В обзоре отражены результаты применения верапамила (препарат Изоптин® СР) пролонгированного действия в клинической практике. Многочисленные рандомизированные клинические исследования подтверждают высокую эффективность и безопасность применения препарата Изоптин® СР при артериальной гипертонии, а также у пациентов с артериальной гипертонией в сочетании с ишемической болезнью сердца, хроническими обструктивными заболеваниями легких, нарушениями углеводного и липидного обмена. Доказано преимущество применения препарата Изоптин® СР (верапамил) при наджелудочковых нарушениях сердечного ритма.
The review shows the results of the use of prolonged release verapamil (Isoptin® SR) in clinical practice. Numerous randomized clinical studies confirm the high efficiency and safety of Isoptin® SR in patients with arterial hypertension, as well as in patients with arterial hypertension in combination with ischaemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseasesand disorders of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. The advantage of Isoptin® SR (verapamil) application in case of supraventricular arrhythmias has been proven.
1. Чазова И.Е., Жернакова Ю.В. Блокаторы кальциевых каналов: более 50 лет на страже здоровья. Системные гипертензии. 2015; 12 (12): 49–56. / Chazova I.E., Zhernakova Iu.V. Blokatory kal'tsievykh kanalov: bolee 50 let na strazhe zdorov'ia. Systemic Hypertension. 2015; 12 (12): 49–56. [in Russian]
2. Furberg CD, Psaty BM, Meyer JV. Nifedipine: Dose-related increase in mortality in patients with coronary heart disease. Circulation 1995; 92 (5): 1326–31.
3. Lee SH, Yu WC, Cheng JJ et al. Effect of verapamil on long-term tachycardia – induced atrial electrical remodeling. Circulation 2000; 101: 200–6.
4. Leistad E, Alknes G, Verburg E et al. Atrial contractile dysfunction after short-term atrial fibrillation is reduced by verapamil but increased by BAY K 8644. Circulation 1996; 93: 1736–54.
5. Lefrandt JD, Heitmann J, Sevre K et al. The effects of dihydropyridine and phenylalkylamine calcium antagonist classes on autonomic function in hypertension: the VAMPHYRE study. Am J Hypertens 2001; 14: 1083–9.
6. Harris DCH, Hammond WS, Bure TJ et al. Verapamil protects against progression of experimental chronic renal failure. Kidney Int 1987; 31: 41–6.
7. Bacris GZ, Copley JB, Vicknair N et al. Verapamil SR has similar nephroprotective properties to lisinopril and is significantly better in comparison to atenolol. Kidney International 1996; 50: 1641–59.
8. Stadler P, Leonardi L, Riesen W et al. Cardiovascular effects of verapamil in essential hypertension. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1987; 42: 485–92.
9. Speders S, Sosna J, Schumacher A et al. Efficacy and tolerability of Isoptin SR in essential hypertension. Hochdruck 1988; 8: 3–14.
10. EVEREST’H – Evaluation of Verapamil for Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability in the management of Hypertension. Multicentre trial of the antihypertensive efficacy and safety of Verapamil SR. Act Med Int 1990; 2: 3–7.
11. Кукес В.Г., Красных Л.М., Теплоногова Е.В. Применение Изоптина SR в лечении артериальной гипертонии. Клин. фармакология и терапия. 1999; 8: 51–2. / Kukes V.G., Krasnykh L.M., Teplonogova E.V. Primenenie Izoptina SR v lechenii arterial'noi gipertonii. Klin. farmakologiia i terapiia. 1999; 8: 51–2. [in Russian]
12. Grossman E, Messerli FH. Effect of calcium antagonists on plasma norepinerhrine levels, heart rate and blood pressure. Am J Cardiol 1997; 80: 1453–8.
13. Zachariah P, Sheps S, Oshrain C et al. Antihypertensive efficacy of sustained-release verapamil. J Clin Hypertens 1987; 3: 536–46.
14. Speders S, Sosna J, Schumacher A et al. Efficacy and safety of verapamil SR 240 mg in essential hypertension: results of a multicentric phase IV study. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1989; 13 (Suppl. 4): S.47–S.49.
15. Cummings JM, Amadlio P, Nelson L. The role of calcium channel blocker in the treatment of essential hypertension. Arch Intern Med 1991; 151: 250–9.
16. Маколкин В.И. Изоптин СР 240 – эффективный антигипертензивный и антиишемический препарат. Артериальная гипертензия. 2006; 3: 233–6. / Makolkin V.I. Izoptin SR 240 – effektivnyi antigipertenzivnyi i antiishemicheskii preparat. Arterial'naia gipertenziia. 2006; 3: 233–6. [in Russian]
17. Hla K, Henry J, Latham A. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of two formulations of verapamil. Br J Clin Pharmacol 1987; 24: 661–4.
18. Weinberger MH. The relationship of sodium balance and concomitant diuretic therapy to blood pressure response with calcium channel entry blockers. Am J Med 1991; 90 (Suppl. 5A): S.15–S.20.
19. Weir M, Lavin P. Comparison of the efficacy and tolerability of lisinopril and sustained – release verapamil in older patients with hypertension. Clin Ther 1991; 13 (3): 401–8.
20. Rubio-Guerra AF, Vargas-Robles H, Vargas-Ayala G et al. The effect of trandolapril and its fixed-dose combination with verapamil on circulating adhesion molecules levels in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes. Clin Exp Hypertens 2008; 30 (7): 685–8.
21. Манукян А.В., Сидоренкова Н.Б., Лаврентьев А.В. Влияние пролонгированных антагонистов кальция на циркадианный и ультрадианный ритмы артериального давления больных с артериальной гипертонией высокого риска. Фармакология. 2006; 7 (9): 228–35. / Manukian A.V., Sidorenkova N.B., Lavrent'ev A.V. Vliianie prolongirovannykh antagonistov kal'tsiia na tsirkadiannyi i ul'tradiannyi ritmy arterial'nogo davleniia bol'nykh s arterial'noi gipertoniei vysokogo riska. Farmakologiia. 2006; 7 (9): 228–35. [in Russian]
22. Schmieder RE, Messerli FH, Garavaglia GE et al. Cardiovascular effects of verapamil in patients with essential hypertension. Circulation 1987; 75 (5): 1030–6.
23. Granier P, Douste-Blazy M, Tredez P et al. Improvement in left ventricular hypertrophy and left ventricular diastolic function following verapamil therapy in mild to moderate hypertension. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1990; 39 (Suppl. 1): S.45–S.46.
24. Van Merode T, Van Bortel L, Smeets FA et al. The effect of verapamil on carotid artery distensability and cross-sectional compliance in hypertensive patients. J Cardiovase Pharmacol 1990; 1: 109–13.
25. Breithaupt-Grogler K, Gerhardt G, Lehmann G et al. Blood pressure and aortic elastic properties-verapamil SR/trandolapril compared a metoprolol/hydrochlorothiazide combination therapy. Int J Clin Pharm Ther 1998; 36: 425–31.
26. Ferrari R, Cuchtnt K, Bobgneti R et al. How do calcium antagonists differ in clinical practice? Cardiovasc Drug Therapy 1994; 8 (Suppl. 3): S.566–S.575.
27. Pepine C, Handberg E, Cooper-De-Hoff R et al. A calcium antagonist vs a non-calcium antagonist hypertension treatment strategy for patients with coronary artery disease. The International Verapamil-Trandolapril Study (INVEST): A Randomized Controlled Trial. JAMA 2003; 290: 2805–16.
28. Pallone NM. Effect of calcium antagonists in the treatment of silent ischemic heart disease. Curr Ther Res 1989; 45: 339–46.
29. Rehnqvist N, Hjemdahl P, Billing E et al. Effect of metoprolol vs verapamil in patients with stable angina pectoris. The Angina Prognosis Study in Stockholm (APSIS). Eur Heart J 1996; 17: 76–81.
30. The Danish Verapamil Infarction Trial II – DAVIT II: Effect of verapamil on mortality and maior events after acute myocardial infarction. Am J Cardiol 1990; 66: 331–401.
31. Rengo F, Carbonin P, Pahor M et al. A controlled Trial of verapamil inpatients after acute myocardial infarction: results of the Calcium Antagonist Reinfarction Italian Study (CRIS). Am J Cardiol 1996; 77: 365–9.
32. Hoberg E, Dietz R, Frees U et al. Verapamil treatment after coronary angioplasty in patients at high risk of recurrent stenosis. Br Heart J 1994; 71: 254–60.
33. Задионченко В.С., Адашева Т.В., Жилова Е.В. и соавт. Клинико-функциональные особенности артериальной гипертонии у больных хроническим обструктивным заболеванием легких. РМЖ. 2003; 9: 535–8. / Zadionchenko V.S., Adasheva T.V., Zhilova E.V. i soavt. Kliniko-funktsional'nye osobennosti arterial'noi gipertonii u bol'nykh khronicheskim obstruktivnym zabolevaniem legkikh. RMZh. 2003; 9: 535–8. [in Russian]
34. Дворецкий Л.И. Клинические рекомендации по ведению больных ХОБЛ в сочетании с артериальной гипертонией и другой патологией. РМЖ. 2005; 13: 672–5. / Dvoretskii L.I. Klinicheskie rekomendatsii po vedeniiu bol'nykh KhOBL v sochetanii s arterial'noi gipertoniei i drugoi patologiei. RMZh. 2005; 13: 672–5. [in Russian]
35. Карпов Ю.А., Сорокин Е.В. Особенности лечения артериальной гипертонии при хронических обструктивных заболеваниях легких. РМЖ. 2003; 19: 1048–51. / Karpov Iu.A., Sorokin E.V. Osobennosti lecheniia arterial'noi gipertonii pri khronicheskikh obstruktivnykh zabolevaniiakh legkikh. RMZh. 2003; 19: 1048–51. [in Russian]
36. Andersson D, Rojdmark S. Improvement of glucose tolerance by verapamil in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Acta Med Scand 1981; 210 (1–2): 27–33.
37. Libretti A, Catalano M. Lipid profile during antihypertensive treatment. The SLIP Study Group: Study on Lipids with Isoptin Press. Drugs 1993; 46 (Suppl. 2): S.16–S.23.
38. Rosei E, Dal Palu C, Leonetti G et al. Clinical results of the Verapamil in Hypertension and Atherosclerosis Study (VHAS). J Hypertension 1997; 15: 1337–44.
39. Echizen H, Eichelbaum M. Clinical Pharmacokinetics of verapamil, nifedipine and diltiazem. Clin Pharmacokinetics 1986; 11: 425–49.
1. Chazova I.E., Zhernakova Iu.V. Blokatory kal'tsievykh kanalov: bolee 50 let na strazhe zdorov'ia. Systemic Hypertension. 2015; 12 (12): 49–56. [in Russian]
2. Furberg CD, Psaty BM, Meyer JV. Nifedipine: Dose-related increase in mortality in patients with coronary heart disease. Circulation 1995; 92 (5): 1326–31.
3. Lee SH, Yu WC, Cheng JJ et al. Effect of verapamil on long-term tachycardia – induced atrial electrical remodeling. Circulation 2000; 101: 200–6.
4. Leistad E, Alknes G, Verburg E et al. Atrial contractile dysfunction after short-term atrial fibrillation is reduced by verapamil but increased by BAY K 8644. Circulation 1996; 93: 1736–54.
5. Lefrandt JD, Heitmann J, Sevre K et al. The effects of dihydropyridine and phenylalkylamine calcium antagonist classes on autonomic function in hypertension: the VAMPHYRE study. Am J Hypertens 2001; 14: 1083–9.
6. Harris DCH, Hammond WS, Bure TJ et al. Verapamil protects against progression of experimental chronic renal failure. Kidney Int 1987; 31: 41–6.
7. Bacris GZ, Copley JB, Vicknair N et al. Verapamil SR has similar nephroprotective properties to lisinopril and is significantly better in comparison to atenolol. Kidney International 1996; 50: 1641–59.
8. Stadler P, Leonardi L, Riesen W et al. Cardiovascular effects of verapamil in essential hypertension. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1987; 42: 485–92.
9. Speders S, Sosna J, Schumacher A et al. Efficacy and tolerability of Isoptin SR in essential hypertension. Hochdruck 1988; 8: 3–14.
10. EVEREST’H – Evaluation of Verapamil for Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability in the management of Hypertension. Multicentre trial of the antihypertensive efficacy and safety of Verapamil SR. Act Med Int 1990; 2: 3–7.
11. Kukes V.G., Krasnykh L.M., Teplonogova E.V. Primenenie Izoptina SR v lechenii arterial'noi gipertonii. Klin. farmakologiia i terapiia. 1999; 8: 51–2. [in Russian]
12. Grossman E, Messerli FH. Effect of calcium antagonists on plasma norepinerhrine levels, heart rate and blood pressure. Am J Cardiol 1997; 80: 1453–8.
13. Zachariah P, Sheps S, Oshrain C et al. Antihypertensive efficacy of sustained-release verapamil. J Clin Hypertens 1987; 3: 536–46.
14. Speders S, Sosna J, Schumacher A et al. Efficacy and safety of verapamil SR 240 mg in essential hypertension: results of a multicentric phase IV study. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1989; 13 (Suppl. 4): S.47–S.49.
15. Cummings JM, Amadlio P, Nelson L. The role of calcium channel blocker in the treatment of essential hypertension. Arch Intern Med 1991; 151: 250–9.
16. Makolkin V.I. Izoptin SR 240 – effektivnyi antigipertenzivnyi i antiishemicheskii preparat. Arterial'naia gipertenziia. 2006; 3: 233–6. [in Russian]
17. Hla K, Henry J, Latham A. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of two formulations of verapamil. Br J Clin Pharmacol 1987; 24: 661–4.
18. Weinberger MH. The relationship of sodium balance and concomitant diuretic therapy to blood pressure response with calcium channel entry blockers. Am J Med 1991; 90 (Suppl. 5A): S.15–S.20.
19. Weir M, Lavin P. Comparison of the efficacy and tolerability of lisinopril and sustained – release verapamil in older patients with hypertension. Clin Ther 1991; 13 (3): 401–8.
20. Rubio-Guerra AF, Vargas-Robles H, Vargas-Ayala G et al. The effect of trandolapril and its fixed-dose combination with verapamil on circulating adhesion molecules levels in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes. Clin Exp Hypertens 2008; 30 (7): 685–8.
21. Manukian A.V., Sidorenkova N.B., Lavrent'ev A.V. Vliianie prolongirovannykh antagonistov kal'tsiia na tsirkadiannyi i ul'tradiannyi ritmy arterial'nogo davleniia bol'nykh s arterial'noi gipertoniei vysokogo riska. Farmakologiia. 2006; 7 (9): 228–35. [in Russian]
22. Schmieder RE, Messerli FH, Garavaglia GE et al. Cardiovascular effects of verapamil in patients with essential hypertension. Circulation 1987; 75 (5): 1030–6.
23. Granier P, Douste-Blazy M, Tredez P et al. Improvement in left ventricular hypertrophy and left ventricular diastolic function following verapamil therapy in mild to moderate hypertension. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1990; 39 (Suppl. 1): S.45–S.46.
24. Van Merode T, Van Bortel L, Smeets FA et al. The effect of verapamil on carotid artery distensability and cross-sectional compliance in hypertensive patients. J Cardiovase Pharmacol 1990; 1: 109–13.
25. Breithaupt-Grogler K, Gerhardt G, Lehmann G et al. Blood pressure and aortic elastic properties-verapamil SR/trandolapril compared a metoprolol/hydrochlorothiazide combination therapy. Int J Clin Pharm Ther 1998; 36: 425–31.
26. Ferrari R, Cuchtnt K, Bobgneti R et al. How do calcium antagonists differ in clinical practice? Cardiovasc Drug Therapy 1994; 8 (Suppl. 3): S.566–S.575.
27. Pepine C, Handberg E, Cooper-De-Hoff R et al. A calcium antagonist vs a non-calcium antagonist hypertension treatment strategy for patients with coronary artery disease. The International Verapamil-Trandolapril Study (INVEST): A Randomized Controlled Trial. JAMA 2003; 290: 2805–16.
28. Pallone NM. Effect of calcium antagonists in the treatment of silent ischemic heart disease. Curr Ther Res 1989; 45: 339–46.
29. Rehnqvist N, Hjemdahl P, Billing E et al. Effect of metoprolol vs verapamil in patients with stable angina pectoris. The Angina Prognosis Study in Stockholm (APSIS). Eur Heart J 1996; 17: 76–81.
30. The Danish Verapamil Infarction Trial II – DAVIT II: Effect of verapamil on mortality and maior events after acute myocardial infarction. Am J Cardiol 1990; 66: 331–401.
31. Rengo F, Carbonin P, Pahor M et al. A controlled Trial of verapamil inpatients after acute myocardial infarction: results of the Calcium Antagonist Reinfarction Italian Study (CRIS). Am J Cardiol 1996; 77: 365–9.
32. Hoberg E, Dietz R, Frees U et al. Verapamil treatment after coronary angioplasty in patients at high risk of recurrent stenosis. Br Heart J 1994; 71: 254–60.
33. Zadionchenko V.S., Adasheva T.V., Zhilova E.V. i soavt. Kliniko-funktsional'nye osobennosti arterial'noi gipertonii u bol'nykh khronicheskim obstruktivnym zabolevaniem legkikh. RMZh. 2003; 9: 535–8. [in Russian]
34. Dvoretskii L.I. Klinicheskie rekomendatsii po vedeniiu bol'nykh KhOBL v sochetanii s arterial'noi gipertoniei i drugoi patologiei. RMZh. 2005; 13: 672–5. [in Russian]
35. Karpov Iu.A., Sorokin E.V. Osobennosti lecheniia arterial'noi gipertonii pri khronicheskikh obstruktivnykh zabolevaniiakh legkikh. RMZh. 2003; 19: 1048–51. [in Russian]
36. Andersson D, Rojdmark S. Improvement of glucose tolerance by verapamil in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Acta Med Scand 1981; 210 (1–2): 27–33.
37. Libretti A, Catalano M. Lipid profile during antihypertensive treatment. The SLIP Study Group: Study on Lipids with Isoptin Press. Drugs 1993; 46 (Suppl. 2): S.16–S.23.
38. Rosei E, Dal Palu C, Leonetti G et al. Clinical results of the Verapamil in Hypertension and Atherosclerosis Study (VHAS). J Hypertension 1997; 15: 1337–44.
39. Echizen H, Eichelbaum M. Clinical Pharmacokinetics of verapamil, nifedipine and diltiazem. Clin Pharmacokinetics 1986; 11: 425–49.
Н.И.Гапонова*, В.Р.Абдрахманов
ФГБОУ ВО Московский государственный медико-стоматологический университет им. А.И.Евдокимова Минздрава России. 127473, Россия, Москва, ул. Делегатская, д. 20, стр. 1
N.I.Gaponova*, V.R.Abdrakhmanov
A.I.Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 127473, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Delegatskaia, d. 20, str. 1