Молекулярные основы формирования тиреоидного статуса и его роль в инициации и промоции рака желудка и толстой кишки
Молекулярные основы формирования тиреоидного статуса и его роль в инициации и промоции рака желудка и толстой кишки
Станоевич И.В., Иоутси В.А., Лысоволенко Н.Л., Алексеев И.Э., Кондрашкина А.Д., Полянский М.Б., Письменная Е.В. Молекулярные основы формирования тиреоидного статуса и его роль в инициации и промоции рака желудка и толстой кишки. Современная Онкология. 2024;26(4):478–483. DOI: 10.26442/18151434.2024.4.202908
Stanoevich IV, Ioutsi VA, Lysovolenko NL, Alekseev IE, Kondrashkina AD, Polyansky MB, Pis'mennaia ЕV. The molecular basis of thyroid status formation and its role in the initiation and promotion of gastric and colorectal cancer: A review. Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(4):478–483. DOI: 10.26442/18151434.2024.4.202908
Молекулярные основы формирования тиреоидного статуса и его роль в инициации и промоции рака желудка и толстой кишки
Станоевич И.В., Иоутси В.А., Лысоволенко Н.Л., Алексеев И.Э., Кондрашкина А.Д., Полянский М.Б., Письменная Е.В. Молекулярные основы формирования тиреоидного статуса и его роль в инициации и промоции рака желудка и толстой кишки. Современная Онкология. 2024;26(4):478–483. DOI: 10.26442/18151434.2024.4.202908
Stanoevich IV, Ioutsi VA, Lysovolenko NL, Alekseev IE, Kondrashkina AD, Polyansky MB, Pis'mennaia ЕV. The molecular basis of thyroid status formation and its role in the initiation and promotion of gastric and colorectal cancer: A review. Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(4):478–483. DOI: 10.26442/18151434.2024.4.202908
Понятие тиреоидного статуса гораздо шире оценки содержания тиреотропного, свободных и связанных тиреоидных гормонов в системном кровотоке и включает особенности транспорта, тканевой биодоступности, рецепции, метаболизма, биомолекулярных механизмов действия и инактивации, а также физиологическую или патофизиологическую основу изменения функции и патоморфологический субстрат болезни, в том числе и злокачественного новообразования. Ввиду этого крайне актуальным является вопрос о механизмах влияния тиреоидного статуса на процессы инициации и промоции опухолей желудочно-кишечного тракта. В отношении колоректального рака прослежена неоднозначная связь тиреоидного статуса: в одних исследованиях повышение концентрации свободного Т4 и тиреотоксикоза связано с уменьшением риска возникновения злокачественных новообразований толстой кишки, в других протективный эффект имело назначение левотироксина при гипотиреозе. Риск рака желудка повышен у мужчин, проживающих в регионах с субоптимальным или верхненормальным потреблением йода и страдающих той или иной тиропатией. В статье освещены физиологические и биохимические основы формирования тиреоидного статуса. Представлены особенности экспрессии дейодиназ при раке желудка и толстой кишки. Подробно изложена проблема йодиндуцированных дистиреозов после проведения лучевых методов исследования с применением йодсодержащих контрастов.
The concept of thyroid status is much broader than assessing the levels of thyroid stimulating hormone, free and bound thyroid hormones in the systemic circulation. It includes features of transport, tissue bioavailability, receptor interaction, metabolism, biomolecular mechanisms of action and inactivation, as well as the physiological or pathophysiological basis of changes in function and the pathomorphological substrate of diseases, including malignancies. Therefore, the question of the mechanisms through which thyroid status influences the processes of tumor initiation and promotion in the gastrointestinal tract is extremely relevant. Regarding colorectal cancer, an ambiguous link between thyroid status has been identified – in some studies, an increase in free T4 concentration and thyrotoxicosis are associated with a decreased risk of developing colon cancer, while in others, the administration of levothyroxine in hypothyroidism had a protective effect. The risk of gastric cancer is elevated in men living in regions with suboptimal or above-normal iodine consumption and suffering from various thyroid pathologies. This paper analyzes modern ideas about pathogenetic relationship between gastric and colon cancer and patients' thyroid status. It presents physiological and biochemical basics of thyroid status formation. Deiodinase expression profile in gastric and colon cancer is stated. The problem of iodine-induced disthyroidoses following radiation procedures using iodine-containing contrasts is described in detail.
1. Fitzgerald SP, Bean NG, Falhammar H, Tuke J. Clinical Parameters Are More Likely to Be Associated with Thyroid Hormone Levels than with Thyrotropin Levels: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Thyroid. 2020;30(12):1695-709. DOI:10.1089/thy.2019.0535
2. Vieira IH, Rodrigues D, Paiva I. The Mysterious Universe of the TSH Receptor. Front Endocrinol. 2022;13:944715. DOI:10.3389/fendo.2022.944715
3. Шпаков А.О. Эндогенные и синтетические регуляторы периферических звеньев гипоталамо-гипофизарно-гонадной и -тиреоидной осей. Российский физиологический журнал им. И.М. Сеченова. 2020;106(6):696-719 [Shpakov AO. Endogenous and synthetic regulators of peripheral links of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal and thyroid axes. I.M. Sechenov Russian Journal of Physiology. 2020;106(6):696-719 (in Russian)]. DOI:10.31857/S0869813920060126
4. De Luca R, Davis PJ, Lin HY, et al. Thyroid Hormones Interaction With Immune Response, Inflammation and Non-thyroidal Illness Syndrome. Front Cell Develop Biol. 2021;8:614030. DOI:10.3389/fcell.2020.614030
5. Трошина Е.А, Сенюшкина Е.С. Прямые и опосредованные эффекты трийодтиронина. Архивъ внутренней медицины. 2020;10(4):262-71 [Troshina ЕА, Senyushkina ЕS. Metabolic Systemic Effects Triiodothyronine. The Russian Archives of Internal Medicine. 2020;10(4):262-71 (in Russian)]. DOI:10.20514/2226-6704-2020-10-4-262-271
6. Maia AL, Goemann IM, Meyer EL, Wajner SM. Deiodinases: the balance of thyroid hormone: type 1 iodothyronine deiodinase in human physiology and disease. J Endocrinol. 2011;209(3):283-97. DOI:10.1530/JOE-10-0481
7. Артыкбаева Г.М. Роль дейодиназ 1-го и 2-го типа в метаболизме тиреоидных гормонов (обзор литературы). Проблемы эндокринологии. 2016;62(2):46-51 [Artykbaeva GM. Role of type 1 and 2 deiodinases in thyroid metabolism (review). Problemy Endokrinologii. 2016;62(2):46-51 (in Russian)]. DOI:10.14341/probl201662246-52
8. Gomes-Lima C, Burman KD. Reverse T3 or perverse T3? Still puzzling after 40 years. Cleveland Clin J Med. 2018;85(6):450-5. DOI:10.3949/ccjm.85a.17079
9. Peeters RP, Wouters PJ, Kaptein E, et al. Reduced activation and increased inactivation of thyroid hormone in tissues of critically ill patients. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2003;88(7):3202-11. DOI:10.1210/jc.2002-022013
10. Chopra IJ, Sakane S, Teco GN. A study of the serum concentration of tumor necrosis factor-alpha in thyroidal and nonthyroidal illnesses. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1991;72(5):1113-6. DOI:10.1210/jcem-72-5-1113
11. Halsall DJ, Oddy S. Clinical and laboratory aspects of 3,3’,5’-triiodothyronine (reverse T3). Ann Clin Biochem. 2021;58(1):29-37. DOI:10.1177/0004563220969150
12. Lombardi A, De Matteis R, Moreno M, et al. Responses of skeletal muscle lipid metabolism in rat gastrocnemius to hypothyroidism and iodothyronine administration: a putative role for FAT/CD36. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2012;303(10):E1222-33. DOI:10.1152/ajpendo.00037.2012
13. Frascarelli S, Ghelardoni S, Chiellini G, et al. Cardioprotective effect of 3-iodothyronamine in perfused rat heart subjected to ischemia and reperfusion. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2011;25(4):307-13. DOI:10.1007/s10557-011-6320-x
14. Hansen M, Luong X, Sedlak DL, et al. Quantification of 11 thyroid hormones and associated metabolites in blood using isotope-dilution liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Analytic Bioanalytic Chem. 2016;408(20):5429-42. DOI:10.1007/s00216-016-9614-9
15. Richards KH, Monk R, Renko K, et al. A combined LC-MS/MS and LC-MS3 multi-method for the quantification of iodothyronines in human blood serum. Analytic Bioanalytic Chem. 2019;411(21):5605-16. DOI:10.1007/s00216-019-01941-9
16. Holm SS, Andreasen L, Hansen SH, et al. Influence of adsorption and deproteination on potential free thyroxine reference methods. Clin Chem. 2002;48(1):108-14.
17. Flamant F, Cheng SY, Hollenberg AN, et al. Thyroid Hormone Signaling Pathways: Time for a More Precise Nomenclature. Endocrinology. 2017;158(7):2052-7.
18. Schmohl KA, Müller AM, Nelson PJ, Spitzweg C. Thyroid Hormone Effects on Mesenchymal Stem Cell Biology in the Tumour Microenvironment. Experim Clin Endocrinol Diabetes. 2020;128(6-07):462-8. DOI:10.1055/a-1022-9874
19. Krashin E, Silverman B, Steinberg DM, et al. Opposing effects of thyroid hormones on cancer risk: a population-based study. European J Endocrinol. 2021;184(3):477-86. DOI:10.1530/EJE-20-1123
20. Boursi B, Haynes K, Mamtani R, Yang YX. Thyroid dysfunction, thyroid hormone replacement and colorectal cancer risk. J Nat Cancer Inst. 2015;107(6):djv084. DOI:10.1093/jnci/djv084
21. Abnet CC, Fan JH, Kamangar F, et al. Self-reported goiter is associated with a significantly increased risk of gastric noncardia adenocarcinoma in a large population-based Chinese cohort. Int J Cancer. 2006;119(6):1508-10. DOI:10.1002/ijc.21993
22. Kandemir EG, Yonem A, Narin Y. Gastric carcinoma and thyroid status. J Int Med Res. 2005;33(2):222-7. DOI:10.1177/147323000503300210
23. Mishra A, Shrivastava A. Prognostic Significance of Sodium Iodide Symporter and Deiodinase Enzymes mRNA Expression in Gastric Cancer. Int J Appl Basic Med Res. 2020;10(1):43-8. DOI:10.4103/ijabmr.IJABMR_287_19
24. Bednarczuk T, Brix TH, Schima W, et al. 2021 European Thyroid Association Guidelines for the Management of Iodine-Based Contrast Media-Induced Thyroid Dysfunction. Eur Thyroid J. 2021;10(4):269-84. DOI:10.1159/000517175
25. Рак желудка. Клинические рекомендации МЗ РФ. Режим доступа: https://cr.minzdrav.gov.ru/recomend/574_1. Ссылка активна на 05.10.2023 [Rak zheludka. Klinicheskie rekomendatsii MZ RF. Available at: https://cr.minzdrav.gov.ru/recomend/574_1. Accessed: 05.10.2023 (in Russian)].
26. Злокачественное новообразование ободочной кишки. Режим доступа: https://cr.minzdrav.gov.ru/recomend/396_3. Ссылка активна на 05.10.2023 [Zlokachestvennoe novoobrazovanie obodochnoi kishki. Available at: https://cr.minzdrav.gov.ru/recomend/396_3. Accessed: 05.10.2023 (in Russian)].
27. Рак прямой кишки. Клинические рекомендации МЗ РФ. Режим доступа: https://old.oncology-association.ru/clinical. Ссылка активна на 05.10.2023 [Rak priamoi kishki. Klinicheskie rekomendatsii MZ RF. Available at: https://old.oncology-association.ru/clinical-guidelines. Accessed: 05.10.2023 (in Russian)].
28. Beex L, Ross A, Smals A, Kloppenborg P. 5-fluorouracil-induced increase of total serum thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Cancer Treat Rep. 1977;61(7):1291-5.
29. Massart C, Le Tellier C, Lucas C, et al. Effects of cisplatin on human thyrocytes in monolayer or follicle culture. J Mol Endocrinol. 1992;8(3):243-8. DOI:10.1677/jme.0.0080243
30. Deligiorgi MV, Trafalis DT. The Clinical Relevance of Hypothyroidism in Patients with Solid Non-Thyroid Cancer: A Tantalizing Conundrum. J Clin Med. 2022;11(12):3417. DOI:10.3390/jcm11123417
1. Fitzgerald SP, Bean NG, Falhammar H, Tuke J. Clinical Parameters Are More Likely to Be Associated with Thyroid Hormone Levels than with Thyrotropin Levels: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Thyroid. 2020;30(12):1695-709. DOI:10.1089/thy.2019.0535
2. Vieira IH, Rodrigues D, Paiva I. The Mysterious Universe of the TSH Receptor. Front Endocrinol. 2022;13:944715. DOI:10.3389/fendo.2022.944715
3. Shpakov AO. Endogenous and synthetic regulators of peripheral links of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal and thyroid axes. I.M. Sechenov Russian Journal of Physiology. 2020;106(6):696-719 (in Russian). DOI:10.31857/S0869813920060126
4. De Luca R, Davis PJ, Lin HY, et al. Thyroid Hormones Interaction With Immune Response, Inflammation and Non-thyroidal Illness Syndrome. Front Cell Develop Biol. 2021;8:614030. DOI:10.3389/fcell.2020.614030
5. Troshina ЕА, Senyushkina ЕS. Metabolic Systemic Effects Triiodothyronine. The Russian Archives of Internal Medicine. 2020;10(4):262-71 (in Russian).
6. Maia AL, Goemann IM, Meyer EL, Wajner SM. Deiodinases: the balance of thyroid hormone: type 1 iodothyronine deiodinase in human physiology and disease. J Endocrinol. 2011;209(3):283-97. DOI:10.1530/JOE-10-0481
7. Artykbaeva GM. Role of type 1 and 2 deiodinases in thyroid metabolism (review). Problemy Endokrinologii. 2016;62(2):46-51 (in Russian). DOI:10.14341/probl201662246-52
8. Gomes-Lima C, Burman KD. Reverse T3 or perverse T3? Still puzzling after 40 years. Cleveland Clin J Med. 2018;85(6):450-5. DOI:10.3949/ccjm.85a.17079
9. Peeters RP, Wouters PJ, Kaptein E, et al. Reduced activation and increased inactivation of thyroid hormone in tissues of critically ill patients. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2003;88(7):3202-11. DOI:10.1210/jc.2002-022013
10. Chopra IJ, Sakane S, Teco GN. A study of the serum concentration of tumor necrosis factor-alpha in thyroidal and nonthyroidal illnesses. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1991;72(5):1113-6. DOI:10.1210/jcem-72-5-1113
11. Halsall DJ, Oddy S. Clinical and laboratory aspects of 3,3’,5’-triiodothyronine (reverse T3). Ann Clin Biochem. 2021;58(1):29-37. DOI:10.1177/0004563220969150
12. Lombardi A, De Matteis R, Moreno M, et al. Responses of skeletal muscle lipid metabolism in rat gastrocnemius to hypothyroidism and iodothyronine administration: a putative role for FAT/CD36. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2012;303(10):E1222-33. DOI:10.1152/ajpendo.00037.2012
13. Frascarelli S, Ghelardoni S, Chiellini G, et al. Cardioprotective effect of 3-iodothyronamine in perfused rat heart subjected to ischemia and reperfusion. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2011;25(4):307-13. DOI:10.1007/s10557-011-6320-x
14. Hansen M, Luong X, Sedlak DL, et al. Quantification of 11 thyroid hormones and associated metabolites in blood using isotope-dilution liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Analytic Bioanalytic Chem. 2016;408(20):5429-42. DOI:10.1007/s00216-016-9614-9
15. Richards KH, Monk R, Renko K, et al. A combined LC-MS/MS and LC-MS3 multi-method for the quantification of iodothyronines in human blood serum. Analytic Bioanalytic Chem. 2019;411(21):5605-16. DOI:10.1007/s00216-019-01941-9
16. Holm SS, Andreasen L, Hansen SH, et al. Influence of adsorption and deproteination on potential free thyroxine reference methods. Clin Chem. 2002;48(1):108-14.
17. Flamant F, Cheng SY, Hollenberg AN, et al. Thyroid Hormone Signaling Pathways: Time for a More Precise Nomenclature. Endocrinology. 2017;158(7):2052-7.
18. Schmohl KA, Müller AM, Nelson PJ, Spitzweg C. Thyroid Hormone Effects on Mesenchymal Stem Cell Biology in the Tumour Microenvironment. Experim Clin Endocrinol Diabetes. 2020;128(6-07):462-8. DOI:10.1055/a-1022-9874
19. Krashin E, Silverman B, Steinberg DM, et al. Opposing effects of thyroid hormones on cancer risk: a population-based study. European J Endocrinol. 2021;184(3):477-86. DOI:10.1530/EJE-20-1123
20. Boursi B, Haynes K, Mamtani R, Yang YX. Thyroid dysfunction, thyroid hormone replacement and colorectal cancer risk. J Nat Cancer Inst. 2015;107(6):djv084. DOI:10.1093/jnci/djv084
21. Abnet CC, Fan JH, Kamangar F, et al. Self-reported goiter is associated with a significantly increased risk of gastric noncardia adenocarcinoma in a large population-based Chinese cohort. Int J Cancer. 2006;119(6):1508-10. DOI:10.1002/ijc.21993
22. Kandemir EG, Yonem A, Narin Y. Gastric carcinoma and thyroid status. J Int Med Res. 2005;33(2):222-7. DOI:10.1177/147323000503300210
23. Mishra A, Shrivastava A. Prognostic Significance of Sodium Iodide Symporter and Deiodinase Enzymes mRNA Expression in Gastric Cancer. Int J Appl Basic Med Res. 2020;10(1):43-8. DOI:10.4103/ijabmr.IJABMR_287_19
24. Bednarczuk T, Brix TH, Schima W, et al. 2021 European Thyroid Association Guidelines for the Management of Iodine-Based Contrast Media-Induced Thyroid Dysfunction. Eur Thyroid J. 2021;10(4):269-84. DOI:10.1159/000517175
25. Rak zheludka. Klinicheskie rekomendatsii MZ RF. Available at: https://cr.minzdrav.gov.ru/recomend/574_1. Accessed: 05.10.2023 (in Russian).
26. Zlokachestvennoe novoobrazovanie obodochnoi kishki. Available at: https://cr.minzdrav.gov.ru/recomend/396_3. Accessed: 05.10.2023 (in Russian).
27. Rak priamoi kishki. Klinicheskie rekomendatsii MZ RF. Available at: https://old.oncology-association.ru/clinical-guidelines. Accessed: 05.10.2023 (in Russian).
28. Beex L, Ross A, Smals A, Kloppenborg P. 5-fluorouracil-induced increase of total serum thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Cancer Treat Rep. 1977;61(7):1291-5.
29. Massart C, Le Tellier C, Lucas C, et al. Effects of cisplatin on human thyrocytes in monolayer or follicle culture. J Mol Endocrinol. 1992;8(3):243-8. DOI:10.1677/jme.0.0080243
30. Deligiorgi MV, Trafalis DT. The Clinical Relevance of Hypothyroidism in Patients with Solid Non-Thyroid Cancer: A Tantalizing Conundrum. J Clin Med. 2022;11(12):3417. DOI:10.3390/jcm11123417
1ФГБУ «Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр эндокринологии» Минздрава России, Москва, Россия; 2ФГБОУ ВО «Курский государственный медицинский университет» Минздрава России, Курск, Россия; 3ОБУЗ «Курский онкологический научно-клинический центр им. Г.Е. Островерхова» Минздрава Курской области, Курск, Россия; 4Министерство здравоохранения Курской области, Курск, Россия
Irina V. Stanoevich1,2, Vitaliy A. Ioutsi1, Natalya L. Lysovolenko3, Ilya E. Alekseev3, Alina D. Kondrashkina*2, Maksim B. Polyansky3, Еkaterina V. Pis'mennaia4
1Endocrinology Research Centre, Moscow, Russia; 2Kursk State Medical University, Kursk, Russia; 3Ostroverkhov Kursk Oncology Scientific And Clinical Center, Kursk, Russia; 4Ministry of Health of the Kursk Region, Kursk, Russia