства Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12. Эффективная фармакотерапия. 2013; 4: 8–12. / Zakharova I.N., Dmitrieva Iu.A. Shtamm-spetsificheskie svoistva Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12. Effektivnaia farmakoterapiia. 2013; 4: 8–12. [in Russian]
21. Marteau PR, de Vrese M, Cellier CJ, Schrezenmeir J. Protection from gastrointestinal diseases with the use of probiotics Am J Clin Nutr 2001; 73 (2): 430–6.
22. Romond MB, Haddou Z, Mielcareck C, Romond C. Bifidobacteria and human health: regulatory effect of indigenous bifidobacteria on Escherichia coli intestinal colonization. Anaerobe 1997; 3: 131–6. DOI: 10.1006/anae.1997.0089
23. Cheikhyoussef AN, Cheikhyoussef N, Haiqin C, Zhang H. Bifidin I – a new bacteriocin produced by Bifidobacterium infantis BCRC 14602: purification and partial amino acid sequence. Food Control 2010; 21: 746–53. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2009.11.003
24. Ishibashi N, Yaeshima T, Hayasawa H. Bifidobacteria: their significance in human intestinal health. Mal J Nutr 1997; 3: 149–59.
25. Martins FS, Silva AA, Vieira AT et al. Comparative study of Bifidobacterium animalis, Escherichia coli, Lactobacillus casei and Saccharomyces boulardii probiotic properties. Arch Microbiol 2009; 191: 623–30. DOI: 10.1007/s00203-009-0491-x
26. Collado MC, Meriluoto J, Salminen S. Role of commercial probiotic strains against human pathogen adhesion to intestinal mucus. Arch Microbiol 2007; 45: 454–60. DOI: 10.1111/j.1472-765X.2007.02212.x
27. Jacobsen CN, Rosenfeldt Nielsen V, Hayford AE et al. Screening of probiotic activities of forty-seven strains of Lactobacillus spp. by in vitro techniques and evaluation of the colonization ability of five selected strains in humans. Appl Environ Microbiol 1999; 65: 4949–56.
28. Saavedra JM, Bauman NA, Perman JA et al. Feeding of Bifidobacterium bifidum and Streptococcus thermophilus to infants in hospital for prevention of diarrhoea and shedding of rotavirus. Lancet 1994; 344 (8929): 1046–9.
29. Guandalini S, Pensabene L, Zikri M et al. Lactobacillus GG administered in oral rehydration solution to children with acute diarrhea: a multicenter European trial. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2000; 30: 54–60.
30. D'Aimmo MR, Modesto M, Biavati B. Antibiotic resistance of lactic acid bacteria and Bifidobacterium spp. isolated from dairy and pharmaceutical products. Int J Food Microbiol 2007; 115 (1): 35–42. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2006.10.003
31. Chatterjee S, Kar P, Das T et al. Randomised placebo-controlled double blind multicentric trial on efficacy and safety of Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 and Bifidobacterium BB-12 for prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea. J Ass Physic India 2013; 61: 708–12.
32. Forssten SD, Roÿotiö H, Hibberd AA, Ouwehand AC. The effect of polydextrose and probiotic lactobacilli in a infected human colonic model. Microb Ecol Health Dis 2015; 26: 27988. DOI: 10.3402/mehd.v26.27988
33. De Vrese M, Kristen H, Rautenberg P et al. Probiotic lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in a fermented milk product with added fruit preparation reduce antibiotic associated diarrhea and Helicobacter pylori activity. J Dairy Res 2011; 78 (4): 396–403. DOI: 10.1017/S002202991100063X
34. Wang KY, Li SN, Liu CS et al. Effects of ingesting Lactobacillus- and Bifidobacterium-containing yogurt in subjects with colonized Helicobacter pylori. Am J Clin Nutr 2004; 80: 737–74.
35. Sheu BS, Wu JJ, Lo CY et al. Impact of supplement with Lactobacillus- and Bifidobacterium-containing yogurt on triple therapy for Helicobacter pylori eradication. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2002; 16: 1669–75.
36. Bruzzese et al. Randomised clinical trial: a Lactobacillus GG and micronutrient-containing mixture is effective in reducing nosocomial infections in children, vs. placebo Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2016; 44: 568–75.
37. Szajawska H.J. Efficacy of Lactobacillus GG in prevention of nosocomial diarrhea in infants Pediatr 2001; 138: 361–5.
38. Cooper P, Hager C, Vant Hof M. Growth and metabolism of infants born to HIV positive mothers fed whey adapted biologically acidified infant formula with and without probiotics. South African. J Clin Nutr 2007; 34: 234–42.
39. Amaral MA, Guedes GH, Epifanio M et al. Network meta-analysis of probiotics to prevent respiratory infections in children and adolescents. Pediatr Pulmonol 2017.
40. Hao Q, Dong BR, Wu T. Probiotics for preventing acute upper respiratory tract infections. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2015. Issue 2. Art. No.: CD006895. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006895.pub3. www.cochranelibrary.com
41. Chouraqui J, Van Egroo L, Fichot MС. Acidified milk formula supplemented with B. lactis: impact on infant diarrhea in residential care settings. JPGN 2004; 38: 288–92.
42. Gerasimov SV, Ivantsiv VA, Bobryk LM et al. Role of short-term use of L. acidophilus DDS-1 and B. lactis UABLA-12 in acute respiratory infections in children: a randomized controlled trial. Eur J Clin Nutr 2016; 70 (4): 463–9. DOI: 10.1038/ejcn.2015.171
43. Clancy RL, Gleeson M, Cox A et al. Reversal in fatigued athletes of a defect in interferon gamma secretion after administration of Lactobacillus acidophilus. Br J Sports Med 2006; 40 (4): 351–4. DOI: 10.1136/bjsm.2005.024364
44. Rizzardini G, Eskesen D, Calder PC et al. Evaluation of the immune benefits of two probiotic strains Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis, BB-12R and Lactobacillus paracasei ssp. paracasei, L. casei 431R in an influenza vaccination model: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Br J Nutr 2012; 107 (6): 876–84. DOI: 10.1017/S000711451100420X
45. Licciardi PV, Tang ML. Vaccine adjuvant properties of probiotic bacteria. Discov Med 2011; 12 (67): 525–33.
46. Kukkonen K, Nieminen T, Poussa T et al. Effect of probiotics on vaccine antibody responses in infancy – a randomized placebo-controlled double-blind trial. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2006; 17 (6): 416–21.
47. Shim YH, Lee SJ, Lee JW. Antimicrobial activity of lactobacillus strains against uropathogens. Pediatr Int 2016; 58 (10): 1009–13.
48. Lee SJ, Lee JW. Probiotics prophylaxis in infants with primary vesicoureteral reflux. Pediatr Nephrol 2015; 30 (4): 609–13. DOI: 10.1007/s00467-014-2988-z
49. Lee SJ, Cha J, Lee JW. Probiotics prophylaxis in pyelonephritis infants with normal urinary tracts. World J Pediatr 2016; 12 (4): 425–9.
1. Prikaz Ministerstva truda i sotsial'noi zashchity Rossiiskoi Federatsii ot 27.03.2017 №306n "Ob utverzhdenii professional'nogo standarta "Vrach-pediatr uchastkovyi". [in Russian]
2. Klinicheskaia dietologiia detskogo vozrasta. Rukovodstvo dlia vrachei. Pod red. T.E.Borovik, K.S.Ladodo. M.: MIA, 2008; s. 606. [in Russian]
3. Nutritsiologiia-2040. Gorizonty nauki glazami uchenykh. Pod red. V.V.Bessonova, V.N.Kniaginina, M.S.Lipetskoi. SPb.: Fond "Tsentr strategicheskikh razrabotok "Severo-Zapad", 2017. [in Russian]
4. Valles Y, Gosalbes MJ, de Vries LE et al. Metagenomics and development of the gut microbiota in infants. Clin Microbiol Infect 2012; 18 (Suppl. 4): 21–6.
5. O sostoianii sanitarno-epidemiologicheskogo blagopoluchiia naseleniia v Rossiiskoi Federatsii v 2014 godu. Gosudarstvennyi doklad. M.: Federal'naia sluzhba po nadzoru v sfere zashchity prav potrebitelei i blagopoluchiia cheloveka, 2015. [in Russian]
6. Guarino A, Ashkenazi Sh, Gendrel D et al. European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition/European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases Evidence-based Guidelines for the Management of Acute Gastroenteritis in Children in Europe: Update 2014. JPGN 2014; 59 (1): 132–52.
7. Acute diarrhea in adults and children: a global perspective. World Gastroenterology Organisation Global Guidelines 2012.
8. Hodson EM, Willis NS, Craig JC. Antibiotics for acute pyelonephritis in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2007 (4): CD003772.
9. Baranov A.A., Namazova-Baranova L.S., Briko N.I. i dr. Vaktsinoprofilaktika pnevmokokkovoi infektsii u detei. Pediatrich. farmakologiia. 2015; 12 (5): 550–8. DOI: 10.15690/pf.v12i5.1457 [in Russian]
10. Vaira D, Valik N. Blood, urine, stool, breath, money, and Helicobacter pylori. Gut 2001; 48 (3): 287–9.
11. Belova O.L., Bogoslovskaia S.I., Belova I.M. Kriticheskaia problema klinicheskoi patogennosti Helicobacter pylori v gastroenterologii (obzor). Saratovskii nauch.-med. zhurn. 2014; 10 (1): 96–102. [in Russian]
12. Runners-Up. Your microbes, your health. Science 2013; 342 (6165): 1440-1. DOI: 10.1126/science.342.6165.1440-b
13. Science's 2013 Breakthrough of the Year feature, along with news, videos and a podcast is available at news.sciencemag.org/breakthrough- of the year 2013 and http://scim.ag/Breakthrough13
14. Bondarenko V.M., Riabichenko E.V. Kishechno-mozgovaia os'. Neironnye i immunovospalitel'nye mekhanizmy patologii mozga i kishechnika. Zhurn. mikrobiologii. 2013; 2: 112–20. [in Russian]
15. Shenderov B.A. Rol' pitaniia i kishechnoi mikroflory v programmirovanii i realizatsii epigenoma zdorovykh i bol'nykh liudei. Vestn. vosstanovitel'noi meditsiny. 2013. Spetsvyp.; s. 102–7. [in Russian]
16. Probiotics and prebiotics. World Gastroenterology Organisation, 2017.
17. Szajewska H, Guarino A, Hojsak I et al. Use of probiotics for management of acute gastroenteritis: a position paper by the ESPGHAN Working Group for Probiotics and Prebiotics. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2014; 58 (4): 531–9.
18. Kirjavainen PV, Ouwehand AC, Isolauri E, Salminen SJ. The ability of probiotic bacteria to bind to human intestinal mucus. FEMS Microbiology Letters 1998; 167: 185–9.
19. Juntunen M, Kirjavainen PV, Ouwehand AC et al. Adherence of probiotic bacteria to human intestinal mucus in healthy infants and during rotavirus infection. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol 2001; 8 (2): 293–6.
20. Zakharova I.N., Dmitrieva Iu.A. Shtamm-spetsificheskie svoistva Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12. Effektivnaia farmakoterapiia. 2013; 4: 8–12. [in Russian]
21. Marteau PR, de Vrese M, Cellier CJ, Schrezenmeir J. Protection from gastrointestinal diseases with the use of probiotics Am J Clin Nutr 2001; 73 (2): 430–6.
22. Romond MB, Haddou Z, Mielcareck C, Romond C. Bifidobacteria and human health: regulatory effect of indigenous bifidobacteria on Escherichia coli intestinal colonization. Anaerobe 1997; 3: 131–6. DOI: 10.1006/anae.1997.0089
23. Cheikhyoussef AN, Cheikhyoussef N, Haiqin C, Zhang H. Bifidin I – a new bacteriocin produced by Bifidobacterium infantis BCRC 14602: purification and partial amino acid sequence. Food Control 2010; 21: 746–53. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2009.11.003
24. Ishibashi N, Yaeshima T, Hayasawa H. Bifidobacteria: their significance in human intestinal health. Mal J Nutr 1997; 3: 149–59.
25. Martins FS, Silva AA, Vieira AT et al. Comparative study of Bifidobacterium animalis, Escherichia coli, Lactobacillus casei and Saccharomyces boulardii probiotic properties. Arch Microbiol 2009; 191: 623–30. DOI: 10.1007/s00203-009-0491-x
26. Collado MC, Meriluoto J, Salminen S. Role of commercial probiotic strains against human pathogen adhesion to intestinal mucus. Arch Microbiol 2007; 45: 454–60. DOI: 10.1111/j.1472-765X.2007.02212.x
27. Jacobsen CN, Rosenfeldt Nielsen V, Hayford AE et al. Screening of probiotic activities of forty-seven strains of Lactobacillus spp. by in vitro techniques and evaluation of the colonization ability of five selected strains in humans. Appl Environ Microbiol 1999; 65: 4949–56.
28. Saavedra JM, Bauman NA, Perman JA et al. Feeding of Bifidobacterium bifidum and Streptococcus thermophilus to infants in hospital for prevention of diarrhoea and shedding of rotavirus. Lancet 1994; 344 (8929): 1046–9.
29. Guandalini S, Pensabene L, Zikri M et al. Lactobacillus GG administered in oral rehydration solution to children with acute diarrhea: a multicenter European trial. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2000; 30: 54–60.
30. D'Aimmo MR, Modesto M, Biavati B. Antibiotic resistance of lactic acid bacteria and Bifidobacterium spp. isolated from dairy and pharmaceutical products. Int J Food Microbiol 2007; 115 (1): 35–42. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2006.10.003
31. Chatterjee S, Kar P, Das T et al. Randomised placebo-controlled double blind multicentric trial on efficacy and safety of Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 and Bifidobacterium BB-12 for prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea. J Ass Physic India 2013; 61: 708–12.
32. Forssten SD, Roÿotiö H, Hibberd AA, Ouwehand AC. The effect of polydextrose and probiotic lactobacilli in a infected human colonic model. Microb Ecol Health Dis 2015; 26: 27988. DOI: 10.3402/mehd.v26.27988
33. De Vrese M, Kristen H, Rautenberg P et al. Probiotic lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in a fermented milk product with added fruit preparation reduce antibiotic associated diarrhea and Helicobacter pylori activity. J Dairy Res 2011; 78 (4): 396–403. DOI: 10.1017/S002202991100063X
34. Wang KY, Li SN, Liu CS et al. Effects of ingesting Lactobacillus- and Bifidobacterium-containing yogurt in subjects with colonized Helicobacter pylori. Am J Clin Nutr 2004; 80: 737–74.
35. Sheu BS, Wu JJ, Lo CY et al. Impact of supplement with Lactobacillus- and Bifidobacterium-containing yogurt on triple therapy for Helicobacter pylori eradication. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2002; 16: 1669–75.
36. Bruzzese et al. Randomised clinical trial: a Lactobacillus GG and micronutrient-containing mixture is effective in reducing nosocomial infections in children, vs. placebo Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2016; 44: 568–75.
37. Szajawska H.J. Efficacy of Lactobacillus GG in prevention of nosocomial diarrhea in infants Pediatr 2001; 138: 361–5.
38. Cooper P, Hager C, Vant Hof M. Growth and metabolism of infants born to HIV positive mothers fed whey adapted biologically acidified infant formula with and without probiotics. South African. J Clin Nutr 2007; 34: 234–42.
39. Amaral MA, Guedes GH, Epifanio M et al. Network meta-analysis of probiotics to prevent respiratory infections in children and adolescents. Pediatr Pulmonol 2017.
40. Hao Q, Dong BR, Wu T. Probiotics for preventing acute upper respiratory tract infections. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2015. Issue 2. Art. No.: CD006895. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006895.pub3. www.cochranelibrary.com
41. Chouraqui J, Van Egroo L, Fichot MС. Acidified milk formula supplemented with B. lactis: impact on infant diarrhea in residential care settings. JPGN 2004; 38: 288–92.
42. Gerasimov SV, Ivantsiv VA, Bobryk LM et al. Role of short-term use of L. acidophilus DDS-1 and B. lactis UABLA-12 in acute respiratory infections in children: a randomized controlled trial. Eur J Clin Nutr 2016; 70 (4): 463–9. DOI: 10.1038/ejcn.2015.171
43. Clancy RL, Gleeson M, Cox A et al. Reversal in fatigued athletes of a defect in interferon gamma secretion after administration of Lactobacillus acidophilus. Br J Sports Med 2006; 40 (4): 351–4. DOI: 10.1136/bjsm.2005.024364
44. Rizzardini G, Eskesen D, Calder PC et al. Evaluation of the immune benefits of two probiotic strains Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis, BB-12R and Lactobacillus paracasei ssp. paracasei, L. casei 431R in an influenza vaccination model: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Br J Nutr 2012; 107 (6): 876–84. DOI: 10.1017/S000711451100420X
45. Licciardi PV, Tang ML. Vaccine adjuvant properties of probiotic bacteria. Discov Med 2011; 12 (67): 525–33.
46. Kukkonen K, Nieminen T, Poussa T et al. Effect of probiotics on vaccine antibody responses in infancy – a randomized placebo-controlled double-blind trial. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2006; 17 (6): 416–21.
47. Shim YH, Lee SJ, Lee JW. Antimicrobial activity of lactobacillus strains against uropathogens. Pediatr Int 2016; 58 (10): 1009–13.
48. Lee SJ, Lee JW. Probiotics prophylaxis in infants with primary vesicoureteral reflux. Pediatr Nephrol 2015; 30 (4): 609–13. DOI: 10.1007/s00467-014-2988-z
49. Lee SJ, Cha J, Lee JW. Probiotics prophylaxis in pyelonephritis infants with normal urinary tracts. World J Pediatr 2016; 12 (4): 425–9.
М.К.Бехтерева*1,2, В.В.Иванова1
1 ФГБУ «Детский научно-клинический центр инфекционных болезней» ФМБА России. 197022, Россия,
Санкт-Петербург, ул. Профессора Попова, д. 9;
2 ФГБОУ ВО «Санкт-Петербургский государственный педиатрический медицинский университет»
Минздрава России. 194100, Россия, Санкт-Петербург, Литовская ул., д. 2
M.K.Bekhtereva*1,2, V.V.Ivanova1
1 Children's Scientific and Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases. 197022, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg,
ul. Professora Popova, d. 9;
2 Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
194100, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Litovskaia ul., d. 2