Цель. Комплексная оценка метаболических показателей у больных неалкогольной жировой болезнью печени и на их основе разработка прогностических критериев формирования фиброза печени. Материалы и методы. Обследованы 288 больных стеатозом печени. Пациентам проводилось ультразвуковое исследование брюшной полости с использованием оборудования «SONIX OP» (Канада), тест FibroMax, эластография печени на анализаторе AIXPLORER (Франция). Проводили оценку параметров антропометрии, липидного спектра, белкового и пигментного обмена, маркеров холестаза и цитолиза, билирубина, инсулина в крови. Использованы методы статистического прогнозирования. Результаты. Клиническая картина у больных стеатозом печени неспецифична и обусловлена сопутствующими заболеваниями органов пищеварения и сердечно-сосудистой системы. Индекс массы тела ˂до 30 выявлен у 26,5% пациентов, от 30 до 34,9 – у 37,5%, от 35 до 39,9 – у 29,7%, ˃более 40 – у 6,3%. Биохимические анализы сыворотки крови показали наличие атерогенной дислипидемии, увеличение общего белка, билирубина, трансаминаз, g-глутамилтрансферазы и снижение щелочной фосфатазы по сравнению с контрольной группой. На фоне повышенной концентрации глюкозы отмечено увеличение базального содержания инсулина (р=0,001) и показателя инсулинорезистентности HOMA-IR (р=0,01). Определены основные прогностические критерии (индекс массы тела и коэффициент атерогенности) в диагностике стеатоза печени с высокой специфичностью (97,8%) и чувствительностью (96,2%). В определении риска формирования фиброза печени в модель прогностических критериев вошли уровень инсулина и триглицеридов со специфичностью 93,8% и чувствительностью 85,7%. Заключение. Среди многих переменных факторов нами выделены основные прогностические критерии, которые с высокой вероятностью позволяют диагностировать неалкогольную жировую болезнь печени на ранней стадии и определять риск прогрессирования в фиброз печени.
Aim. A comprehensive assessment of metabolic parameters in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and based on them the development of prognostic criteria for the development of liver fibrosis. Materials and methods. 288 patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease at the stage of steatosis were examined. The patients underwent ultrasound examination of the hepatobiliary system using the SONIX OP apparatus (Canada), the FibroMax test, and liver elastography using the AIXPLORER apparatus (France). The parameters of anthropometry, lipid spectrum, protein and pigment metabolism, cytolysis, cholestasis, bilirubin, insulin in the blood serum were evaluated. The methods of statistical forecasting are used. Results. The clinical picture in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease at the stage of steatosis was nonspecific and was due to the presence of concomitant diseases of the digestive system and the cardiovascular system. A kettle index of up to 30 was observed in 26.5% of patients, from 30 to 34.9 in 37.5%, from 35 to 39.9 in 29.7% of patients, more than 40 in 6.3% of patients. The results obtained during the biochemical analysis of blood serum indicate the presence of atherogenic dyslipidemia, an increase in the level of total protein, bilirubin, transaminases, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase and a decrease in alkaline phosphatase in relation to the control group. Against the background of elevated glucose levels, an increase in basal insulin levels was observed (p=0.001). HOMA-IR insulin resistance was increased in patients (p=0.01). When analyzing the results of the study, the main prognostic criteria (body mass index and atherogenicity coefficient) in the diagnosis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in the stage of steatosis with high specificity (97.8%) and sensitivity (96.2%) were determined. In determining the risk of progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease into liver fibrosis, the model of prognostic criteria included insulin and triglycerides with a specificity of 93.8% and a sensitivity of 85.7%. Conclusion. Among many variable factors, we have identified the main prognostic criteria that are highly likely to diagnose non-alcoholic fatty liver disease at an early stage and determine the risk of progression to liver fibrosis.
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1. Drapkina OM, Ivashkin VT. Epidemiological features of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in Russia (results of an open multicenter prospective observation study DIREG 01903). Ros. zhurnal gastroenterologii, gepatologii, koloproktologii. 2014;24(4):32-8 (In Russ.)
2. Ivashkin VT, Drapkina OM, Mayev IV, et al. Prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in out-patients of the Russian Federation: DIREG 2 study results. Ros. zhurnal gastroenterologii, gepatologii, koloproktologii. 2015;25(6):31-41 (In Russ.)
3. Truhan DI. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in the practice of “first contact” physician. Klin. perspektivy gastroenterologii, gepatologii. 2012;1:3-9 (In Russ.)
4. Vakhrushev YaM, Lukashevich AP, Suchkova EV. Association of intestinal bacterial overgrowth and diseases of hepatobiary tract. Arkhiv vnutrenney meditsiny. 2019;9(1):64-9 [In Russ.) doi: 10.20514/2226-6704-2019-9-1-64-69
5. Bacon BR, Farahvash MJ, Janney CG, Neuschwander-Tetri BA. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: an expanded clinical entity. Gastroenterology. 1994;107:1103-9. doi: 10.1016/0016-5085(94)90235-6
6. Polunina TE. Fatty Liver. Effektivnaya farmakoterapiya. Gastroenterologiya. 2014;3:32-40 (In Russ.)
7. Blachier M, Leleu H, Peck-Radozavljevic M, et al. The burden of liver disease in Europe: A review of available epidemiological data. Hepatology. 2013;58:593-608. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2012.12.005
8. Rinella ME. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a systematic review. JAMA. 2015;313:2263-73. doi: 10.1001/jama.2015.5370
9. Sanyal AJ, Brunt EM, Kleiner DE, et al. Endpoints and clinical trial design for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Hepatology. 2011;54:344-53. doi: 10.1002/hep.24376
10. Lazebnik LB, Zvenigorodskaya LA. Metabolic syndrome and digestive organs. Moscow: Anaharsis, 2009 (In Russ.)
11. Liew PL, Lee YC, Lin YC, et al. Comparison of artificial neural networks with logistic regression in prediction of gallbladder disease among obese patient. Digestive and Liver Disease. 2007;23:356-62. doi: 10.1016/j.dld.2007.01.003
12. Mccullough AJ. The epidemiology and risk factors of NASH. Hepatology. 2013;58(5):1644-54. doi: 10.1002/9780470987438.ch3
13. Ratziu V, Bellentani S, Cortez-Pinto H, et al. A position statement on NAFLD/NASH based on the EASL 2009 special conference. Hepatology. 2010;53:372-84. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2010.04.008
14. Volkova NI, Porksheyan MI. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: What do we know and what will we have to learn? Therapeutic Archive. 2017;2(89):91-8 (In Russ.) doi: 10.17116/terarkh201789291-98
15. Drapkina OM, Kostyukevich MV. Statin use and risk of diabetes mellitus. Sakharnyy diabet. 2012;2:77-82 (In Russ.) doi: 10.14341/2072-0351-5523
16. Melnichenko GA, Yeliseyeva AYu, Mayevskaya MV. Prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in obesity and its relationship with risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Ros. zhurnal gastroenterologii, gepatologii, koloproktologii. 2012;2:45-52 (In Russ.)
17. Savelyev VS, Petukhov VA, Yablokov YeG. Lipid distress syndrome in surgery. Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 1999;127(6):604-11 (In Russ.)
18. Filippovich Yu.B. Fundamentals of Biochemistry. 4th ed., rev. and add. Moscow: Agar, 1999 (In Russ.)
20. Tsochatzis EA. Is there any progress in the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease? World J Gastrointest Pharmacol Ther. 2011;2(1):1-5. doi: 10.4292/wjgpt.v2.i1.1
Я.М. Вахрушев, Е.В. Сучкова, А.П. Лукашевич
ФГБОУ ВО «Ижевская государственная медицинская академия» Минздрава России, Ижевск, Россия