Цель исследования. Оценить влияние процедур каскадной плазмофильтрации (КПФ) и традиционного терапевтического обменного плазмафереза (ПА) на гемостаз у реципиентов почечного трансплантата. Материалы и методы. Мы применили методы терапевтического афереза у 54 реципиентов с острым гуморальным отторжением почечного трансплантата: у 24 – КПФ, у 30 – ПА. Всем пациентам провели по 3–4 сеанса. У всех пациентов определяли международное нормализованное отношение (МНО), активированное частичное тромбопластиновое время (АЧТВ), уровень фибриногена и тромбоцитов в крови до и после каждого сеанса, а также в конце всего курса лечения. Возмещение при ПА проводилось свежезамороженной плазмой в объеме, равноценном удаляемой плазме. При КПФ переливался 10–20% раствор альбумина. Результаты и обсуждение. У всех больных исходно регистрировались нормальные показатели гемостаза. После каждого сеанса КПФ происходили умеренное снижение числа тромбоцитов, рост МНО и АЧТВ.
После всего курса лечения КПФ уровень фибриногена снизился на 46%. Это сопровождалось ростом АЧТВ на 35% и МНО на 32%. Главным образом, это было связано с дозой процедуры (объемом перфузии), а не с применяемым фильтром. У одного больного отмечено геморрагические осложнение.
При применении ПА уровень основных показателей коагулограммы оставался в пределах нормальных значений, однако имелось умеренное снижение тромбоцитов по сравнению с процедурами КПФ. Геморрагических осложнений не отмечено. Заключение. Каскадный и традиционный ПА создают предпосылки для геморрагических осложнений в виде роста АЧТВ и МНО, снижения концентрации фибриногена. Тем не менее геморрагические осложнения достаточно редки. В то же время при проведении высокообъемной КПФ следует проявлять осторожность при исходно невысоком уровне фибриногена и контролировать его концентрацию после процедур для своевременного восполнения возникающего дефицита.
Aim. To investigate the impact of double filtration plasmapheresis (DFPP) and therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) on hemostasis in renal transplant recipients. Materials and methods. 54 renal transplant patients with an acute humoral rejection were treated with therapeutic apheresis methods:
24 patients with DFPP and 30 patients with TPE. In all patients was performed 3–4 session. We analyzed international normalized ratio (INR), activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), fibrinogen concentration and platelet count just before and after each session, and after the course of all procedures. After TPE plasma replacement was performed with an equivalent volume of a fresh frozen plasma. After DFPP was performed 10–20% albumin solution. Results and discussion. After each DFPP session was occurred an increased INR and aPTT. After course of all DFPP procedures fibrinogen level decreased by 46%. It was associated with increase of APTT and INR by 35% and 32% respectively. Mainly it was associated with dose of the procedures (volume of plasma perfusion), but not with the plasma separator type. One patient noted hemorrhagic complication.
After each TPE session level of fibrinogen concentration, INR and aPPT remained in the normal range, but there was a moderate reduction in platelet count, more pronounced than during DFPP. Hemorrhagic complications were not. Conclusion. Double cascade plasmapheresis and therapeutic plasma exchange generate preconditions for hemorrhagic complications such as increased aPTT and INR, reduce fibrinogen concentration. However, bleeding complications are rare. At the same time, during high volume DFPP should be careful when initially level of fibrinogen is low. In this case fibrinogen concentration should be controlled after the procedure for timely replenishment of its deficit.
1. Bartel G, Schwaiger E, Böhmig GA. Prevention and treatment of alloantibody-mediated kidney transplant rejection. Transplant Int. 2011;24(12):1142-55. doi: 10.1111/j.1432-2277.2011.01309.x
2. Ruangkanchanasetr P, Satirapoj B, Termmathurapoj S, Namkhanisorn K, Suaywan K, Nimkietkajorn V, Luesutthiviboon L. Intensive plasmapheresis and intravenous immunoglobulin for treatment of antibody-mediated rejection after kidney transplant. Exp Clin Transplant. 2014;12(4):328-33.
3. Yamada C, Ramon DS, Cascalho M, Sung RS, Leichtman AB, Samaniego M, Davenport RD. Efficacy of plasmapheresis on donor-specific antibody reduction by HLA specificity in post-kidney transplant recipients. Transfusion. 2015;c55(4):727-35. doi: 10.1111/trf.12923
4. Каабак М.М., Горяйнов В.А., Зокоев А.К. и др. Десятилетний опыт применения раннего плазмафереза после пересадки почки. Вестник трансплантологии и искусственных органов. 2009;11(1):28-33 [Kaabak MM, Goriaynov VA, Zokoyev AK, et al. Ten-years expirience with early plasmapheresis after kidney transplantation. Vestnik Transplantologii i Iskusstvennykh Organov = Journal of Transplantology and Artificial Organs. 2009;11(1):28-33 (In Russ.)].
5. Синютин А.А., Ватазин А.В., Зулькарнаев А.Б., Кантария Р., Крстич М. Применение плазмафереза для коррекции функциональных нарушений и расстройств микроциркуляции почечного алло-трансплантата в раннем послеоперационном периоде. Нефрология. 2013;17(4):83-8 [Sinyutin AA, Vatazin AV, Zul'karnaev AB, Kantariya R, Krstich M. The correction of function and microcirculation disturbances of renal allografts with plasmapheresis in early postoperative period. Nefrologiya = Nephrology. 2013;17(4):83-8 (In Russ.)].
6. Ward DM. Conventional apheresis therapies: A review. J Clin Apheresis. 2011;26 (5):230-8. doi: 10.1002/jca.20302
7. White B. Plasmapheresis in the treatment of acute vascular rejection: an experience on a dialysis unit. J Renal Care. 2006;32(4):208-9.
doi: 10.1111/j.1755-6686.2006.tb00024.x
8. Winters JL. Plasma exchange: concepts, mechanisms, and an overview of the American Society for Apheresis guidelines. Hematology. Am Soc Hematol Educ Program. 2012;2012:7-12. doi: 10.1182/asheducation-2012.1.7
9. Basic-Jukic N, Kes P, Glavas-Boras S, Brunetta B, Bubic-Filipi L, Puretic Z. Complications of therapeutic plasma exchange: experience with 4857 treatments. Ther Apher Dial. 2005;9(5):391-5.
10. Bramlage CP, Schröder K, Bramlage P, Ahrens K, Zapf A, Müller GA, Koziolek MJ. Predictors of complications in therapeutic plasma exchange. J Clin Apher. 2009;24(6):225-31. doi: 10.1002/jca.20217
11. Kaya E, Keklik M, Sencan M, Yilmaz M, Keskin A, Kiki I, Erkurt MA, Sivgin S, Korkmaz S, Okan V, Doğu MH, Unal A, Cetin M, Altuntaş F, Ilhan O. Therapeutic plasma exchange in patients with neurological diseases: multicenter retrospective analysis. Transfus Apher Sci. 2013;48(3):349-52. doi: 10.1016/j.transci.2013.04.015
12. Чечеткин А.В., Семелев В.Н., Кононенко С.Н., Гусев С.В. Некоторые вопросы безопасности проведения автоматического тромбоцитафереза у доноров. Трансфузиология. 2010;11(3):12-9 [Chechetkin AV, Semelev VN, Kononenko SN, Gusev SV. Some aspects of safety when performing automated thrombocytapheresis of donors. Transfuziologiya = Transfusiology. 2010;11(3):12-9 (In Russ.)].
13. Marks S. Therapeutic plasmapheresis: recognizing complications as soon as possible. Pflege Z. 2005;58(11):696-68.
14. Blasi A, Cid J, Beltran J, Taurà P, Balust J, Lozano M. Coagulation profile after plasma exchange using albumin as a replacement solution measured by thromboelastometry. Vox Sang. 2016;110(2):159-65.
doi: 10.1111/vox.12347
15. Thölking G, Mesters R, Dittrich R, Pavenstädt H, Kümpers P, Reuter S. Assessment of Hemostasis after Plasma Exchange Using Rotational Thrombelastometry (ROTEM). PLoS One. 2015;10(6):e0130402.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0130402
16. Zantek ND, Morgan S, Zantek PF, Mair DC, Bowman RJ, Aysola A. Effect of therapeutic plasma exchange on coagulation parameters in patients on warfarin. J Clin Apher. 2014 Apr;29(2):75-82.
doi: 10.1002/jca.21294. Epub 2013 Sep 2.
17. Ibrahim RB, Balogun RA. Medications in patients treated with therapeutic plasma exchange: prescription dosage, timing, and drug overdose. Semin Dial. 2012;25(2):176-89. doi: 10.1111/j.1525-139X.2011.01030.x
18. Lew SQ. Amphotericin B removal by plasma exchange. J Clin Pharm Ther. 2009;34(1):115-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2710.2008.00964.x
19. Hanafusa N. Theoretical basis of pathogenic substance removal during plasmapheresis. Ther Apher Dial. 2011;15(5):421-30. doi: 10.1111/j. 1744-9987.2011.00930.x
20. Kintzel PE, Eastlund T, Calis KA. Extracorporeal removal of antimicrobials during plasmapheresis. J Clin Apher. 2003;18(4):194-205.
21. Okechukwu CN, Meier-Kriesche HU, Armstrong D, et al. Removal of basiliximab by plasmapheresis. Am J Kidney Dis. 2001;37(1):11.
doi: 10.1016/S0272-6386(01)90008-3
22. Nojima M, Yoshimoto T, Nakao A, et al. Sequential blood level monitoring of basiliximab during multisession plasmapheresis in a kidney transplant recipient Transplant Proc. 2005;37(2):875-8. doi: 10.1016/ j.transproceed.2005.01.050
23. Puisset F, White-Koning M, Kamar N, Huart A, Haberer F, Blasco H, Le Guellec C, Lafont T, Grand A, Rostaing L, Chatelut E, Pourrat J. Population pharmacokinetics of rituximab with or without plasmapheresis in kidney patients with antibody-mediated disease. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2013;76(5):734-40. doi: 10.1111/bcp.12098
24. Pruijm MT, Vogt B, Cherpillod A. Plasmapheresis, a safe treatment when applied to the correct indication and with awareness of the complications. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2008;152(42):2261-6.
25. Возгомент О.В. Свежезамороженная плазма как причина тяжелых аллергических осложнений, по данным экспертной оценки качества медицинской помощи. Трудный пациент. 2012;10(8-9):10-4 [Vozgoment OV. Fresh frozen plasma as a cause of severe allergic complications, according to medicine care quality expert survey. Trudnyy Patsient = Difficult Patient. 2012;10(8-9):10-4 (In Russ.)].
26. Stefanello B, De Paula EV, Andrade Orsi F, Comenalli Marques JF Jr, Gasparotto Roveri E, Pereira Colella M, Castro Ozelo M, Maria Annichino-Bizzacchi J, Addas-Carvalho M. Safety and efficacy of cryoprecipitate-poor plasma as a replacement fluid for therapeutic plasma exchange in thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura: a single center retrospective evaluation. J Clin Apher. 2014;29(6):311-5. doi: 10.1002/ jca.21336
27. Gungor O, Sen S, Kircelli F, et al. Plasmapheresis therapy in renal transplant patients: five-year experience. Transplant Proc. 2011;43(3):853-7.
28. Higgins R, Lowe D, Hathaway M, et al. Double filtration plasmapheresis in antibody-incompatible kidney transplantation. Ther Apheres Dial. 2010;14(4):392-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-9987.2010.00821.x
29. Han S, Hwang E, Park S, Park U, Kim H, Cho W. Clinical outcomes of ABO-incompatible kidney transplant with rituximab and double-filtration plasmapheresis. Exp Clin Transplant. 2014 Oct;12(5):401-4.
30. Matsuo N, Yamamoto H, Kobayashi A, Yamamoto I, Mitome J, Maruyama Y, Hayakawa H, Miyazaki Y, Utsunomiya Y, Hosoya T, Yamaguchi Y. A case of accelerated acute rejection after ABO-compatible living unrelated kidney transplantation. Clin Transplant. 2009;23(20):23-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1399-0012.2009.01004.x
31. Silvestre C, Furian L, Marson P, Tison T, Valente M, Marchini F, Rossi B, Bonfante L, Valerio F, Cozzi E, Rigotti P. Desensitization with plasmapheresis and anti-Cd20 for ABO incompatible kidney transplantation from living donor: experience of a single center in Italy. Transplant Proceed. 2014;46(7):2209-13. doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2014.07.063
32. Uchida J, Iwai T, Kato M, Machida Y, Naganuma T, Kumada N,
Yoshimura R, Kawashima H, Kim T, Nakatani T. A novel approach to successful ABO-incompatible high-titer renal transplantation. Transplant Proceed. 2008;40(7):2285-8. doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2008.06.018
33. Tanabe K. Double-filtration plasmapheresis. Transplantation. 2007;84(12):30-2. doi:1097/01.tp.0000296103.34735.b8
34. Ватазин А.В., Зулькарнаев А.Б., Кантария Р.О., Крстич М., Фаенко А.П. Особенности проведения плазмафереза при лечении отторжения почечного трансплантата. Вестник трансплантологии и искусственных органов. 2015;17(3):32-9 [Vatazin AV, Zul'karnaev AB, Kantariya RO, Krstich M, Faenko AP. Features of plasmapheresis in the treatment of graft rejection after kidney transplantation. Vestnik Transplantologii i Iskusstvennykh Organov = Journal of Transplantology and Artificial Organs. 2015;17(3):32-9 (In Russ.)].
1. Bartel G, Schwaiger E, Böhmig GA. Prevention and treatment of alloantibody-mediated kidney transplant rejection. Transplant Int. 2011;24(12):1142-55. doi: 10.1111/j.1432-2277.2011.01309.x
2. Ruangkanchanasetr P, Satirapoj B, Termmathurapoj S, Namkhanisorn K, Suaywan K, Nimkietkajorn V, Luesutthiviboon L. Intensive plasmapheresis and intravenous immunoglobulin for treatment of antibody-mediated rejection after kidney transplant. Exp Clin Transplant. 2014;12(4):328-33.
3. Yamada C, Ramon DS, Cascalho M, Sung RS, Leichtman AB, Samaniego M, Davenport RD. Efficacy of plasmapheresis on donor-specific antibody reduction by HLA specificity in post-kidney transplant recipients. Transfusion. 2015;c55(4):727-35. doi: 10.1111/trf.12923
4. [Kaabak MM, Goriaynov VA, Zokoyev AK, et al. Ten-years expirience with early plasmapheresis after kidney transplantation. Vestnik Transplantologii i Iskusstvennykh Organov = Journal of Transplantology and Artificial Organs. 2009;11(1):28-33 (In Russ.)].
5. [Sinyutin AA, Vatazin AV, Zul'karnaev AB, Kantariya R, Krstich M. The correction of function and microcirculation disturbances of renal allografts with plasmapheresis in early postoperative period. Nefrologiya = Nephrology. 2013;17(4):83-8 (In Russ.)].
6. Ward DM. Conventional apheresis therapies: A review. J Clin Apheresis. 2011;26 (5):230-8. doi: 10.1002/jca.20302
7. White B. Plasmapheresis in the treatment of acute vascular rejection: an experience on a dialysis unit. J Renal Care. 2006;32(4):208-9.
doi: 10.1111/j.1755-6686.2006.tb00024.x
8. Winters JL. Plasma exchange: concepts, mechanisms, and an overview of the American Society for Apheresis guidelines. Hematology. Am Soc Hematol Educ Program. 2012;2012:7-12. doi: 10.1182/asheducation-2012.1.7
9. Basic-Jukic N, Kes P, Glavas-Boras S, Brunetta B, Bubic-Filipi L, Puretic Z. Complications of therapeutic plasma exchange: experience with 4857 treatments. Ther Apher Dial. 2005;9(5):391-5.
10. Bramlage CP, Schröder K, Bramlage P, Ahrens K, Zapf A, Müller GA, Koziolek MJ. Predictors of complications in therapeutic plasma exchange. J Clin Apher. 2009;24(6):225-31. doi: 10.1002/jca.20217
11. Kaya E, Keklik M, Sencan M, Yilmaz M, Keskin A, Kiki I, Erkurt MA, Sivgin S, Korkmaz S, Okan V, Doğu MH, Unal A, Cetin M, Altuntaş F, Ilhan O. Therapeutic plasma exchange in patients with neurological diseases: multicenter retrospective analysis. Transfus Apher Sci. 2013;48(3):349-52. doi: 10.1016/j.transci.2013.04.015
12. [Chechetkin AV, Semelev VN, Kononenko SN, Gusev SV. Some aspects of safety when performing automated thrombocytapheresis of donors. Transfuziologiya = Transfusiology. 2010;11(3):12-9 (In Russ.)].
13. Marks S. Therapeutic plasmapheresis: recognizing complications as soon as possible. Pflege Z. 2005;58(11):696-68.
14. Blasi A, Cid J, Beltran J, Taurà P, Balust J, Lozano M. Coagulation profile after plasma exchange using albumin as a replacement solution measured by thromboelastometry. Vox Sang. 2016;110(2):159-65.
doi: 10.1111/vox.12347
15. Thölking G, Mesters R, Dittrich R, Pavenstädt H, Kümpers P, Reuter S. Assessment of Hemostasis after Plasma Exchange Using Rotational Thrombelastometry (ROTEM). PLoS One. 2015;10(6):e0130402.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0130402
16. Zantek ND, Morgan S, Zantek PF, Mair DC, Bowman RJ, Aysola A. Effect of therapeutic plasma exchange on coagulation parameters in patients on warfarin. J Clin Apher. 2014 Apr;29(2):75-82.
doi: 10.1002/jca.21294. Epub 2013 Sep 2.
17. Ibrahim RB, Balogun RA. Medications in patients treated with therapeutic plasma exchange: prescription dosage, timing, and drug overdose. Semin Dial. 2012;25(2):176-89. doi: 10.1111/j.1525-139X.2011.01030.x
18. Lew SQ. Amphotericin B removal by plasma exchange. J Clin Pharm Ther. 2009;34(1):115-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2710.2008.00964.x
19. Hanafusa N. Theoretical basis of pathogenic substance removal during plasmapheresis. Ther Apher Dial. 2011;15(5):421-30. doi: 10.1111/j. 1744-9987.2011.00930.x
20. Kintzel PE, Eastlund T, Calis KA. Extracorporeal removal of antimicrobials during plasmapheresis. J Clin Apher. 2003;18(4):194-205.
21. Okechukwu CN, Meier-Kriesche HU, Armstrong D, et al. Removal of basiliximab by plasmapheresis. Am J Kidney Dis. 2001;37(1):11.
doi: 10.1016/S0272-6386(01)90008-3
22. Nojima M, Yoshimoto T, Nakao A, et al. Sequential blood level monitoring of basiliximab during multisession plasmapheresis in a kidney transplant recipient Transplant Proc. 2005;37(2):875-8. doi: 10.1016/ j.transproceed.2005.01.050
23. Puisset F, White-Koning M, Kamar N, Huart A, Haberer F, Blasco H, Le Guellec C, Lafont T, Grand A, Rostaing L, Chatelut E, Pourrat J. Population pharmacokinetics of rituximab with or without plasmapheresis in kidney patients with antibody-mediated disease. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2013;76(5):734-40. doi: 10.1111/bcp.12098
24. Pruijm MT, Vogt B, Cherpillod A. Plasmapheresis, a safe treatment when applied to the correct indication and with awareness of the complications. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2008;152(42):2261-6.
25. [Vozgoment OV. Fresh frozen plasma as a cause of severe allergic complications, according to medicine care quality expert survey. Trudnyy Patsient = Difficult Patient. 2012;10(8-9):10-4 (In Russ.)].
26. Stefanello B, De Paula EV, Andrade Orsi F, Comenalli Marques JF Jr, Gasparotto Roveri E, Pereira Colella M, Castro Ozelo M, Maria Annichino-Bizzacchi J, Addas-Carvalho M. Safety and efficacy of cryoprecipitate-poor plasma as a replacement fluid for therapeutic plasma exchange in thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura: a single center retrospective evaluation. J Clin Apher. 2014;29(6):311-5. doi: 10.1002/ jca.21336
27. Gungor O, Sen S, Kircelli F, et al. Plasmapheresis therapy in renal transplant patients: five-year experience. Transplant Proc. 2011;43(3):853-7.
28. Higgins R, Lowe D, Hathaway M, et al. Double filtration plasmapheresis in antibody-incompatible kidney transplantation. Ther Apheres Dial. 2010;14(4):392-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-9987.2010.00821.x
29. Han S, Hwang E, Park S, Park U, Kim H, Cho W. Clinical outcomes of ABO-incompatible kidney transplant with rituximab and double-filtration plasmapheresis. Exp Clin Transplant. 2014 Oct;12(5):401-4.
30. Matsuo N, Yamamoto H, Kobayashi A, Yamamoto I, Mitome J, Maruyama Y, Hayakawa H, Miyazaki Y, Utsunomiya Y, Hosoya T, Yamaguchi Y. A case of accelerated acute rejection after ABO-compatible living unrelated kidney transplantation. Clin Transplant. 2009;23(20):23-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1399-0012.2009.01004.x
31. Silvestre C, Furian L, Marson P, Tison T, Valente M, Marchini F, Rossi B, Bonfante L, Valerio F, Cozzi E, Rigotti P. Desensitization with plasmapheresis and anti-Cd20 for ABO incompatible kidney transplantation from living donor: experience of a single center in Italy. Transplant Proceed. 2014;46(7):2209-13. doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2014.07.063
32. Uchida J, Iwai T, Kato M, Machida Y, Naganuma T, Kumada N,
Yoshimura R, Kawashima H, Kim T, Nakatani T. A novel approach to successful ABO-incompatible high-titer renal transplantation. Transplant Proceed. 2008;40(7):2285-8. doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2008.06.018
33. Tanabe K. Double-filtration plasmapheresis. Transplantation. 2007;84(12):30-2. doi:1097/01.tp.0000296103.34735.b8
34. [Vatazin AV, Zul'karnaev AB, Kantariya RO, Krstich M, Faenko AP. Features of plasmapheresis in the treatment of graft rejection after kidney transplantation. Vestnik Transplantologii i Iskusstvennykh Organov = Journal of Transplantology and Artificial Organs. 2015;17(3):32-9 (In Russ.)].
А.В. Ватазин, А.Б. Зулькарнаев
ГБУЗ МО «Московский областной научно-исследовательский клинический институт им. М.Ф. Владимирского», Москва, Россия
A.V. Vatazin, A.B. Zulkarnaev
M.F. Vladimirskiy Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute, Moscow, Russia