Представлен собственный опыт 72 бронхопластических операций, из них 11 пневмонэктомий с резекцией бифуркации трахеи, 61 лоб- и билобэктомий, включая 13 ангиобронхопластических вмешательств. Послеоперационных осложнений и летальности не получено. Обсуждены показания и техника выполнения операций.
Ключевые слова: рак легкого, трахеобронхопластические операции.
This article presents our experience of bronhoplastic operations. In the structure: 11 – pneumonectomy with resection of the bifurcation of the trachea, 61 lobectomy and bilobectomy, including 13 angioplastiс operations. There were not postoperative complications and mortality in our research. The article discussed the indications and technique of performing of operations.
1. Thomas CP, Clement S. Conservative resection of the bronchial tree. J Roy Coll Surg Elinb 1956; 1: 169.
2. Mac Hale SJ. Carcinoma of the bronchus: survival following conservative resection. Thorax 1966; 21: 343–6.
3. Jonston JB, Jones PH. The treatment of bronchial carcinoma by lobectomy and sleeve resection of the main bronchus. Thorax 1959; 14: 48–53.
4. Abbot OA. Experiences with the surgical resection of the human carina, tracheal wall, and contralateral bronchial wall in cases of right total pneumonectomy. J Thorac Surg 1950; 19 (6): 906–22.
5. Dartevelle P, Macchiarini P, Chapelier А. Tracheal sleeve pneumonectomy for bronchogenic carcinoma: report of 55 cases. Ann Thorac Surg 1995; 60: 1854–5.
6. Mathey J, Binet JF, Galey JJ et al. Tracheal and tracheobronchial resections. Technique and results in 20 cases. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1966; 51: 1–13.
7. Jensik RJ, Faber LP, Kittle CF et al. Survival in patients undergoing tracheal sleeve pneumonectomy for bronchogenic carcinoma. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1982; 84: 489–97.
8. Deslauriers J, Beaulieu M, Benazera A et al. Sleeve pneumonectomy for bronchogenic carcinoma. Ann Thorac Surg 1979; 28: 465–74.
9. Roviaro G, Vergani C, Maciocco M et al. Tracheal sleeve pneumonectomy: Long-term outcome. Lung Cancer 2006; 52 (1): 105–10.
10. Eichhorn F, Storz K, Hoffmann H et al. Sleeve Pneumonectomy for Central Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Indications, Complications, and Survival. Ann Thorac Surg 2013; 96 (1): 253–8.
11. Jensik RJ, Faber LP, Milloy FJ et al. Tracheal sleeve pneumonectomy for advanced carcinoma of the lung. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1972; 134: 231–6.
12. Porhanov VA, Poliakov IS, Selvaschuk AP et al. Indications and results of sleeve carinal resection. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2002; 22: 685–94.
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15. Rea F, Marulli G, Schiavon M et al. Tracheal sleeve pneumonectomy for non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): short and long-term results in a single institution. Lung Cancer 2008; 61 (2): 202–8.
16. Mitchell JD, Mathisen DJ, Wright CD et al. Resection for bronchogenic carcinoma involving the carina: long-term results and effect of nodal status on outcome. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2001; 121: 465–71.
17. Grillo HC. Carinal reconstruction. Ann Thorac Surg 1982; 34: 356–74.
18. Salzer GM, Muller LC, Kroesen G. Resection of the tracheal bifurcation through a left thoracotomy. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 1987; 1: 125–30.
19. Gilbert A, Deslauriers J, McClish A et al. Tracheal sleeve pneumonectomy for carcinomas of the proximal left main bronchus. Can J Surg 1984; 27: 583–90.
20. Dartevelle P, Macchiarini P, Chapelier AR. Tracheal sleeve pneumonectomy for bronchogenic carcinoma: report of 55 cases. Ann Thorac Surg 1995; 60: 1854–5.
21. Mathisen D.J: Carinal reconstruction: techniques and problems. Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1996; 8: 403–8.
22. Гиллер Б.М., Гиллер Д.Б., Гиллер Г.В. Способ правосторонней пневмонэктомии с обширной циркулярной резекцией трахеи и ее бифуркации. Патент на изобретение (RU 2058114). / Giller B.M., Giller D.B., Giller G.V. Sposob pravostoronnei pnevmonektomii s obshirnoi tsirkuliarnoi rezektsiei trakhei i ee bifurkatsii. Patent na izobretenie (RU 2058114). [in Russian]
1. Thomas CP, Clement S. Conservative resection of the bronchial tree. J Roy Coll Surg Elinb 1956; 1: 169.
2. Mac Hale SJ. Carcinoma of the bronchus: survival following conservative resection. Thorax 1966; 21: 343–6.
3. Jonston JB, Jones PH. The treatment of bronchial carcinoma by lobectomy and sleeve resection of the main bronchus. Thorax 1959; 14: 48–53.
4. Abbot OA. Experiences with the surgical resection of the human carina, tracheal wall, and contralateral bronchial wall in cases of right total pneumonectomy. J Thorac Surg 1950; 19 (6): 906–22.
5. Dartevelle P, Macchiarini P, Chapelier А. Tracheal sleeve pneumonectomy for bronchogenic carcinoma: report of 55 cases. Ann Thorac Surg 1995; 60: 1854–5.
6. Mathey J, Binet JF, Galey JJ et al. Tracheal and tracheobronchial resections. Technique and results in 20 cases. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1966; 51: 1–13.
7. Jensik RJ, Faber LP, Kittle CF et al. Survival in patients undergoing tracheal sleeve pneumonectomy for bronchogenic carcinoma. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1982; 84: 489–97.
8. Deslauriers J, Beaulieu M, Benazera A et al. Sleeve pneumonectomy for bronchogenic carcinoma. Ann Thorac Surg 1979; 28: 465–74.
9. Roviaro G, Vergani C, Maciocco M et al. Tracheal sleeve pneumonectomy: Long-term outcome. Lung Cancer 2006; 52 (1): 105–10.
10. Eichhorn F, Storz K, Hoffmann H et al. Sleeve Pneumonectomy for Central Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Indications, Complications, and Survival. Ann Thorac Surg 2013; 96 (1): 253–8.
11. Jensik RJ, Faber LP, Milloy FJ et al. Tracheal sleeve pneumonectomy for advanced carcinoma of the lung. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1972; 134: 231–6.
12. Porhanov VA, Poliakov IS, Selvaschuk AP et al. Indications and results of sleeve carinal resection. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2002; 22: 685–94.
13. Davydov M.I., Polotskii B.E., Matiakin E.G. i dr. Sovremennye vozmozhnosti trakheo-bronkhoplasticheskikh operatsii v khirurgii zlokachestvennykh opukholei. Materialy obshchestva onkologov Moskvy i Moskovskoi oblasti. Zasedanie 525. 2006. [in Russian]
14. Kharchenko V.P., Pan'shin G.A., Chkhikvadze V.D. i dr. Perspektivy kombinirovannogo i khirurgicheskogo lecheniia raka legkogo. Materialy V Vserossiiskogo s"ezda onkologov. T. 2. Kazan', 2000; s. 42–4. [in Russian]
15. Rea F, Marulli G, Schiavon M et al. Tracheal sleeve pneumonectomy for non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): short and long-term results in a single institution. Lung Cancer 2008; 61 (2): 202–8.
16. Mitchell JD, Mathisen DJ, Wright CD et al. Resection for bronchogenic carcinoma involving the carina: long-term results and effect of nodal status on outcome. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2001; 121: 465–71.
17. Grillo HC. Carinal reconstruction. Ann Thorac Surg 1982; 34: 356–74.
18. Salzer GM, Muller LC, Kroesen G. Resection of the tracheal bifurcation through a left thoracotomy. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 1987; 1: 125–30.
19. Gilbert A, Deslauriers J, McClish A et al. Tracheal sleeve pneumonectomy for carcinomas of the proximal left main bronchus. Can J Surg 1984; 27: 583–90.
20. Dartevelle P, Macchiarini P, Chapelier AR. Tracheal sleeve pneumonectomy for bronchogenic carcinoma: report of 55 cases. Ann Thorac Surg 1995; 60: 1854–5.
21. Mathisen D.J: Carinal reconstruction: techniques and problems. Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1996; 8: 403–8.
22. Giller B.M., Giller D.B., Giller G.V. Sposob pravostoronnei pnevmonektomii s obshirnoi tsirkuliarnoi rezektsiei trakhei i ee bifurkatsii. Patent na izobretenie (RU 2058114). [in Russian]
Р.А.Хвастунов*1,2, А.А.Усачев2
1 ФГБОУ ВО Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет Минздрава России. 400131, Россия, Волгоград, пл. Павших борцов, д. 1;
2 ГБУЗ Волгоградский областной клинический онкологический диспансер. 400138, Россия, Волгоград, ул. Землячки, д. 78
R.A.Khvastunov*1,2, A.A.Usachev2
1 Volgograd State Medical University of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 400131, Russian Federation, Volgograd, pl. Pavshikh bortsov, d. 1;
2 Volgograd Regional Clinical Oncology Clinic. 400138, Russian Federation, Volgograd, ul. Zemliachki, d. 78