Ежегодно увеличивающееся число лиц с избыточной массой тела и ожирением делает поиск новых эффективных способов снижения массы тела крайне актуальным. В последнее время большое внимание привлекает интервальное голодание в качестве диетического протокола, предположительно эффективного при снижении массы тела. Несмотря на большое число работ, последствия применения интервального голодания на организм человека спорны, поскольку исследования отличаются между собой вариантами рациона, дизайном и часто имеют небольшой размер выборки. В данном обзоре литературы авторы приводят результаты исследований эффективности интервального голодания у пациентов с ожирением, сахарным диабетом, высокими рисками развития сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний.
The increasing number of overweight and obese people makes the search for new effective ways to reduce body weight extremely urgent. Recently, intermittent fasting has received a lot of attention, as a dietary protocol, presumably effective in reducing body weight. Despite the large number of studies, the effects of intermittent fasting on the human body are controversial, since studies differ in dietary options, design, and often have a small sample size. In this review of the literature, the authors cite the results of studies of the effectiveness of intermittent fasting in patients with obesity, diabetes mellitus, and high risks of developing cardiovascular diseases.
1. Flegal KM, Kruszon-Moran D, Carroll MD, et al. Trends in obesity among adults in the united states, 2005 to 2014. JAMA. 2016;315:2284-91. DOI:10.1001/jama.2016.6458
2. Knowler WC, Fowler SE, Hamman RF, et al. 10-year follow-up of diabetes incidence and weight loss in the diabetes prevention program outcomes study. Lancet. 2009;374:1677-86. DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(09)61457-4
3. Kritchevsky SB, Beavers KM, Miller ME, et al. Intentional weight loss and all-cause mortality: A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. PLoS One. 2015;10(3):e0121993. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0121993
4. Veronese N, Facchini S, Stubbs B, et al. Weight loss is associated with improvements in cognitive function among overweight and obese people: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2017;72:87-94. DOI:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2016.11.017
5. Chung KW, Kim DH, Park MH, et al. Recent advances in calorie restriction research on aging. Exp Gerontol. 2013;48:1049-53. DOI:10.1016/j.exger.2012.11.007
6. Collier R. Intermittent fasting: the next big weight loss fad. CMAJ. 2013;185(8):321-2. DOI:10.1503/cmaj.109-4437
7. Golbidi S, Daiber A, Korac B, et al. Health benefits of fasting and caloric restriction. Curr Diab Rep. 2017;17(12):123.DOI:10.1007/s11892-017-0951-7
8. Anastasiou CA, Karfopoulou E, Yannakoulia M. Weight regaining: From statistics and behaviors to physiology and metabolism. Metabolism. 2015;64(11):1395-407. DOI:10.1016/j.metabol.2015.08.006
9. Soeters MR, Soeters PB, Schooneman MG, et al. Adaptive reciprocity of lipid and glucose metabolism in human short-term starvation. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2012;303(12):1397-407. DOI:10.1152/ajpendo.00397.2012
10. Moreau K, Walrand S, Boirie Y. Protein redistribution from skeletal muscle to splanchnic tissue on fasting and refeeding in young and older healthy individuals. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2013;14(9):696-704. DOI:10.1016/j.jamda.2013.06.005
11. Tinsley GM, La Bounty PM. Effects of intermittent fasting on body composition and clinical health markers in humans. Nutr Rev. 2015;73(10):661-74. DOI:10.1093/nutrit/nuv041
12. St-Onge M-P, Ard J, Baskin ML, et al. Meal timing and frequency: implications for cardiovascular disease prevention: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2017;135(9):96-121. DOI:10.1161/CIR.0000000000000476
13. Varady KA, Bhutani S, Church EC, Klempel MC. Short-term modified alternate-day fasting: a novel dietary strategy for weight loss and cardioprotection in obese adults. Am J Clin Nutr. 2009;90(5):1138-43. DOI:10.3945/ajcn.2009.28380
14. Keogh JB, Pedersen E, Petersen KS, Clifton PM. Effects of intermittent compared to continuous energy restriction on short-term weight loss and long-term weight loss maintenance. Clin Obes. 2014;4(3):150-6. DOI:10.1111/cob.12052
15. Varady KA, Bhutani S, Klempel MC, Kroeger CM. Comparison of effects of diet versus exercise weight loss regimens on LDL and HDL particle size in obese adults. Lipids Health Dis. 2011;10:119. DOI:10.1186/1476-511X-10-119
16. Varady KA, Bhutani S, Klempel MC, et al. Alternate day fasting for weight loss in normal weight and overweight subjects: a randomized controlled trial. Nutr J. 2013;12(1):146. DOI:10.1186/1475-2891-12-146
17. Klempel MC, Kroeger CM, Varady KA. Alternate day fasting (ADF) with a high-fat diet produces similar weight loss and cardio-protection as ADF with a low-fat diet. Metabolism. 2013;62(1):137-43. DOI:10.1016/j.metabol.2012.07.002
18. Bhutani S, Klempel MC, Kroeger CM, et al. Alternate day fasting and endurance exercise combine to reduce body weight and favorably alter plasma lipids in obese humans. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2013;21(7):1370-9. DOI:10.1002/oby.20353
19. Eshghinia S, Mohammadzadeh F. The effects of modified alternate-day fasting diet on weight loss and CAD risk factors in overweight and obese women. J Diabetes Metab Disord. 2013;12(1):4. DOI:10.1186/2251-6581-12-4
20. Klempel MC, Kroeger CM, Varady KA. Alternate day fasting increases LDL particle size independently of dietary fat content in obese humans. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2013;67(7):783-5. DOI:10.1038/ejcn.2013.83
21. Bhutani S, Klempel MC, Kroeger CM, et al. Alternate day fasting with or without exercise: effects on endothelial function and adipokines in obese humans. European e-Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. 2013;8(5):205-9. DOI:10.1016/j.clnme.2013.07.005
22. Stockman MC, Thomas D, Burke J, Apovian CM. Intermittent Fasting: Is the Wait Worth the Weight? Curr Obes Rep. 2018;7(2):172-85. DOI:10.1007/s13679-018-0308-9
23. Teng NIMF, Shahar S, Manaf ZA, et al. Efficacy of fasting calorie restriction on quality of life among aging men. Physiol Behav. 2011;104(5):1059-64. DOI:10.1016/j.physbeh.2011.07.007
24. Hussin NM, Shahar S, Teng NIMF, et al. Efficacy of fasting and calorie restriction (FCR) on mood and depression among ageing men. J Nutr Health Aging. 2013;17(8):674-80. DOI:10.1007/s12603-013-0344-9
25. Teng NIMF, Shahar S, Rajab NF, et al. Improvement of metabolic parameters in healthy older adult men following a fasting calorie restriction intervention. Aging Male. 2013;16(4):177-83. DOI:10.3109/13685538.2013.832191
26. Byrne NMM, Sainsbury A, King NAA, et al. Intermittent energy restriction improves weight loss efficiency in obese men: the MATADOR study. Int J Obes. 2018;42(2):129-38. DOI:10.1038/ijo.2017.206
27. Catenacci VA, Pan Z, Ostendorf D, et al. A randomized pilot study comparing zero-calorie alternate-day fasting to daily caloric restriction in adults with obesity. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2016;24(9):1874-83. DOI:10.1002/oby.21581
28. Harvie MN, Pegington M, Mattson MP, et al. The effects of intermittent or continuous energy restriction on weight loss and metabolic disease risk markers: A randomized trial in young overweight women. Int J Obes. 2011;35(5):714-27. DOI:10.1038/ijo.2010.171
29. Harvie M, Wright C, Pegington M, et al. The effect of intermittent energy and carbohydrate restriction v. daily energy restriction on weight loss and metabolic disease risk markers in overweight women. Br J Nutr. 2013;110(8):1534-47. DOI:10.1017/S0007114513000792
30. Taylor R. Banting Memorial lecture 2012: Reversing the twin cycles of type 2 diabetes. Diabet Med. 2013:30(3):267-75. DOI:10.1111/dme.12039
31. Harvie М, Howell А. Potential Benefits and Harms of Intermittent Energy Restriction and Intermittent Fasting Amongst Obese, Overweight and Normal Weight Subjects – A Narrative Review of Human and Animal Evidence. Behav Sci. 2017;7(1):4. DOI:10.3390/bs7010004
32. Antoni R, Johnston KL, Collins AL, Robertson MD. Investigation into the acute effects of total and partial energy restriction on postprandial metabolism among overweight/obese participants. Br J Nutr. 2016;115(6):951-9. DOI:10.1017/S0007114515005346
33. Browning JD, Baxter J, Satapati S, Burgess SC. The effect of short-term fasting on liver and skeletal muscle lipid, glucose, and energy metabolism in healthy women and men. J Lipid Res. 2012;53(3):577-86. DOI:10.1194/jlr.P020867
34. Varady KA, Allister CA, Roohk DJ, Hellerstein MK. Improvements in body fat distribution and circulating adiponectin by alternate-day fasting versus calorie restriction. J Nutr Biochem. 2010;21(3):188-95. DOI:10.1016/j.jnutbio.2008.11.001
35. Dorighello GG, Rovani JC, Luhman CJ, et al. Food restriction by intermittent fasting induces diabetes and obesity and aggravates spontaneous atherosclerosis development in hypercholesterolaemic mice. Br J Nutr. 2014;111(6):979-86. DOI:10.1017/S0007114513003383
36. Kliewer KL, Ke JY, Lee HY, et al. Short-term food restriction followed by controlled refeeding promotes gorging behavior, enhances fat deposition, and diminishes insulin sensitivity in mice. J Nutr Biochem. 2015;26(7):721-8. DOI:10.1016/j.jnutbio.2015.01.010
37. Gutch M, Kumar S, Razi S, et al. Assessment of insulin sensitivity/resistance. Indian J Endocrinol Metab. 2015;199(1):160-4. DOI:10.4103/2230-8210.146874
38. Hedrington MS, Davis SN. Sexual dimorphism in glucose and lipid metabolism during fasting, hypoglycemia, and exercise. Front Endocrinol. 2015;6:61. DOI:10.3389/fendo.2015.00061
39. Carter S, Clifton PM, Keogh JB. The effects of intermittent compared to continuous energy restriction on glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes; a pragmatic pilot trial. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2016;122:106-12. DOI:10.1016/j.diabres.2016.10.010
40. Soeters MR, Lammers NM, Dubbelhuis PF, et al. Intermittent fasting does not affect whole-body glucose, lipid, or protein metabolism. Am J Clin Nutr. 2009;90(5):1244-51. DOI:10.3945/ajcn.2008.27327
41. Belkacemi L, Selselet-Attou G, Hupkens E, et al. Intermittent fasting modulation of the diabetic syndrome in streptozotocin-injected rats. Int J Endocrinol. 2012;2012:962012. DOI:10.1155/2012/962012
42. Higashida K, Fujimoto E, Higuchi M, Terada S. Effects of alternate-day fasting on high-fat diet-induced insulin resistance in rat skeletal muscle. Life Sci. 2013;93(5-6):208-13. DOI:10.1016/j.lfs.2013.06.007
1. Flegal KM, Kruszon-Moran D, Carroll MD, et al. Trends in obesity among adults in the united states, 2005 to 2014. JAMA. 2016;315:2284-91. DOI:10.1001/jama.2016.6458
2. Knowler WC, Fowler SE, Hamman RF, et al. 10-year follow-up of diabetes incidence and weight loss in the diabetes prevention program outcomes study. Lancet. 2009;374:1677-86. DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(09)61457-4
3. Kritchevsky SB, Beavers KM, Miller ME, et al. Intentional weight loss and all-cause mortality: A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. PLoS One. 2015;10(3):e0121993. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0121993
4. Veronese N, Facchini S, Stubbs B, et al. Weight loss is associated with improvements in cognitive function among overweight and obese people: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2017;72:87-94. DOI:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2016.11.017
5. Chung KW, Kim DH, Park MH, et al. Recent advances in calorie restriction research on aging. Exp Gerontol. 2013;48:1049-53. DOI:10.1016/j.exger.2012.11.007
6. Collier R. Intermittent fasting: the next big weight loss fad. CMAJ. 2013;185(8):321-2. DOI:10.1503/cmaj.109-4437
7. Golbidi S, Daiber A, Korac B, et al. Health benefits of fasting and caloric restriction. Curr Diab Rep. 2017;17(12):123.DOI:10.1007/s11892-017-0951-7
8. Anastasiou CA, Karfopoulou E, Yannakoulia M. Weight regaining: From statistics and behaviors to physiology and metabolism. Metabolism. 2015;64(11):1395-407. DOI:10.1016/j.metabol.2015.08.006
9. Soeters MR, Soeters PB, Schooneman MG, et al. Adaptive reciprocity of lipid and glucose metabolism in human short-term starvation. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2012;303(12):1397-407. DOI:10.1152/ajpendo.00397.2012
10. Moreau K, Walrand S, Boirie Y. Protein redistribution from skeletal muscle to splanchnic tissue on fasting and refeeding in young and older healthy individuals. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2013;14(9):696-704. DOI:10.1016/j.jamda.2013.06.005
11. Tinsley GM, La Bounty PM. Effects of intermittent fasting on body composition and clinical health markers in humans. Nutr Rev. 2015;73(10):661-74. DOI:10.1093/nutrit/nuv041
12. St-Onge M-P, Ard J, Baskin ML, et al. Meal timing and frequency: implications for cardiovascular disease prevention: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2017;135(9):96-121. DOI:10.1161/CIR.0000000000000476
13. Varady KA, Bhutani S, Church EC, Klempel MC. Short-term modified alternate-day fasting: a novel dietary strategy for weight loss and cardioprotection in obese adults. Am J Clin Nutr. 2009;90(5):1138-43. DOI:10.3945/ajcn.2009.28380
14. Keogh JB, Pedersen E, Petersen KS, Clifton PM. Effects of intermittent compared to continuous energy restriction on short-term weight loss and long-term weight loss maintenance. Clin Obes. 2014;4(3):150-6. DOI:10.1111/cob.12052
15. Varady KA, Bhutani S, Klempel MC, Kroeger CM. Comparison of effects of diet versus exercise weight loss regimens on LDL and HDL particle size in obese adults. Lipids Health Dis. 2011;10:119. DOI:10.1186/1476-511X-10-119
16. Varady KA, Bhutani S, Klempel MC, et al. Alternate day fasting for weight loss in normal weight and overweight subjects: a randomized controlled trial. Nutr J. 2013;12(1):146. DOI:10.1186/1475-2891-12-146
17. Klempel MC, Kroeger CM, Varady KA. Alternate day fasting (ADF) with a high-fat diet produces similar weight loss and cardio-protection as ADF with a low-fat diet. Metabolism. 2013;62(1):137-43. DOI:10.1016/j.metabol.2012.07.002
18. Bhutani S, Klempel MC, Kroeger CM, et al. Alternate day fasting and endurance exercise combine to reduce body weight and favorably alter plasma lipids in obese humans. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2013;21(7):1370-9. DOI:10.1002/oby.20353
19. Eshghinia S, Mohammadzadeh F. The effects of modified alternate-day fasting diet on weight loss and CAD risk factors in overweight and obese women. J Diabetes Metab Disord. 2013;12(1):4. DOI:10.1186/2251-6581-12-4
20. Klempel MC, Kroeger CM, Varady KA. Alternate day fasting increases LDL particle size independently of dietary fat content in obese humans. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2013;67(7):783-5. DOI:10.1038/ejcn.2013.83
21. Bhutani S, Klempel MC, Kroeger CM, et al. Alternate day fasting with or without exercise: effects on endothelial function and adipokines in obese humans. European e-Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. 2013;8(5):205-9. DOI:10.1016/j.clnme.2013.07.005
22. Stockman MC, Thomas D, Burke J, Apovian CM. Intermittent Fasting: Is the Wait Worth the Weight? Curr Obes Rep. 2018;7(2):172-85. DOI:10.1007/s13679-018-0308-9
23. Teng NIMF, Shahar S, Manaf ZA, et al. Efficacy of fasting calorie restriction on quality of life among aging men. Physiol Behav. 2011;104(5):1059-64. DOI:10.1016/j.physbeh.2011.07.007
24. Hussin NM, Shahar S, Teng NIMF, et al. Efficacy of fasting and calorie restriction (FCR) on mood and depression among ageing men. J Nutr Health Aging. 2013;17(8):674-80. DOI:10.1007/s12603-013-0344-9
25. Teng NIMF, Shahar S, Rajab NF, et al. Improvement of metabolic parameters in healthy older adult men following a fasting calorie restriction intervention. Aging Male. 2013;16(4):177-83. DOI:10.3109/13685538.2013.832191
26. Byrne NMM, Sainsbury A, King NAA, et al. Intermittent energy restriction improves weight loss efficiency in obese men: the MATADOR study. Int J Obes. 2018;42(2):129-38. DOI:10.1038/ijo.2017.206
27. Catenacci VA, Pan Z, Ostendorf D, et al. A randomized pilot study comparing zero-calorie alternate-day fasting to daily caloric restriction in adults with obesity. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2016;24(9):1874-83. DOI:10.1002/oby.21581
28. Harvie MN, Pegington M, Mattson MP, et al. The effects of intermittent or continuous energy restriction on weight loss and metabolic disease risk markers: A randomized trial in young overweight women. Int J Obes. 2011;35(5):714-27. DOI:10.1038/ijo.2010.171
29. Harvie M, Wright C, Pegington M, et al. The effect of intermittent energy and carbohydrate restriction v. daily energy restriction on weight loss and metabolic disease risk markers in overweight women. Br J Nutr. 2013;110(8):1534-47. DOI:10.1017/S0007114513000792
30. Taylor R. Banting Memorial lecture 2012: Reversing the twin cycles of type 2 diabetes. Diabet Med. 2013:30(3):267-75. DOI:10.1111/dme.12039
31. Harvie М, Howell А. Potential Benefits and Harms of Intermittent Energy Restriction and Intermittent Fasting Amongst Obese, Overweight and Normal Weight Subjects – A Narrative Review of Human and Animal Evidence. Behav Sci. 2017;7(1):4. DOI:10.3390/bs7010004
32. Antoni R, Johnston KL, Collins AL, Robertson MD. Investigation into the acute effects of total and partial energy restriction on postprandial metabolism among overweight/obese participants. Br J Nutr. 2016;115(6):951-9. DOI:10.1017/S0007114515005346
33. Browning JD, Baxter J, Satapati S, Burgess SC. The effect of short-term fasting on liver and skeletal muscle lipid, glucose, and energy metabolism in healthy women and men. J Lipid Res. 2012;53(3):577-86. DOI:10.1194/jlr.P020867
34. Varady KA, Allister CA, Roohk DJ, Hellerstein MK. Improvements in body fat distribution and circulating adiponectin by alternate-day fasting versus calorie restriction. J Nutr Biochem. 2010;21(3):188-95. DOI:10.1016/j.jnutbio.2008.11.001
35. Dorighello GG, Rovani JC, Luhman CJ, et al. Food restriction by intermittent fasting induces diabetes and obesity and aggravates spontaneous atherosclerosis development in hypercholesterolaemic mice. Br J Nutr. 2014;111(6):979-86. DOI:10.1017/S0007114513003383
36. Kliewer KL, Ke JY, Lee HY, et al. Short-term food restriction followed by controlled refeeding promotes gorging behavior, enhances fat deposition, and diminishes insulin sensitivity in mice. J Nutr Biochem. 2015;26(7):721-8. DOI:10.1016/j.jnutbio.2015.01.010
37. Gutch M, Kumar S, Razi S, et al. Assessment of insulin sensitivity/resistance. Indian J Endocrinol Metab. 2015;199(1):160-4. DOI:10.4103/2230-8210.146874
38. Hedrington MS, Davis SN. Sexual dimorphism in glucose and lipid metabolism during fasting, hypoglycemia, and exercise. Front Endocrinol. 2015;6:61. DOI:10.3389/fendo.2015.00061
39. Carter S, Clifton PM, Keogh JB. The effects of intermittent compared to continuous energy restriction on glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes; a pragmatic pilot trial. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2016;122:106-12. DOI:10.1016/j.diabres.2016.10.010
40. Soeters MR, Lammers NM, Dubbelhuis PF, et al. Intermittent fasting does not affect whole-body glucose, lipid, or protein metabolism. Am J Clin Nutr. 2009;90(5):1244-51. DOI:10.3945/ajcn.2008.27327
41. Belkacemi L, Selselet-Attou G, Hupkens E, et al. Intermittent fasting modulation of the diabetic syndrome in streptozotocin-injected rats. Int J Endocrinol. 2012;2012:962012. DOI:10.1155/2012/962012
42. Higashida K, Fujimoto E, Higuchi M, Terada S. Effects of alternate-day fasting on high-fat diet-induced insulin resistance in rat skeletal muscle. Life Sci. 2013;93(5-6):208-13. DOI:10.1016/j.lfs.2013.06.007
М.В. Алташина1, Е.В. Иванникова*2, Е.А. Трошина1
1 ФГБУ «Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр эндокринологии» Минздрава России, Москва, Россия;
2 ФГАОУ ВО «Российский национальный исследовательский медицинский университет им. Н.И. Пирогова» Минздрава России, Москва, Россия
Marina V. Altashina1, Ekaterina V. Ivannikova*2, Ekaterina А. Troshina1
1 National Medical Research Center for Endocrinology, Moscow, Russia;
2 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia