Исторические аспекты применения козьего молока как продукта питания для детей раннего возраста
Исторические аспекты применения козьего молока как продукта питания для детей раннего возраста
Захарова И.Н., Пупыкина В.В. Исторические аспекты применения козьего молока как продукта питания для детей раннего возраста. Педиатрия. Consilium Medicum. 2024;2:145–151.
DOI: 10.26442/26586630.2024.2.202936
Zakharova IN, Pupykina VV. Historical aspects of the use of goat’s milk as a food product for young children: A review. Pediatrics. Consilium Medicum. 2024;2:145–151. DOI: 10.26442/26586630.2024.2.202936
Исторические аспекты применения козьего молока как продукта питания для детей раннего возраста
Захарова И.Н., Пупыкина В.В. Исторические аспекты применения козьего молока как продукта питания для детей раннего возраста. Педиатрия. Consilium Medicum. 2024;2:145–151.
DOI: 10.26442/26586630.2024.2.202936
Zakharova IN, Pupykina VV. Historical aspects of the use of goat’s milk as a food product for young children: A review. Pediatrics. Consilium Medicum. 2024;2:145–151. DOI: 10.26442/26586630.2024.2.202936
Козье молоко (КМ) на протяжении тысячелетий являлось ценным продуктом питания для детей и взрослых во всем мире и применялось как важный элемент здорового питания и исцеления. В статье приведены сведения из работ древнегреческих и древнеримских ученых, таких как Гиппократ, Гален, а также из традиционной китайской и арабской медицины, в частности из трудов Ли Шичжэна и Авиценны, подтверждающие значимость КМ. Отечественными и зарубежными учеными показана возможность использования КМ не только как альтернативы материнскому молоку, но и как высокоэффективного средства для укрепления здоровья. Функциональный состав КМ обеспечивает возможность создания смесей, максимально приближенных к грудному молоку, которые могут применяться в качестве источника питания детей при отсутствии грудного вскармливания.
Goat milk (GM) has been a valuable food product for children and adults all over the world for thousands of years and has been used as an important element of healthy nutrition and healing. The article provides information confirming the importance of GM, which is described in the studies of ancient greek and roman scientists (Hippocrates, Galen), in traditional chinese and arabic medicine (the works of Li Shizheng and Avicenna). The works of domestic and foreign scientists also show the possibility of using GM not only as an alternative to breast milk, but also as a highly effective means for strengthening health. The functional composition of GM makes it possible to create mixtures as close as possible to breast milk, which can be used as a source of nutrition for children in the absence of breastfeeding.
Keywords: goat’s milk, history, children, nutrition, infant formula
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31. Tsabouri S, Douros K, Priftis KN. Cow’s milk allergenicity. Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug Targets. 2014;14(1):16-26. DOI:10.2174/1871530314666140121144224
32. Roncada P, Piras C, Soggiu A, et al. Farm animal milk proteomics. J Proteomics. 2012;75(14):4259-74. DOI:10.1016/j.jprot.2012.05.028
33. Zhang K, Zhang LN, Zhou RY, et al. Cow’s milk alpha(S1)-casein is more sensitizing than goat’s milk alpha(S1)-casein in a mouse model. Food Funct. 2022;13:6484-97
1. Dunne J, Rebay-Salisbury K, Salisbury RB, et al. Milk of ruminants in ceramic baby bottles from prehistoric child graves. Nature. 2019;574(7777):246-8.
2. Martin R. Kak my delaem eto. Evoliutsiia i budushchee reproduktivnogo povedeniia cheloveka. Moscow: Al’pina nonfikshn, 2016 (in Russian).
3. Zakharova IN, Sugian NG, Kosareva AА, German NV, Orobinskaia IV, Pupykina VV. Motherhood and infant feeding: Historical aspects and current practice: A review. Pediatrics. Consilium Medicum. 2022;4:277-84 (in Russian). DOI:10.26442/26586630.2022.4.201762
4. Makarova IV. Koz’e moloko dlia zdorov’ia, dolgoletiia i krasoty. Sovety opytnogo doktora dlia vzroslykh i malyshei. Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf, 2015 (in Russian).
5. Frolova NI, Buldakova LR. Elixir of Health. Prakticheskaya diyetologiya. 2012;3:58-63 (in Russian).
6. Urusov SP. Kniga o koze. 2005 (in Russian).
7. Blackham RJ, Lond DPHR CPS, Capitan RAMC. Goat’s milk for infants. Br Med J. 1906;168(4330):552. DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(01)30995-9
8. Urusov SP. Koza i znachenie ee v sel’skokhoziaistvennom zhivotnovodstve. 1903 (in Russian).
9. Zhuk VN. Mat’ i Ditia. Zhivoe moloko. Saint Petersburg. 1906 (in Russian).
10. Kazyukova TV, Ilyenko LI, Kotlukov VK. Goat milk in nutrition of infants and young children. Pediatria. 2017;96(1):75-82 (in Russian).
11. Korneeva EF. Kozy. Izdaniia Komissii kozovodstva. 1915 (in Russian).
12. Veremenko VA. Children in the noble families of Russia (the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries). Vestnik Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. A.S. Pushkina. 2012;4(3):18-31 (in Russian).
13. Skidan IN, Gulyaev AE, Zelenkin IV, Skidan TN. Histirical journey to infant feeding. Voprosy pitaniya = Problems of Nutrition. 2014;83(2):68-78 (in Russian).
14. Petrova MA, Makhkamov GM. O koz’em moloke. Koz’e moloko kak pishchevoe i lechebnoe sredstvo. Tashkent. 1959 (in Russian).
15. Zakharova IN, Kholodova IN, Nechaeva VV. Goat milk infant formula: are there benefits? Meditsinskiy sovet = Medical Council. 2016;(16):22-6 (in Russian).
16. FSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA); Scientific Opinion on the suitability of goat milk protein as a source of protein in infant formulae and in follow-on formulae. EFSA Journal. 2012;3(10):18. DOI:10.2903/j.efsa.2012.2603
17. Hodgkinson AJ, Wallace OAM, Boggs I, Broadhurst M, Prosser CG. Gastric digestion of cow and goat milk: impact of infant and young child in vitro digestion conditions. Food Chem. 2018;245:275-81. DOI:10.1016/j.foodchem. 2017.10.028
18. Van Leeuwen SS, Te Poele EM, Chatziioannou AC, et al. Goat Milk Oligosaccharides: Their Diversity, Quantity, and Functional Properties in Comparison to Human Milk Oligosaccharides. J Agric Food Chem. 2020;68(47):13469-85. DOI:10.1021/acs.jafc.0c03766
19. Gallier S, Tolenaars L, Prosser C. Whole Goat Milk as a Source of Fat and Milk Fat Globule Membrane in Infant Formula. Nutrients. 2020;12(11):3486. DOI:10.3390/nu12113486
20. Han Y, Chang EY, Kim J, et al. Association of infant feeding practices in the general population with infant growth and stool characteristics. Nutr Res Pract. 2011;5(4):308-12. DOI:10.4162/nrp.2011.5.4.308
21. Tannock GW, Lawley B, Munro K, et al. Comparison of the compositions of the stool microbiotas of infants fed goat milk formula, cow milk-based formula, or breast milk. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2013;79(9):3040-8. DOI:10.1128/AEM.03910-12
22. Denisova SN, Belitskaya MYu, Sentsova TB, et al. Clinical efficacy of goat’s milk-based formulas containing prebiotics in the feeding of infants with functional indigestion. Rossiyskiy Vestnik Perinatologii i Pediatrii = Russian Bulletin of Perinatology and Pediatrics. 2014;59(6):114-9 (in Russian). DOI:10.21508/1027-4065-2014-59-6-142-144
23. Belousova OYu, Ganzii EB. Experience of using Nanny-1 formula with prebiotics in children of the first six months of life with functional constipation. Zdorov’e rebenka. 2018;13(S1):7-15 (in Russian). DOI:10.22141/2224-0551.13.0.2018.131171
24. Grosheva EV, Zubkov VV, Gorodnova EA, et al. The choice of enteral nutrition for full-term newborns in conditions of delayed lactogenesis from the standpoint of understanding the functional features of the gastrointestinal tract in the neonatal period. Neonatologiya: novosti, mneniya, obuchenie = Neonatology: News, Opinions, Training. 2022;10(4):17-27 (in Russian). DOI:10.33029/2308-2402-2022-10-4-17-27
25. Filippova OV. Choice of infant formulas containing goat milk in routine clinical practice. Voprosy prakticheskoi pediatrii. 2021;16(4): 74-82 (in Russian).
26. Malanicheva TG, Agafonova EV, Kuznetsova OYu. Role of functional nutrition in reducing the incidence of acute respiratory infections in children. Voprosy detskoj dietologii. 2023;21(1):14-25 (in Russian). DOI:10.20953/1727-5784-2023-1-14-25
27. Jung C, González Serrano A, Batard C, et al. Whole Goat Milk-Based Formula versus Whey-Based Cow Milk Formula: What Formula Do Infants Enjoy More? – A Feasibility, Double-Blind, Randomized Controlled Trial. Nutrients. 2023;15(18):4057. DOI:10.3390/nu15184057
28. Tutel’ian VA, Kon’ IIa. Detskoe pitanie. Rukovodstvo dlia vrachei. 4-e izd. Moscow: Meditsinskoe formatsionnoe agentstvo, 2017 (in Russian).
29. Meyrand M, Dallas DC, Caillat H, et al. Comparison of milk oligosaccharides between goats with and without the genetic ability to synthesize α(s1)-casein. Small Rumin Res. 2013;113(2-3):411-20. DOI:10.1016/j.smallrumres.2013.03.014
30. Giorgio D, Di Trana A., Claps S. Oligosaccharides, polyamines and sphingolipids in ruminant milk. Small Rumin Res. 2018;160:23-30. DOI:10.1016/j.smallrumres.2018.01.006
31. Tsabouri S, Douros K, Priftis KN. Cow’s milk allergenicity. Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug Targets. 2014;14(1):16-26. DOI:10.2174/1871530314666140121144224
32. Roncada P, Piras C, Soggiu A, et al. Farm animal milk proteomics. J Proteomics. 2012;75(14):4259-74. DOI:10.1016/j.jprot.2012.05.028
33. Zhang K, Zhang LN, Zhou RY, et al. Cow’s milk alpha(S1)-casein is more sensitizing than goat’s milk alpha(S1)-casein in a mouse model. Food Funct. 2022;13:6484-97
И.Н. Захарова*, В.В. Пупыкина
ФГБОУ ДПО «Российская медицинская академия непрерывного профессионального образования» Минздрава России, Москва, Россия
Irina N. Zakharova*, Viktoria V. Pupykina
Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education, Moscow, Russia