Kudina E.V., Bart B.Ya., Mikhaylusova M.P., Larin V.G. Complications of diabetes mellitus: a current state of the issue. Handbook for Practitioners Doctors. 2018; 6: 49–54.
Осложнения сахарного диабета: современное состояние проблемы
Kudina E.V., Bart B.Ya., Mikhaylusova M.P., Larin V.G. Complications of diabetes mellitus: a current state of the issue. Handbook for Practitioners Doctors. 2018; 6: 49–54.
В статье приводятся основные осложнения сахарного диабета, их патогенез и клиническая значимость. Рассматривается алгоритм обследования пациентов с целью своевременного выявления ангиопатий и нейропатии. Приводятся основные направления в профилактике возникновения и прогрессирования осложнений. Особое внимание уделяется важности самоконтроля пациентами уровня глюкозы крови.
The article deals with diabetes mellitus complications, their pathogenesis and clinical relevance. It discusses patient’s examination algorithm for well-timed detection of angiopathy and neuropathy. Basic principles of primary and secondary prevention of diabetes complications are also discussed. The article emphasizes the importance of self-monitoring of blood glucose levels in diabetic patients.
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1. Dedov I.I., Shestakova M.V., Vikulova O.K. i dr. Sakharnyi diabet v Rossiiskoi Federatsii: rasprostranennost', zabolevaemost', smertnost', parametry uglevodnogo obmena i struktura sakharosnizhaiushchei terapii po dannym Federal'nogo registra sakharnogo diabeta, status 2017 g. Sakharnyi diabet. 2018; 21 (3): 144–59. [in Russian]
2. Zhernakova Yu.V., Chazova I.E., Oshchepkova E.V. et al. The prevalence of diabetes mellitus in population of hypertensive patients according to ESSE RF study results. Systemic Hypertension. 2018; 15 (1): 56–62. DOI: 10.26442/2075-082X_15.1.56-62 [in Russian]
3. International Diabetes Federation. IDF Diabetes Atlas, 8th edn. Brussels, Belgium: International Diabetes Federation, 2017. http://www.diabetesatlas.org
4. Seferovic P, Petrie M, Filipatos G et al. Type 2 diabetes mellitus and heart failure: a position statement from the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology. Eur J of Heart Fail 2018; 20 (5): 853–72.
5. Wang C, Hess C, Hiatt W, Goldfine A. Clinical Update: Cardiovascular Disease in Diabetes Mellitus: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease and Heart Failure in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus – Mechanisms, Management, and Clinical Considerations. Circulation 2016; 133 (24): 2459–502.
6. Sabatine M, Giugliano R, Keec A. Evolocumab and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease for the FOURIER Steering Committee and Investigators. N Engl J Med 2017; 376: 1713–22.
7. Algoritmy spetsializirovannoi meditsinskoi pomoshchi bol'nym sakharnym diabetom. Pod red. I.I.Dedova, M.V.Shestakovoi, A.Iu.Maiorova. Vyp. 8. Sakharnyi diabet. 2017; 20 (1S): 1–112. [in Russian]
8. Niessner A, Tamargo J, Koller L et al. Non-insulin antidiabetic pharmacotherapy in patients with established cardiovascular disease: a position paper of the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy. Eur Heart J 2018; 39 (24): 2274–81.
9. Nefrologiia. Pod red. E.M.Shilova. M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2010; s. 432–48. [in Russian]
10. Dedov I.I., Tokmakova A.Iu., Egorova D.N., Galstian G.R. Klinicheskie rekomendatsii po diagnostike i lecheniiu sindroma diabeticheskoi stopy 2015. Mezhdunar. endokrinol. zhurn. 2015; 7 (71): 106–12. [in Russian]
11. Batrak G.A., Myasoedova S.E. The role of self-control of glycemia in the prevention of diabetic micro- and macrovascular complications. Handbook for Practitioners Doctors. 2017; 3: 59–62. [in Russian]
12. Patel A, MacMahon S, Chalmers J et al. ADVANCE Collaborative Group. Intensive blood glucose control and vascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes. N Engl J Med 2008; 358 (24): 2560–72.
13. Duckworth W, Abraira C, Moritz T et al. VADT Investigators. Glucose control and vascular complications in veterans with type 2 diabetes. N Engl J Med 2009; 360 (2): 129–39.
14. International Standard EN ISO 15197: 2013. In Vitro diagnostic test systems: Requirements for blood-glucose monitoring systems for self-testing in managing diabetes mellitus. Second Edition 2013-05-15. International Organization for Standardization, 2013; р. 46
15. Caswell M et al. Accuracy and User Performance Evaluation of a Blood Glucose Monitoring System. Diabetes Technol Ther 2015; 3: 152–8.
16. Volkova E.A., Malygina O.F. Samokontrol' i izmenenie obraza zhizni patsientov kak vazhneishaia chast' kompleksnoi terapii sakharnogo diabeta tipa 2. Handbook for Practitioners Doctors. 2018; 2: 47–52. [in Russian]
17. World Health Organization. mHealth-New horizons for health through mobile technologies. Global Observatory for eHealth, Volume 3. 2011.
18. IDF Europe position on mobile applications in diabetes. International Diabetes Federation Europe, February 2017.
Е.В.Кудина*, Б.Я.Барт, М.П.Михайлусова, В.Г.Ларин
ФГБОУ ВО «Российский национальный исследовательский медицинский университет им. Н.И.Пирогова» Минздрава России. 117997, Россия, Москва, ул. Островитянова, д. 1 *kudina@mail.ru
N.I.Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 117997, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Ostrovitianova, d. 1 *kudina@mail.ru