Целиачный криз (ЦК) – редкое жизнеугрожающее течение целиакии, наблюдается преимущественно у детей. У взрослых ЦК может быть первым проявлением болезни и крайне редко – рецидивом, возникающим у пациентов, не соблюдающих аглютеновую диету (АГД). Триггерами могут служить стрессы, оперативные вмешательства, роды и др. Представлено клиническое наблюдение ЦК, развившегося у больной 49 лет с установленной ранее латентной формой целиакии с субтотальной атрофией ворсинок, стадии Marsh III С. Пациентка не соблюдала АГД. После тяжелой ангины у нее появились анорексия, диарея, истощение, коагулопатия, двухсторонняя тромбоэмболия ветвей легочной артерии, инфарктная пневмония и энтерогенный сепсис. В результате интенсивной терапии преднизолоном, Фраксипарином, антибиотиками, свежезамороженной плазмой и строгого соблюдения АГД достигнута ремиссия заболевания.
Celiac crisis (CC) is a rare life-threatening course of celiac disease, observed mainly in children. In adults, CK can be the first manifestation of the disease and, very rarely, a relapse that occurs in patients who do not follow the gluten-free diet (AGD). Triggers can be stress, surgery, childbirth, etc. A clinical observation of CC developed in a 49-year-old patient with previously established latent celiac disease with subtotal villous atrophy, stage Marsh III C is presented. The patient did not comply with AHD. After severe angina, she developed anorexia, diarrhea, emaciation, coagulopathy, bilateral pulmonary embolism, infarction pneumonia, and enterogenic sepsis. As a result of intensive therapy with prednisolone, Fraxiparine, antibiotics, fresh frozen plasma and strict adherence to hypertension, remission of the disease was achieved.
1. Парфенов А.И. Целиакия. Эволюция представлений о распространенности, клинических проявлениях и значимости этиотропной терапии. М.: Анахарсис, 2007 [Parfenov AI. Celiac disease. Evolution of ideas about the prevalence, clinical manifestations and significance of etiotropic therapy. Moscow: Anacharsis, 2007 (in Russian)].
2. Jamma S, Rubio-Tapia A, Kelly CP, et al. Celiac crisis is rare but a serious complication of celiac disease in adults. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2010;8(7):587-90. DOI:10.1016/j.cgh.2010.04.009/
3. da Becker CSC, da Silva MCA, D’Incao RB, et al. Celiac crisis and hemorrhagic diathesis in an adult. Scientia Medica. 2014;24(3):284-7. DOI:10.15448/1980-6108.2014.3.16890
4. Bul V, Sleesman B, Boulay B. Celiac disease presenting as profound diarrhea and weight loss – A celiac crisis. Am J Case Rep. 2016;17:559-61. DOI:10.12659/ajcr.898004/
5. Mrad RA, Ghaddara HA, Green PH, et al. Celiac crisis in a 64-year-old woman: An unusual cause of severe diarrhea, acidosis, and malabsorption. ACG Case Rep J. 2015;2(2):95-7. DOI:10.14309/crj.2015.16
6. Sapone A, Lammers KM, Casolaro V, et al. Divergence of gut permeability mucosa immune gene expression in two gluten-associated conditions: coeliac disease and gluten sensivity. BMC Med. 2011;9:23. DOI:10.1186/1741-7015-9-23
7. Быкова С.В, Парфенов А.И., Тетруашвили Н.К., и др. Распространенность глютенчувствительной целиакии у женщин с нарушениями репродуктивной функции. Терапевтический архив. 2012;83(2):31-5 [Bykova SV, Parfenov AI, Tetruashvili NK, et al. Prevalence of celiac disease in women with reproductive disorders. Terapevticheskii Arkhiv (Ter. Arkh.). 2012;83(2):31-5 (in Russian)].
8. Forrest E, Wong M, Sharma S. Coeliac crisis, a rare profound presentation: a case report. BMC. Gastroenterol. 2019;18:59. DOI:10.1186/s12876-018-0784-0
9. Lodhi MU, Stammann T, Kuzel AR, et al. Coeliac disease and concomitan conditions: a case- based review. Cureus. 2018;10(2):2143. DOI:10.7759/cureus.2143
10. Крумс Л.М., Сабельникова Е.А. Хронические болезни тонкой кишки: клиника, диагностика, лечение. М., 2014 [Krums LM, Sabelnikova EA. Chronic diseases of the small intestine: clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment. Moscow, 2014 (in Russian)].
11. Sebatino AD, Brunetti L, Maffe GC, et al. Is it worth investigating splenic function in with celiac disease. World J Gastroenterol. 2013;19:2313-8. DOI:10.3748/wjg.v19.i15.2313
12. Corrazza GR, Frissone M, Vaira D, Casbarrini G. Effect gluten free diet on splenic hypofunction of adalt coelic disease. Gut. 1983;24:2313-8. DOI:10.1136/gut.24.3.228
13. Chen CS, Cumbler EU, Triebling AT. Coagulopathy due to celiac disease presenting as intramuscular hemorrhage. J Gen Intern Med. 2007;22(11):1608-12. DOI:10.1007/s11606-007-0297-y
14. Cavallaro R, Iovino P, Castiglione F, et al. Prevalence and clinical associations of prolonged prothrombin time in adult untreated coeliac disease. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2004;16(2):219-23. DOI:10.1097/00042737-200402000-00016
15. Gonzalez JJ, Elgama M, Mishra S, Adekolujo OS. Severe Coagulopathy as a Rare Feature of Celiac Crisis in a Patient Previously Diagnosed with Celiac Disease. Am J Case Rep. 2019;20:290-3. DOI:10.12659/AJCR.913731
1. Parfenov AI. Celiac disease. Evolution of ideas about the prevalence, clinical manifestations and significance of etiotropic therapy. Moscow: Anacharsis, 2007 (in Russian)
2. Jamma S, Rubio-Tapia A, Kelly CP, et al. Celiac crisis is rare but a serious complication of celiac disease in adults. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2010;8(7):587-90. DOI:10.1016/j.cgh.2010.04.009/
3. da Becker CSC, da Silva MCA, D’Incao RB, et al. Celiac crisis and hemorrhagic diathesis in an adult. Scientia Medica. 2014;24(3):284-7. DOI:10.15448/1980-6108.2014.3.16890
4. Bul V, Sleesman B, Boulay B. Celiac disease presenting as profound diarrhea and weight loss – A celiac crisis. Am J Case Rep. 2016;17:559-61. DOI:10.12659/ajcr.898004/
5. Mrad RA, Ghaddara HA, Green PH, et al. Celiac crisis in a 64-year-old woman: An unusual cause of severe diarrhea, acidosis, and malabsorption. ACG Case Rep J. 2015;2(2):95-7. DOI:10.14309/crj.2015.16
6. Sapone A, Lammers KM, Casolaro V, et al. Divergence of gut permeability mucosa immune gene expression in two gluten-associated conditions: coeliac disease and gluten sensivity. BMC Med. 2011;9:23. DOI:10.1186/1741-7015-9-23
7. Bykova SV, Parfenov AI, Tetruashvili NK, et al. Prevalence of celiac disease in women with reproductive disorders. Terapevticheskii Arkhiv (Ter. Arkh.). 2012;83(2):31-5 (in Russian)
8. Forrest E, Wong M, Sharma S. Coeliac crisis, a rare profound presentation: a case report. BMC. Gastroenterol. 2019;18:59. DOI:10.1186/s12876-018-0784-0
9. Lodhi MU, Stammann T, Kuzel AR, et al. Coeliac disease and concomitan conditions: a case- based review. Cureus. 2018;10(2):2143. DOI:10.7759/cureus.2143
10. Krums LM, Sabelnikova EA. Chronic diseases of the small intestine: clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment. Moscow, 2014 (in Russian)
11. Sebatino AD, Brunetti L, Maffe GC, et al. Is it worth investigating splenic function in with celiac disease. World J Gastroenterol. 2013;19:2313-8. DOI:10.3748/wjg.v19.i15.2313
12. Corrazza GR, Frissone M, Vaira D, Casbarrini G. Effect gluten free diet on splenic hypofunction of adalt coelic disease. Gut. 1983;24:2313-8. DOI:10.1136/gut.24.3.228
13. Chen CS, Cumbler EU, Triebling AT. Coagulopathy due to celiac disease presenting as intramuscular hemorrhage. J Gen Intern Med. 2007;22(11):1608-12. DOI:10.1007/s11606-007-0297-y
14. Cavallaro R, Iovino P, Castiglione F, et al. Prevalence and clinical associations of prolonged prothrombin time in adult untreated coeliac disease. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2004;16(2):219-23. DOI:10.1097/00042737-200402000-00016
15. Gonzalez JJ, Elgama M, Mishra S, Adekolujo OS. Severe Coagulopathy as a Rare Feature of Celiac Crisis in a Patient Previously Diagnosed with Celiac Disease. Am J Case Rep. 2019;20:290-3. DOI:10.12659/AJCR.913731
ГБУЗ «Московский клинический научно-практический центр им. А.С. Логинова» Департамента здравоохранения г. Москвы, Москва, Россия
Larisa M. Krums, Svetlana V. Bykova, Asfold I. Parfenov, Galina A. Dudina, Elena A. Sabelnikova, Sergei G. Khomeriki, Konstantin A. Lesko, Aleksandra V. Babanova, Saria R. Dbar
Loginov Moscow Clinical Research Center, Moscow, Russia