Цель исследования. Изучить влияние вакцинации против гриппа и пневмококковой инфекции (ПИ) на сезонную заболеваемость и смертность от гриппа, острых респираторных вирусных инфекций (ОРВИ) и пневмонии населения Российской Федерации (РФ) за 2012–2016 гг. Материалы и методы. Проанализированы данные оперативного мониторинга Федеральной службы по надзору в сфере защиты прав потребителей и благополучия человека (Роспотребнадзор) о вакцинации против гриппа и ПИ в 2015–2016 гг. и заболеваемости населения ОРВИ (включая грипп), болезнями органов дыхания (БОД), а также официальная информация Федеральной службы государственной статистики (Росстата) и Министерства здравоохранения РФ (Минздрава России) о показателях смертности населения России по причине этих болезней. Результаты. Установлено, что по сравнению с 2015 г. прирост заболеваемости всего населения России ОРВИ (включая грипп) в 2016 г. составил 5,7%. При этом показатель заболеваемости гриппом в 2016 г. достиг 60,5 случая на 100 тыс. всего населения, что выше в 1,8 раза, чем в 2015 г. (34,01 на 100 тыс. населения). Заболеваемость всего населения пневмонией в 2016 г. увеличилась на 24,0% по сравнению с 2015 г. Заключение. По данным Росстата, зарегистрирован прирост смертельных случаев при гриппе и острых респираторных заболеваниях (ОРЗ) преимущественно в первом полугодии 2016 г., что связано с эпидемией гриппа. Смертность населения от пневмонии снизилась на 10,8%, от других БОД – на 6,9%, что может указывать на повышение качества медицинской помощи и профилактики БОД. Снижение частоты летальных исходов при пневмонии также обусловлено значительным охватом населения вакцинацией против гриппа и увеличением числа детей и взрослых лиц, вакцинированных против ПИ.
Ключевые слова: грипп и ОРВИ, вакцинопрофилактика, заболеваемость населения, смертность населения.
In order to assess the impact of influenza vaccination and pneumococcal infection (PI) were studied seasonal morbidity and mortality because of influenza, acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and pneumonia among the population of the Russian Federation during 2012-2016 timeframe. The methods. There were analyzed the data of Federal service for surveillance in consumer rights protection and human welfare (Rospotrebnadzor) on influenza vaccination and PI and ARVI morbidity (including influenza), diseases of the respiratory system (DRS). The information on mortality of the population of Russia because of these diseases received from official publications of the Federal State statistics service (Rosstat) and The Ministry of health of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health of Russia) on the mortality rates of the population of Russia because of these illnesses. Results: the analysis revealed that compared to 2015, in 2016 the incidence rate of ARVI in total Russian population was increased to 5,7%. The incidence rate of influenza in 2016 reached 60,5 cases per 100 thousand of the total population and was higher than the 1,8 times than in 2015 (34,01 on 100 thousand people). The incidence rate of pneumonia in total population was increased by 24,0% in 2016 compared to 2015. According to Rosstat data, the increase of deaths because of influenza and ARVI was mainly in the first semester of 2016, which was associated with influenza epidemic. Mortality because of pneumonia dropped by 10,8% and from other DRS – by 6,9%, which might indicate on the improvement of the quality of medical care and prevention of DRS. Reduction in the mortality rate because of pneumonia also was due to significant influenza vaccination coverage and the increasing number of children and adults vaccinated against PI.
Key words: influenza and ARVI, vaccination, morbidity and mortality.
Список литературы
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4. Coffin SE, Zaoutis TE, Rosenquist AB, et al. Incidence, complications, and risk factors for prolonged stay in children hospitalized with community-acquired influenza. Pediatrics. 2007;119 (4):740-748. https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2006-2679
5. Finelli L, Fiore A, Dhara R, et al. Influenza-associated pediatric mortality in the United States: increase of Staphylococcus aureus coinfection. Pediatrics. 2009;122(4): 805-811. https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2008-1336
6. Bhat N, Wright JG, Broder KR, et al. Influenza-associated deaths among children in the United States, 2003-2004. N Engl J Med. 2005; 353(24): 2559–67. https://doi.org/10.1056/nejmoa051721
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12. Prosser LA, O'Brien MA, Molinari NA, et al. Non-Traditional Settings for Influenza Vaccination of Adults. PharmacoEconomics. 2008; 26(2): 163-178. https://doi.org/10.2165/00019053-200826020-00006
1. On the status of sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the population in the Russian Federation in the year 2016: State report. - М.: Federal service for supervision of consumer rights protection and human well-being, 2017. - 220 s. (In Russ.)
2. Who Regional Office for Europe: C. S. Brown, R. Andraghetti, J. Paget. The Centers for disease control and prevention (CDC), United States: J. Michalove, N. Dharan, J. Moran, J. A. Mott, A. Mounts.. Working Group of experts from Member States. The World Health Organization. European guidelines for the who influenza surveillance among people. 2009. - 86 s.
3. World health organization. Influenza virus infections in humans (February 2014). S 1-2. https://doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-12-801238-3.00084-2http://www.who.int/influenza/gisrs_laboratory/terminology_variant/en/index.html
4. Coffin SE, Zaoutis TE, Rosenquist AB, et al. Incidence, complications, and risk factors for prolonged stay in children hospitalized with community-acquired influenza. Pediatrics. 2007;119 (4):740-748. https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2006-2679
5. Finelli L, Fiore A, Dhara R, et al. Influenza-associated pediatric mortality in the United States: increase of Staphylococcus aureus coinfection. Pediatrics. 2009;122(4): 805-811. https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2008-1336
6. Bhat N, Wright JG, Broder KR, et al. Influenza-associated deaths among children in the United States, 2003-2004. N Engl J Med. 2005; 353(24): 2559–67. https://doi.org/10.1056/nejmoa051721
7. Popova AU, Ezhlova EB, Melnikova AA, Frolova NV, Mikheyev VN, Ryzhikov AB. About the preliminary results of the season 2015-2016 on influenza and ARI in the Russian Federation. Consilium medicum. 2016; 18 (3): 8-11. (In Russ.)
8. Yu H, Liao Q, Yuan Y, et al. Effectiveness of oseltamivir on disease progression and viral RNA shedding in patients with mild pandemic 2009 influenza A H1N1: opportunistic retrospective study of medical charts in China. British Medical Journal. 2010; 341(1): c4779.https://doi.org/ 10.1136/bmj.c4779
9. Effective pharmacotherapy. Medical Forum. Satellite Symposium of OAO "Valenta". Flu and SARS: urgent problem of our time. Epidemiology and infection. 2016; (1): 3-10. (In Russ.)
10. Zaitsev AA. Modern view on modes of antibacterial therapy of community-acquired lower respiratory tract infections. RMJ. 2016; (12): 786-790. (In Russ.)
11. Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin. November 23, 2012. Vaccines against influenza. 2012;87(47):461-476.
12. Prosser LA, O'Brien MA, Molinari NA, et al. Non-Traditional Settings for Influenza Vaccination of Adults. PharmacoEconomics. 2008; 26(2): 163-178. https://doi.org/10.2165/00019053-200826020-00006
ФГБУ «Научно-исследовательский институт пульмонологии Федерального медико-биологического агентства», Москва, Россия
Research Institute of Pulmonology Federal medico-biological agency, Moscow, Russia