Лечение кандидемий, вызванных Candida albicans и Candida non-albicans, у больных с опухолями системы крови
Лечение кандидемий, вызванных Candida albicans и Candida non-albicans, у больных с опухолями системы крови
Клясова Г.А., Мальчикова А.О., Тандилова К.С. и др. Лечение кандидемий, вызванных Candida albicans и Candida non-albicans, у больных с опухолями системы крови. Терапевтический архив. 2019; 91 (8): 84–92. DOI: 10.26442/00403660.2019.08.000385
Klyasova G.А., Malchikova A.O., Tandilova K.S., et al. Treatment of candidemia caused by Candida albicans and Candida non-albicans in patients with hematological malignancies. Therapeutic Archive. 2019; 91 (8): 84–92. DOI: 10.26442/00403660.2019.08.000385
Лечение кандидемий, вызванных Candida albicans и Candida non-albicans, у больных с опухолями системы крови
Клясова Г.А., Мальчикова А.О., Тандилова К.С. и др. Лечение кандидемий, вызванных Candida albicans и Candida non-albicans, у больных с опухолями системы крови. Терапевтический архив. 2019; 91 (8): 84–92. DOI: 10.26442/00403660.2019.08.000385
Klyasova G.А., Malchikova A.O., Tandilova K.S., et al. Treatment of candidemia caused by Candida albicans and Candida non-albicans in patients with hematological malignancies. Therapeutic Archive. 2019; 91 (8): 84–92. DOI: 10.26442/00403660.2019.08.000385
Цель исследования. Изучить факторы риска, клинические симптомы и результаты лечения кандидемии, обусловленной C. albicans и C. non-albicans, у больных с опухолями системы крови. Материалы и методы. В исследование включены больные с опухолями системы крови и кандидемией. Диагноз кандидемии устанавливали на основании выделения Candida spp. из гемокультуры и наличия симптомов инфекции. Результаты и обсуждение. В течение 12 лет (2006–2017) кандидемию диагностировали у 75 больных в возрасте от 17 до 77 лет (медиана 48 лет). Кандидемия обусловлена C. albicans у 34,7% больных, C. non-albicans – у 65,3%. Кандидемия, вызванная C. albicans, преобладала у больных старшей возрастной категории (медиана 56,5 года; р=0,04) и лимфомами (61,5%; р=0.01), с колонизацией слизистой оболочки кишечника тем же видом Candida (88,5%; p=0,002). C. non-albicans чаще выделялась из гемокультуры у больных острыми лейкозами (51%; р=0,01) и у реципиентов аллогенных гемопоэтических клеток (22,5%; р=0,01). Способность к образованию биопленок определялась чаще среди C. non-albicans (59,2%), чем C. albicans (19,2%; p=0,001). Клинические симптомы кандидемии были неспецифичными (температура у 97%). Септический шок развился у 25 (33%) больных с сопоставимой частотой в обеих группах. Диагностика сопутствующих инфекций также сопоставима (73 и 73,5%). Общая выживаемость в течение 30 дней при кандидемии, вызванной C. albicans и C. non-albicans, составила 61,2 и 61,5% Лечение эхинокандином приводило к увеличению выживаемости в сравнении с другими антимикотиками при кандидемии, вызванной как C. albicans (88,9% против 40%; р=0,02), так и C. non-albicans (77,3% против 47,8%). Заключение. Среди возбудителей кандидемий выявлен высокий процент C. non-albicans. В обеих группах наблюдалась высокая летальность. Применение эхинокандинов в качестве стартовой терапии приводило к увеличению выживаемости.
Ключевые слова: кандидемии, Candida spp., опухоли системы крови.
Aim. To study the risk factors, symptoms and outcomes of candidemia caused by C. albicans and C. non-albicans in patients with hematological malignancies. Materials and methods. The study included patients with hematological malignancies and candidemia. The diagnosis of candidemia was established according to the single isolation of Candida spp. from blood culture and the presence of symptoms of infection. Results and discussion. Over 12 years (2006–2017), candidemia was diagnosed in 75 patients aged 17 to 77 years (median 48 years). The causative agents of candidemia were C. albicans in 34.7% of patients, C. non-albicans – in 65.3%. Candidemia caused by C. albicans prevailed in patients of the older age group (median 56.5 years, p=0.04) and in patients with lymphoma (61.5%, p=0.01) with colonization of the gut by the same species of Candida (88.5%, p=0.002). Isolation of C. non-albicans from blood culture was more common in patients with acute leukemia (51%, p=0.01) and in recipients of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cells (22.5%, p=0.01). The ability to form biofilms was observed more frequently among C. non-albicans (59.2%) than C. albicans (19.2%, p=0.001). The clinical symptoms of candidemia were non-specific (fever was in 97%). Septic shock developed in 25 (33%) patients with comparable frequency in both groups. Concomitant infections was also comparable (73% vs. 73.5%). Overall 30-day survival in patients with candidemia caused by C. albicans and C. non-albicans was 61.2% and 61.5%. Treatment with echinocandin was associated with increase of survival compared to other antifungal agents among patients with C. albicans candidaemia (88.9% versus 40%, p=0.02) and among C. non-albicans (77.3% versus 47.8%). Conclusion. C. non-albicans constituted a high proportion among causative agents of candidemia. High mortality rate was observed in both groups. Initial therapy with echinocandin was associated with increase of survival.
1. Клясова Г.А., Сперанская Л.Л., Миронова А.В., Масчан М.А.. Байдильдина Д.Д., Верещагина С.А., Капорская Т.С., Юрицина Н.Ю., Поспелова Т.И., Крайнова Л.Е.. Маркина О.А.. Трушина Е.Е., Бриллиантова А.Н., Фролова И.Н. Возбудители сепсиса у иммунокомпрометированных больных: структура и проблемы антибиотикорезистентности (результаты многоцентрового исследования). Гематология и трансфузиология. 2007;(1):11-9 [Klyasova GA, Speranskaya LL, Mironova AV, Maschan MA, Baidildina DD, Vereshchagina SA, Kaporskaya TS, Yuritsina NYu, Pospelova TI, Kraynova LE, Markina OA, Trushina EE, Brilliantantova AN, Frolova IN. Causative agents of sepsis in immunocompromised patients: structure and problems of antibiotic resistance (results of a multicenter study). Gematologiya i Transfuziologiya. 2007;(1):11-9 (In Russ.)].
2. Barchiesi F, Orsetti E, Gesuita R, Skrami E, Manso E. Epidemiology, clinical characteristics, and outcome of candidemia in a tertiary referral center in Italy from 2010 to 2014. Infection. 2016;44(2):205-13. doi: 10.1007/s15010-015-0845-z
3. Montagna MT, Lovero G, Borghi E, Amato G, Andreoni S, Campion L, Lo Cascio G, Lombardi G, Luzzaro F, Manso E, Mussap M, Pecile P, Perin S, Tangorra E, Tronci M, Iatta R, Morace G. Candidemia in intensive care unit: a nation wide prospective observational survey (GISIA-3 study) and review of the European literature from 2000 through 2013. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2014;18(5):661-74.
4. De Pauw B, Walsh TJ, Donnelly P, Stevens DA, Edwards JE, Calandra T, Pappas P, Maertens J, Lortholary O, Kauffman CA, Denning DW, Patterson TF, Maschmeyer G, Bille J, Dismukes WE, Herbrecht R, Hope WW, Kibbler CC, Kullberg BJ, Marr KA, Muñoz P, Odds FC, Perfect JR, Restrepo A, Ruhnke M, Segal BH, Sobel JD, Sorrell TC, Viscoli C, Wingard JR, Zaoutis T, Bennett JE. Revised definitions of invasive fungal disease from European organization for research and treatment of invasive fungal disease from European organization for research and treatment of cancer/invasive fungal infections cooperative group and the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases mycoses study group EORTC/MSG) consensus group. Clin Infect Dis. 2008;46(12):1813-21. doi: 10.1086/588660
5. Tumbarello M, Fiori B, Trecarichi EM, et al. Risk factors and outcomes of candidemia caused by biofilm-forming isolates in a tertiary care hospital. PLoS One. 2012;7:e33705. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0033705
6. Pierce CG, Uppuluri P, Tristan AR, et al. A simple and reproducible 96 well plate-based method for the formation of fungal biofilms and its application to antifungal susceptibility testing. Nat Protoc. 2008;3(9):1494-500. doi: 10.1038/nport.2008.141
7. Melo AS, Bizerra FC, Freymuller E, Arthington-Skaggs BA, Colombo AL. Biofilm production and evaluation of antifungal susceptibility amongst clinical Candida spp. isolates, including strains of the Candida parapsilosis complex. Med Mycol. 2011;49:253-62. doi: 10.3109/13693786.2010.530032
8. Segal BH, Herbrecht R, Stevens DA, Ostrosky-Zeichner L, Sobe J, Viscoli C, Walsh TJ, Maertens J, Patterson TF, Perfect JR, Dupont B, Wingard JR, Calandra T, Kauffman C, Graybill JR, Baden LR, Pappas PG, Bennett JE, Kontoyiannis DP, Cordonnier C, Viviani MA, Bille J, Almyroudis NG, Wheat LJ, Graninger W, Bow E, Holland S, Kullberg B, Dismukes W, De Pauw B. Defining Responses to Therapy and Study Outcomes in Clinical Trials of Invasive Fungal Diseases: Mycoses Study Group and European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Consensus Criteria. Clin Infect Dis. 2008;47(5):674-83. doi: 10.1086/590566
9. Sipsas NV, Lewis RE, Tarrand J, Hachem R, Rolston KV, Raad II, Kontoyiannis DP. Candidemia in patients with hematologic malignanses in the era of new antifungal agents (2001–2007): stable incidence but changing epidemiology of a still frequently lethal infection. Canсer. 2009;115(20):4745-52. doi: 10.1002/cncr.24507
10. Gong X, Luan T, Wu X, Li G, Qiu H, Kang Y, Qin B, Fang Q, Cui W, Qin Y, Li J, Zang B. Invasive candidiasis in intensive care units in China: Risk factors and prognoses of Candida albicans and non–albicans Candida шnfections. Am J Infect Control. 2016 Jan 15;1-5.
11. Kliasova G, Okhmat V, Popova M, et al. Russian Prospective Multicenter Observational Study of Invasive Fungal Infections (IFI) in patients with Acute Leukemia (AL) and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantant (HSCT) Recipients – RIFI. 54th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICCAC). Washington, 2014, М-1103.
12. Lamoth F, Lockhart SR, Berkow EL, Calandra T. Changes in the epidemiological landscape of invasive candidiasis. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2018;73(1):4-13. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkx444
13. Arendrup MС, Dzajic E, Jеnsen RH, Johansen NK, Kjaeldgaard P, Knudsen JD, Kristensen L, Leitz C, Lemming LE, Nielsen L, Olesen B, Rosenvinge FC, Røder BL, Schønheyder HC. Epidemiological changes with potential implication for antifungal prescription recommendations for fungaemia: data from a nationwide fungaemia surveillance programme. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2013;19(8):343-53. doi: 10.1111/1469-0691.12212
14. Hachem R, Hanna H, Kontoyiannis D, Jiang Y, Raad I. The changing epidemiology of invasive candidiasis: Candida glabrata and Candida krusei as the leading causes of candidemia in hematologic malignancy. Cancer. 2008;112(11):2493-9. doi: 10.1002/cncr.23466
15. Montagna МТ, Caggiano G, Lovero G, De Giglio O, Coretti C, Cuna T, Iatta R, Giglio M, Dalfino L, Bruno F, Puntillo F. Epidemiology of invasive fungal infections in the intensive care unit: results of a multicenter Italian survey (AURORA Project). Infection. 2013;41(3):645-53. doi: 10.1007/s15010-013-0432-0
16. Pappas PG, Lionakis MS, Arendrup MC, Ostrosky Zeichner L, Kullberg BJ. Invasive candidiasis. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2018;4:18026. doi: 10.1038/nrdp.2018.26
17. Rausch CR, DiPippo AJ, Bose P, Kontoyiannis DP. Breakthrough fungal infections in leukemia patients receiving isavuconazole. Clin Infect Dis. 2018;67(10):1610-3. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciy406
18. Drgona L, Kosmanova I, Rolencova M, Sedlacek P, Chrenkova V, Horakova J, Dzurenkova A, Zak P, Zavrelova A, Guman T, Tothova E, Mudry P, Foralova R, Novak J, Vokurka S, Kouba M, Ziakova B, Ligova A, Muzik J, Kandrnal V, Mayer J, Racil Z. Invasive candidemia/candidiasis on hematological wards in 2000-2012- a results from FIND-Candida project. Trends in Medical Mycology (TIMM). 2013;56(3):55-167.
19. Caira M, Candoni A, Verga L, Busca A, Delia M, Nosari A, Caramatti C, Castagnola C, Cattaneo C, Fanci R, Chierichini A, Melillo R, Mitra ME, Picardi M, Potenza L, Salutari P, Vianelli N, Facchini L, Cesarini M, De Paolis MR, Di Blasi R, Farina F, Venditti A, Ferrari A, Garzia M, Gasbarrino C, Invernizzi R, Lessi F, Manna A, Martino B, Nadali G, Offidani M, Paris L, Pavone V, Rossi G, Spadea A, Specchia G, Trecarichi EM, Vacca A, Cesaro S, Perriello V, Aversa F, Tumbarello M, Pagano L. Pre-chemotherapy risk factors for invasiv fungal diseases: prospectiv analysis of 1,192 patients with newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia (SEIFEM 2010-a multicenter study). Haematologica. 2015;100(2):284-92. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2014.113399
20. Gamaletsou MN, Walsh TJ, Zaotis T, Pagoni M, Kotsopoulou M, Voulgarelis M, Panayiotidis P, Vassilakopoulos T, Angelopoulou MK, Marangos M, Spyridonidis A, Kofteridis D, Pouli A, Sotiropoulos D, Matsouka P, Argyropoulou A, Perloretzou S, Leckerman K, Manaka A, Oikonomopoulos P, Daikos G, Petrikkos G, Sipsas NV. A prospective, cohort, multicentre study of candidemia in hospitalized adult patients with haematological malignancies. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2014;20(1):50-7. doi: 10.1111/1469-0691.12312
21. Dalle F, Lafon I, L'ollivier C, Ferrant E, Sicard P, Labruère C, Jebrane A, Laubriet A, Vagner O, Caillot D, Bonnin A. A prospective analysis of the genotypic diversity and dynamicsof the Candida albicans colonizing flora in neutropenic patients with denovo acute leukemia. Haematologica. 2008;93(4):581-7. doi: 10.3324/haematol.11882
22. Nucci M, Anaissie E. Revisiting the source of candidemia: skin or gut? Clin Infect Dis. 2001;33(12):1959-67. doi: 10.1086/323759
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25. Andes DR, Safdar N, Baddley JW, Playford G, Reboli AC, Rex JH, Sobel JD, Pappas PG, Kullberg BJ. Impact of treatment strategy on outcomes in patients with candidemia and other forms of invasive candidiasis: a patient-level quantitative review of randomized trials. Clin Infect Dis. 2012;54(8):1110-22. doi: 10.1093/cid/cis021
26. Ullmann A, Akova M, Herbrecht R, Viscoli C, Arendrup MC, Arikan-Akdagli S, Bassetti M, Bille J, Calandra T, Castagnola E, Cornely OA, Donnelly JP, Garbino J, Groll AH, Hope WW, Jensen HE, Kullberg BJ, Lass-Flörl C, Lortholary O, Meersseman W, Petrikkos G, Richardson MD, Roilides E, Verweij PE, Cuenca-Estrella M. ESCMID guidelines for the diagnosis and management of Candida diseases 2012: adults with haematological malignancies and after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2012;18(7):53-67. doi: 10.1111/1469-0691.12041
27. Pappas PG, Kauffman CA, Andes DR, Clancy CJ, Marr KA, Ostrosky-Zeichner L, Reboli AC, Schuster MG, Vazquez JA, Walsh TJ, Zaoutis TE, Sobel JD. Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Candidiasis: 2016 Update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Clin Infect Dis. 2016;62(4):1-50. doi: 10.1093/cid/civ933
28. Клясова Г.А., Блохина Е.В., Грачева А.Н., Кравченко С.К., Паровичникова Е.Н., Охмат В.А., Коробова А.Г., Галстян Г.М., Куликов С.М. Факторы, влияющие на излечение у больных гемобластозами и кандидемией. Терапевтический архив. 2015;87(7):77-87 [Klyasova GA, Blokhina EV, Gracheva AN, Kravchenko SK, Parovichnikova EN, Okhmat VA, Korobova AG, Galstyan GM, Kulikov SM. Factors influencing recovery in patients with hemoblastoses and candidemia. Therapeutic Archive. 2015;87(7):77-87 (In Russ.)]. doi: 10.17116/terarkh201587777-87
1. Mironova AV, Maschan MA, Baidildina DD, Vereshchagina SA, Kaporskaya TS, Yuritsina NYu, Pospelova TI, Kraynova LE, Markina OA, Trushina EE, Brilliantantova AN, Frolova IN. Causative agents of sepsis in immunocompromised patients: structure and problems of antibiotic resistance (results of a multicenter study). Gematologiya i Transfuziologiya. 2007;(1):11-9 (In Russ.)].
2. Barchiesi F, Orsetti E, Gesuita R, Skrami E, Manso E. Epidemiology, clinical characteristics, and outcome of candidemia in a tertiary referral center in Italy from 2010 to 2014. Infection. 2016;44(2):205-13. doi: 10.1007/s15010-015-0845-z
3. Montagna MT, Lovero G, Borghi E, Amato G, Andreoni S, Campion L, Lo Cascio G, Lombardi G, Luzzaro F, Manso E, Mussap M, Pecile P, Perin S, Tangorra E, Tronci M, Iatta R, Morace G. Candidemia in intensive care unit: a nation wide prospective observational survey (GISIA-3 study) and review of the European literature from 2000 through 2013. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2014;18(5):661-74.
4. De Pauw B, Walsh TJ, Donnelly P, Stevens DA, Edwards JE, Calandra T, Pappas P, Maertens J, Lortholary O, Kauffman CA, Denning DW, Patterson TF, Maschmeyer G, Bille J, Dismukes WE, Herbrecht R, Hope WW, Kibbler CC, Kullberg BJ, Marr KA, Muñoz P, Odds FC, Perfect JR, Restrepo A, Ruhnke M, Segal BH, Sobel JD, Sorrell TC, Viscoli C, Wingard JR, Zaoutis T, Bennett JE. Revised definitions of invasive fungal disease from European organization for research and treatment of invasive fungal disease from European organization for research and treatment of cancer/invasive fungal infections cooperative group and the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases mycoses study group EORTC/MSG) consensus group. Clin Infect Dis. 2008;46(12):1813-21. doi: 10.1086/588660
5. Tumbarello M, Fiori B, Trecarichi EM, et al. Risk factors and outcomes of candidemia caused by biofilm-forming isolates in a tertiary care hospital. PLoS One. 2012;7:e33705. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0033705
6. Pierce CG, Uppuluri P, Tristan AR, et al. A simple and reproducible 96 well plate-based method for the formation of fungal biofilms and its application to antifungal susceptibility testing. Nat Protoc. 2008;3(9):1494-500. doi: 10.1038/nport.2008.141
7. Melo AS, Bizerra FC, Freymuller E, Arthington-Skaggs BA, Colombo AL. Biofilm production and evaluation of antifungal susceptibility amongst clinical Candida spp. isolates, including strains of the Candida parapsilosis complex. Med Mycol. 2011;49:253-62. doi: 10.3109/13693786.2010.530032
8. Segal BH, Herbrecht R, Stevens DA, Ostrosky-Zeichner L, Sobe J, Viscoli C, Walsh TJ, Maertens J, Patterson TF, Perfect JR, Dupont B, Wingard JR, Calandra T, Kauffman C, Graybill JR, Baden LR, Pappas PG, Bennett JE, Kontoyiannis DP, Cordonnier C, Viviani MA, Bille J, Almyroudis NG, Wheat LJ, Graninger W, Bow E, Holland S, Kullberg B, Dismukes W, De Pauw B. Defining Responses to Therapy and Study Outcomes in Clinical Trials of Invasive Fungal Diseases: Mycoses Study Group and European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Consensus Criteria. Clin Infect Dis. 2008;47(5):674-83. doi: 10.1086/590566
9. Sipsas NV, Lewis RE, Tarrand J, Hachem R, Rolston KV, Raad II, Kontoyiannis DP. Candidemia in patients with hematologic malignanses in the era of new antifungal agents (2001–2007): stable incidence but changing epidemiology of a still frequently lethal infection. Canсer. 2009;115(20):4745-52. doi: 10.1002/cncr.24507
10. Gong X, Luan T, Wu X, Li G, Qiu H, Kang Y, Qin B, Fang Q, Cui W, Qin Y, Li J, Zang B. Invasive candidiasis in intensive care units in China: Risk factors and prognoses of Candida albicans and non–albicans Candida шnfections. Am J Infect Control. 2016 Jan 15;1-5.
11. Kliasova G, Okhmat V, Popova M, et al. Russian Prospective Multicenter Observational Study of Invasive Fungal Infections (IFI) in patients with Acute Leukemia (AL) and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantant (HSCT) Recipients – RIFI. 54th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICCAC). Washington, 2014, М-1103.
12. Lamoth F, Lockhart SR, Berkow EL, Calandra T. Changes in the epidemiological landscape of invasive candidiasis. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2018;73(1):4-13. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkx444
13. Arendrup MС, Dzajic E, Jеnsen RH, Johansen NK, Kjaeldgaard P, Knudsen JD, Kristensen L, Leitz C, Lemming LE, Nielsen L, Olesen B, Rosenvinge FC, Røder BL, Schønheyder HC. Epidemiological changes with potential implication for antifungal prescription recommendations for fungaemia: data from a nationwide fungaemia surveillance programme. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2013;19(8):343-53. doi: 10.1111/1469-0691.12212
14. Hachem R, Hanna H, Kontoyiannis D, Jiang Y, Raad I. The changing epidemiology of invasive candidiasis: Candida glabrata and Candida krusei as the leading causes of candidemia in hematologic malignancy. Cancer. 2008;112(11):2493-9. doi: 10.1002/cncr.23466
15. Montagna МТ, Caggiano G, Lovero G, De Giglio O, Coretti C, Cuna T, Iatta R, Giglio M, Dalfino L, Bruno F, Puntillo F. Epidemiology of invasive fungal infections in the intensive care unit: results of a multicenter Italian survey (AURORA Project). Infection. 2013;41(3):645-53. doi: 10.1007/s15010-013-0432-0
16. Pappas PG, Lionakis MS, Arendrup MC, Ostrosky Zeichner L, Kullberg BJ. Invasive candidiasis. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2018;4:18026. doi: 10.1038/nrdp.2018.26
17. Rausch CR, DiPippo AJ, Bose P, Kontoyiannis DP. Breakthrough fungal infections in leukemia patients receiving isavuconazole. Clin Infect Dis. 2018;67(10):1610-3. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciy406
18. Drgona L, Kosmanova I, Rolencova M, Sedlacek P, Chrenkova V, Horakova J, Dzurenkova A, Zak P, Zavrelova A, Guman T, Tothova E, Mudry P, Foralova R, Novak J, Vokurka S, Kouba M, Ziakova B, Ligova A, Muzik J, Kandrnal V, Mayer J, Racil Z. Invasive candidemia/candidiasis on hematological wards in 2000-2012- a results from FIND-Candida project. Trends in Medical Mycology (TIMM). 2013;56(3):55-167.
19. Caira M, Candoni A, Verga L, Busca A, Delia M, Nosari A, Caramatti C, Castagnola C, Cattaneo C, Fanci R, Chierichini A, Melillo R, Mitra ME, Picardi M, Potenza L, Salutari P, Vianelli N, Facchini L, Cesarini M, De Paolis MR, Di Blasi R, Farina F, Venditti A, Ferrari A, Garzia M, Gasbarrino C, Invernizzi R, Lessi F, Manna A, Martino B, Nadali G, Offidani M, Paris L, Pavone V, Rossi G, Spadea A, Specchia G, Trecarichi EM, Vacca A, Cesaro S, Perriello V, Aversa F, Tumbarello M, Pagano L. Pre-chemotherapy risk factors for invasiv fungal diseases: prospectiv analysis of 1,192 patients with newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia (SEIFEM 2010-a multicenter study). Haematologica. 2015;100(2):284-92. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2014.113399
20. Gamaletsou MN, Walsh TJ, Zaotis T, Pagoni M, Kotsopoulou M, Voulgarelis M, Panayiotidis P, Vassilakopoulos T, Angelopoulou MK, Marangos M, Spyridonidis A, Kofteridis D, Pouli A, Sotiropoulos D, Matsouka P, Argyropoulou A, Perloretzou S, Leckerman K, Manaka A, Oikonomopoulos P, Daikos G, Petrikkos G, Sipsas NV. A prospective, cohort, multicentre study of candidemia in hospitalized adult patients with haematological malignancies. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2014;20(1):50-7. doi: 10.1111/1469-0691.12312
21. Dalle F, Lafon I, L'ollivier C, Ferrant E, Sicard P, Labruère C, Jebrane A, Laubriet A, Vagner O, Caillot D, Bonnin A. A prospective analysis of the genotypic diversity and dynamicsof the Candida albicans colonizing flora in neutropenic patients with denovo acute leukemia. Haematologica. 2008;93(4):581-7. doi: 10.3324/haematol.11882
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1 ФГБУ «Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр гематологии» Минздрава России, Москва, Россия;
2 ФГАОУ ВО «Первый Московский государственный медицинский университет им. И.М. Сеченова» Минздрава России (Сеченовский Университет), Москва, Россия