Москва (Россия), 26 августа 2011 г.
Препарат Тасигна (нилотиниб) одобрен в России для лечения взрослых пациентов с впервые выявленным хроническим миелоидным лейкозом.
1. Hughes T et al. ENESTnd Update: Continued Superiority of Nilotinib Versus Imatinib In Patients with Newly Diagnosed Chronic Myeloid Leukemia In Chronic Phase (CML-CP). 52nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology 2010; Abstr. 207.
2. Kantarjian H. et al. Nilotinib versus imatinib for the treatment of patients with newly diagnosed chronic phase, Philadelphia chromosome-positive, chronicmyeloid leukemia: 24 month minimum follow-up of the phase 3 randomised ENESTnd trial: Lancet. 2011. Published online August 18, 2011. DOI: 10.1016/S1470-2045 (11): 70201–7.
3. Rosti G et al. Nilotinib for the frontline treatment of Ph_+ chronic myeloid leukemia. Blood 2009; 114 (24): 4933–8.
4. Cortes J. Nilotinib As Front-Line Treatment for Patients With Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Early Chronic Phase. J Clin Oncol 2010; 28 (3): 392–7.
5. Central European Leukemia Study Group. About CML. [Cited 2009 Jan 13] Available from:
6. Тасигна. Инструкция по медицинскому применению препарата.