Хирургическое лечение трофобластической болезни. Современная концепция и противоречия (обзор литературы)
Хирургическое лечение трофобластической болезни. Современная концепция и противоречия (обзор литературы)
Масленников А.Ф., Мещерякова Л.А., Кузнецов В.В. и др. Хирургическое лечение трофобластической болезни. Современная концепция и противоречия (обзор литературы). Современная Онкология. 2020; 22 (1): 10–15.
DOI: 10.26442/18151434.2020.1.200036
Maslennikov A.F., Meshcheriakova L.A., Kuznetsov V.V. et al. Surgical treatment of trophoblastic disease. Modern concept and contradictions (literature review). Journal of Modern Oncology. 2020; 22 (1): 10–15. DOI: 10.26442/18151434.2020.1.200036
Хирургическое лечение трофобластической болезни. Современная концепция и противоречия (обзор литературы)
Масленников А.Ф., Мещерякова Л.А., Кузнецов В.В. и др. Хирургическое лечение трофобластической болезни. Современная концепция и противоречия (обзор литературы). Современная Онкология. 2020; 22 (1): 10–15.
DOI: 10.26442/18151434.2020.1.200036
Maslennikov A.F., Meshcheriakova L.A., Kuznetsov V.V. et al. Surgical treatment of trophoblastic disease. Modern concept and contradictions (literature review). Journal of Modern Oncology. 2020; 22 (1): 10–15. DOI: 10.26442/18151434.2020.1.200036
Представлен обзор исследований, посвященных анализу роли хирургического лечения злокачественных трофобластических опухолей до начала стандартной химиотерапии и в плане комбинированного лечения. По данным российских и зарубежных исследований хирургическое лечение актуально для больных с резистентностью первичной или метастатической опухоли. В статье представлены результаты лечения пациенток после различных типов операций. Наиболее частым объемом хирургического вмешательства была гистерэктомия. Также в статье рассмотрены результаты лечения доброкачественных форм трофобластической болезни. Хирургическое лечение злокачественной трофобластической опухоли до начала стандартной химиотерапии выполнялось по жизненным показаниям или в связи с определяемой методами визуализации опухолью. Проведенный анализ в ФГБУ «Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр онкологии им. Н.Н. Блохина» Минздрава России демонстрирует негативные последствия хирургических вмешательств, выполненных больным со злокачественными трофобластическими опухолями до начала стандартного лечения. Такие больные поступали в клинику с резистентной или диссеминированной формой опухоли. Для их лечения потребовалось проведение высокодозной химиотерапии или дополнительные хирургические вмешательства, что в значительной мере ухудшало прогноз болезни. В обратном случае при удалении локализованной резистентной первичной опухоли или ее метастаза в послеоперационном периоде химиотерапия не проводилась в связи с маркерной ремиссией.
A review of studies on the comparison of the effectiveness of surgical treatment of malignant trophoblastic tumors before the start of standard chemotherapy and in terms of combination treatment is presented. According to Russian and foreign studies, surgical treatment is relevant for patients with primary or metastatic tumor resistance. The article presents the results of treatment of patients after various types of operations. The most common volume of surgery was a hysterectomy. The article also discusses the results of treatment of benign forms of trophoblastic disease. Surgical treatment of a malignant trophoblastic tumor before the start of standard chemotherapy was performed according to vital indications or in connection with a tumor determined by imaging methods. And the analysis carried out in Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology showed expected prognoses for patients who underwent surgical treatment prior to the start of standard chemotherapy regimens. Such patients were admitted to the clinic with a resistant or disseminated form of the tumor. During their treatment, high-dose chemotherapy or additional surgical interventions were required, which significantly worsened the prognosis of the disease. In the opposite case, when removing a localized resistant primary tumor or its metastasis, in the postoperative period, chemotherapy was not carried out in connection with marker remission.
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[Meshcheryakova L.A., Kozachenko V.P., Kuznetsov V.V. Trophoblastic disease. Clinical oncogynecology. Ed. V.P. Kozachenko. 2nd ed., revised and supplemented. Moscow: Binom, 2016; p. 324–68 (in Russian).]
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[Savelyeva G.M. Obstetrics. National leadership. Ed. G.M. Savelyeva, G.T. Sukhikh, V.N. Serov, V.E. Radzinsky. 2nd ed., revised and supplemented. Moscow: GEOTAR-Media, 2018 (in Russian).]
4. Tidу JA, Gellespie AM, Bright N et al. Gestational trophoblastic disease: A study of mode evacuation and subsequent need for treatment with chemotherapy. Gynecol Oncol 2000; 78: 309–12.
5. Fisher PM, Hancock BW. Gestational trophoblastic diseases and their treatment. Cancer Treat Rev 1997; 23 (1): 1–16.
6. Doll KM, Soper JT. The role of surgery in the management of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. Obstet Gynecol Surv 2013; 68 (7): 533–7.
7. Lao TT, Lee FH, Yeung SS. Repeat curettage after evacuation of hydatidiform mole. An appraisal. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1987; 66: 305–7.
8. Flam F, Lundstrom V. The value of endometrial curettage in the follow-up of hydatidiform mole. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1988; 67: 649–51.
9. Schlaerth JB, Morrow CP, Rodriguez M. Diagnostic and therapeutic curettage in gestational trophoblastic disease. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1990; 162 (6): 1465–70.
10. Pezeshki M, Hancock BW, Silcocks P et al. The role of repeat uterine evacuation in the management of persistent gestational trophoblastic disease. Gynecol Oncol 2004; 95: 423–9.
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13. Lao TT, Lee FH, Yeung SS. Repeat curettage after evacuation of hydatidiform mole. Act Obstet Gynecol Scand 1987; 66 (4): 305–7.
14. Tow WS. The place of hysterotomy in the treatment of hydatidiform mole. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol 1967; 7: 97–8.
15. Curry SL, Hammond CB, Tyrey L et al. Hydatidiform mole: diagnosis, management, and long-term follow up of 347 patients. Obstet Gynecol 1975; 45: 1–8.
16. Bandy LC, Clarke-Pearson DL, Hammond CB. Malignant potential of gestational trophoblastic disease at the extreme ages of reproductive life. Obstet Gynecol 1984; 64: 395–9.
17. Tsukamoto N, Iwasaka T, Kashimura Y et al. Gestational trophoblastic disease in women aged 50 or more. Gynecol Oncol 1985; 20: 53–61.
18. Elias KM, Shoni M, Bernstein M et al. Complete hydatidiform mole in women aged 40 to 49 years. J Reprod Med 2012; 57: 254–8.
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[Tsip N.P., Vorob'eva L.I. Khirurgicheskii metod v lechenii trofoblasticheskikh opukholei. Prakticheskaia onkologiia. 2008; 9 (3): 179–84 (in Russian).]
24. Мещерякова Л.А., Козаченко В.П. Трофобластические опухоли: возможности хирургического лечения. Вестн. РОНЦ. 2003; 4: 36–42.
[Meshcheriakova L.A., Kozachenko V.P. Trofoblasticheskie opukholi: vozmozhnosti khirurgicheskogo lecheniia. Vestn. RONTs. 2003; 4: 36–42 (in Russian).]
25. Behtash N, Ansari S, Sarvi F. Successful pregnancy after localized resection of perforated uterus in choriocarcinoma and a literature review. Int J Gynаecol Cancer 2006; 16 (Suppl. 1): 445–8.
26. Xiang Y, Yang X, Du J, Song H. The role of hysterectomy in the therapy of gestational trophoblastic tumor. Chin Med Sci J 2000; 15 (1): 45–8.
27. Hanna RK, Soper JT. The Role of Surgery and Radiation Therapy in the Management of Gestational Trophoblastic Disease. Oncologist 2010; 15: 593–600.
28. Suzuka K, Matsui H, Iitsuka Y et al. Adjuvant hysterectomy in low-risk gestational trophoblastic disease Obstet. Gynecol 2001; 97: 431–4.
29. Doumplis D, Al-Khatib K, Sieunarine K et al. A review of the management by hysterectomy of 25 cases of gestational trophoblastic tumours from March 1993 to January 2006. BJOG 2007; 114: 1168–71.
30. Mutch DG, Soper JT, Babcock CJ et al. Recurrent gestational trophoblastic disease. Experience of the Southeastern Regional Trophoblastic Disease Center. Cancer 1990; 66: с978–982.
31. Alazzam M, Hancock BW, Tidy J. Role of hysterectomy in managing persistent gestational trophoblastic disease. J Reprod Med 2008; 53 (7): 519–24.
32. Feng FZ, Xiang Y, Cao Y et al. Efficacy of surgical management combined with chemotherapy in the treatment of drug-resistant gestational trophoblastic neoplasm. Zhonghua Fu Chan Ke Za Zhi 2008; 43 (10): 728–31.
33. Eysbouts YK, Massuger LFAG, IntHout J. The added value of hysterectomy in the management of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. Gynecol Oncol 2017; 145 (3): 536–42.
34. Feng F, Xiang Y. Surgical management of chemotherapy-resistant gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. Expert Rev Anticancer Ther 2010; 10 (1): 71–80.
35. Гасанбекова З.А. Ошибки в диагностики и лечении злокачественной трофобластической опухоли. Дис. … канд. мед. наук. 2019.
[Gasanbekova Z.A. Oshibki v diagnostiki i lechenii zlokachestvennoi trofoblasticheskoi opukholi. Dis. … kand. med. nauk. 2019 (in Russian).]
36. Papadopoulos AJ, Foskett M, Seckl MJ et al. Twenty-five years’ clinical experience with placental site trophoblastic tumors. J Reprod Med 2002; 47: 460–4.
37. Moutte A, Doret M, Hajri T et al. Placental site and epithelioid trophoblastic tumours: diagnostic pitfalls. Gynecol Oncol 2013; 128 (3): 568–72.
38. El-Lamie IK, Sheeta NA, Abou-Loz SK. Experience on the Gynаecologic Oncology Unit at Ain Shams University in the treatment of gestational trophoblastic Tumours. Int J Gynaecol Oncol 2000; 10: 488–96.
39. Jones WB, Romain K, Erlandson RA et al. Thoracotomv in the management of gestational choriocarcinoma. Cancer 1993; 72: 2175–81.
39. Мещерякова Л.А., Козаченко В.П. Трофобластические опухоли: возможности хирургического лечения. Вестн. РОНЦ. 2003;
4: 36–42.
[Meshcheriakova L.A., Kozachenko V.P. Trofoblasticheskie opukholi: vozmozhnosti khirurgicheskogo lecheniia. Vestn. RONTs. 2003;
4: 36–42 (in Russian).]
40. Jones WB, Wolchok J, Lewis JL. The role of surgery in management of gestational trophoblastic disease. Int J Gynaecol Cancer 1996;
6: 261–6.
41. Kanis MJ, Lurain JR. Pulmonary Resection in the Management of High-Risk Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2016; 26 (4): 796–800.
42. Aydiner A, Keskin S, Berkman S. The roles of surgery and EMA/CO chemotherapy regimen in primary refractory and non-refractory gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2012; 138 (6): 971–7.
43. Cao Y, Xiang Y, Feng F et al. Surgical resection in the management of pulmonary metastatic disease of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2009; 19 (4): 798–801.
44. Lurain JR, Singh DK, Schink JC. Role of surgery in the management of high-risk gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. J Reprod Med 2006; 51 (10): 773–6.
45. Eoh KJ, Chung YS, Yim GW et al. Role of surgical therapy in the management of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. Obstet Gynecol Sci 2015; 58 (4): 227–83.
1. Meshcheryakova L.A., Kozachenko V.P., Kuznetsov V.V. Trophoblastic disease. Clinical oncogynecology. Ed. V.P. Kozachenko. 2nd ed., revised and supplemented. Moscow: Binom, 2016; p. 324–68 (in Russian).
2. Meshcheriakova L.A. Zlokachestvennye trofoblasticheskie opukholi: sovremennaia diagnostika, lechenie i prognoz. Dis. … d-ra med. nauk. Moscow, 2005 (in Russian).
3. Savelyeva G.M. Obstetrics. National leadership. Ed. G.M. Savelyeva, G.T. Sukhikh, V.N. Serov, V.E. Radzinsky. 2nd ed., revised and supplemented. Moscow: GEOTAR-Media, 2018 (in Russian).
4. Tidу JA, Gellespie AM, Bright N et al. Gestational trophoblastic disease: A study of mode evacuation and subsequent need for treatment with chemotherapy. Gynecol Oncol 2000; 78: 309–12.
5. Fisher PM, Hancock BW. Gestational trophoblastic diseases and their treatment. Cancer Treat Rev 1997; 23 (1): 1–16.
6. Doll KM, Soper JT. The role of surgery in the management of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. Obstet Gynecol Surv 2013; 68 (7): 533–7.
7. Lao TT, Lee FH, Yeung SS. Repeat curettage after evacuation of hydatidiform mole. An appraisal. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1987; 66: 305–7.
8. Flam F, Lundstrom V. The value of endometrial curettage in the follow-up of hydatidiform mole. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1988; 67: 649–51.
9. Schlaerth JB, Morrow CP, Rodriguez M. Diagnostic and therapeutic curettage in gestational trophoblastic disease. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1990; 162 (6): 1465–70.
10. Pezeshki M, Hancock BW, Silcocks P et al. The role of repeat uterine evacuation in the management of persistent gestational trophoblastic disease. Gynecol Oncol 2004; 95: 423–9.
11. Tikhonovskaia M.N., Bystritskaia D.A., Kuznetsov V.V. et al. Persistiruiushchie trofoblasticheskie opukholi. Opukholi zhenskoi reproduktivnoi sistemy. 2013; 1–2: 53 (in Russian).
12. Tikhonovskaia M.N. Persistiruiushchie trofoblasticheskie opukholi (diagnostika i lechenie). Dis. … kand. med. nauk. 2015 (in Russian).
13. Lao TT, Lee FH, Yeung SS. Repeat curettage after evacuation of hydatidiform mole. Act Obstet Gynecol Scand 1987; 66 (4): 305–7.
14. Tow WS. The place of hysterotomy in the treatment of hydatidiform mole. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol 1967; 7: 97–8.
15. Curry SL, Hammond CB, Tyrey L et al. Hydatidiform mole: diagnosis, management, and long-term follow up of 347 patients. Obstet Gynecol 1975; 45: 1–8.
16. Bandy LC, Clarke-Pearson DL, Hammond CB. Malignant potential of gestational trophoblastic disease at the extreme ages of reproductive life. Obstet Gynecol 1984; 64: 395–9.
17. Tsukamoto N, Iwasaka T, Kashimura Y et al. Gestational trophoblastic disease in women aged 50 or more. Gynecol Oncol 1985; 20: 53–61.
18. Elias KM, Shoni M, Bernstein M et al. Complete hydatidiform mole in women aged 40 to 49 years. J Reprod Med 2012; 57: 254–8.
19. Meshcheriakova L.A. Standartnoe lechenie trofoblasticheskoi bolezni. Prakticheskaia onkologiia. 2008; 9 (3): 164–5 (in Russian).
20. Bystritskaia D.A., Tikhonovskaia M.N., Meshcheriakova L.A. et al. Trofoblasticheskie opukholi: k voprosu o klassifikatsii i faktorakh prognoza (chast' II). Ros. onkol. zhurn. 2014; 3: 33 (in Russian).
21. Grigorova T.M. Trophoblastic disease. Moscow: Medicine, 1985 (in Russian).
22. Savinova V.F. Diagnostika i lechenie khorionepiteliomy matki. Dis. … d-ra med. nauk. Мoscow, 1971 (in Russian).
23. Tsip N.P., Vorob'eva L.I. Khirurgicheskii metod v lechenii trofoblasticheskikh opukholei. Prakticheskaia onkologiia. 2008; 9 (3): 179–84 (in Russian).
24. Meshcheriakova L.A., Kozachenko V.P. Trofoblasticheskie opukholi: vozmozhnosti khirurgicheskogo lecheniia. Vestn. RONTs. 2003; 4: 36–42 (in Russian).
25. Behtash N, Ansari S, Sarvi F. Successful pregnancy after localized resection of perforated uterus in choriocarcinoma and a literature review. Int J Gynаecol Cancer 2006; 16 (Suppl. 1): 445–8.
26. Xiang Y, Yang X, Du J, Song H. The role of hysterectomy in the therapy of gestational trophoblastic tumor. Chin Med Sci J 2000; 15 (1): 45–8.
27. Hanna RK, Soper JT. The Role of Surgery and Radiation Therapy in the Management of Gestational Trophoblastic Disease. Oncologist 2010; 15: 593–600.
28. Suzuka K, Matsui H, Iitsuka Y et al. Adjuvant hysterectomy in low-risk gestational trophoblastic disease Obstet. Gynecol 2001; 97: 431–4.
29. Doumplis D, Al-Khatib K, Sieunarine K et al. A review of the management by hysterectomy of 25 cases of gestational trophoblastic tumours from March 1993 to January 2006. BJOG 2007; 114: 1168–71.
30. Mutch DG, Soper JT, Babcock CJ et al. Recurrent gestational trophoblastic disease. Experience of the Southeastern Regional Trophoblastic Disease Center. Cancer 1990; 66: с978–982.
31. Alazzam M, Hancock BW, Tidy J. Role of hysterectomy in managing persistent gestational trophoblastic disease. J Reprod Med 2008; 53 (7): 519–24.
32. Feng FZ, Xiang Y, Cao Y et al. Efficacy of surgical management combined with chemotherapy in the treatment of drug-resistant gestational trophoblastic neoplasm. Zhonghua Fu Chan Ke Za Zhi 2008; 43 (10): 728–31.
33. Eysbouts YK, Massuger LFAG, IntHout J. The added value of hysterectomy in the management of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. Gynecol Oncol 2017; 145 (3): 536–42.
34. Feng F, Xiang Y. Surgical management of chemotherapy-resistant gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. Expert Rev Anticancer Ther 2010; 10 (1): 71–80.
35. Gasanbekova Z.A. Oshibki v diagnostiki i lechenii zlokachestvennoi trofoblasticheskoi opukholi. Dis. … kand. med. nauk. 2019 (in Russian).
36. Papadopoulos AJ, Foskett M, Seckl MJ et al. Twenty-five years’ clinical experience with placental site trophoblastic tumors. J Reprod Med 2002; 47: 460–4.
37. Moutte A, Doret M, Hajri T et al. Placental site and epithelioid trophoblastic tumours: diagnostic pitfalls. Gynecol Oncol 2013; 128 (3): 568–72.
38. El-Lamie IK, Sheeta NA, Abou-Loz SK. Experience on the Gynаecologic Oncology Unit at Ain Shams University in the treatment of gestational trophoblastic Tumours. Int J Gynaecol Oncol 2000; 10: 488–96.
39. Jones WB, Romain K, Erlandson RA et al. Thoracotomv in the management of gestational choriocarcinoma. Cancer 1993; 72: 2175–81.
39. Meshcheriakova L.A., Kozachenko V.P. Trofoblasticheskie opukholi: vozmozhnosti khirurgicheskogo lecheniia. Vestn. RONTs. 2003;
4: 36–42 (in Russian).
40. Jones WB, Wolchok J, Lewis JL. The role of surgery in management of gestational trophoblastic disease. Int J Gynaecol Cancer 1996;
6: 261–6.
41. Kanis MJ, Lurain JR. Pulmonary Resection in the Management of High-Risk Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2016; 26 (4): 796–800.
42. Aydiner A, Keskin S, Berkman S. The roles of surgery and EMA/CO chemotherapy regimen in primary refractory and non-refractory gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2012; 138 (6): 971–7.
43. Cao Y, Xiang Y, Feng F et al. Surgical resection in the management of pulmonary metastatic disease of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2009; 19 (4): 798–801.
44. Lurain JR, Singh DK, Schink JC. Role of surgery in the management of high-risk gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. J Reprod Med 2006; 51 (10): 773–6.
45. Eoh KJ, Chung YS, Yim GW et al. Role of surgical therapy in the management of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. Obstet Gynecol Sci 2015; 58 (4): 227–83.