Каграманова А.В., Князев О.В., Парфенов А.И. Болезнь Крона: до и после 1932 года. Терапевтический архив. 2023;95(2):193–197. DOI: 10.26442/00403660.2023.02.202061
Kagramanova AV, Knyazev OV, Parfenov AI. Crohn disease: before and after 1932 year. Terapevticheskii Arkhiv (Ter. Arkh.). 2023;95(2):193–197. DOI: 10.26442/00403660.2023.02.202061
Болезнь Крона: до и после 1932 года
Каграманова А.В., Князев О.В., Парфенов А.И. Болезнь Крона: до и после 1932 года. Терапевтический архив. 2023;95(2):193–197. DOI: 10.26442/00403660.2023.02.202061
В статье описаны исторические вехи познания болезни Крона со времен ее первоначального описания в XVII в., революции в медицинском сообществе после знаменательной статьи 1932 г. и до наших дней. История болезни Крона свидетельствует об открытиях прошлых лет, которые предоставляют нам преимущества научного подхода к диагностике и лечению этого заболевания.
Ключевые слова: воспалительные заболевания кишечника, история описания, болезнь Крона
The article describes the historical milestones in the study of Crohn's disease from the time of its original description in the 17th century, the revolution in the medical community after the landmark paper in 1932, to the present day. The history of Crohn's disease testifies to the discoveries of the past years, which open up to us the advantages of a scientific approach to the diagnosis and treatment of this disease.
Keywords: inflammatory bowel diseases, history of description, Crohn disease
1. Хатьков И.Е., Парфенов А.И., Князев О.В., и др. Воспалительные заболевания кишечника в практике терапевта и хирурга: монография. Серия «Библиотека врача». М.: ВИТА-ПРЕСС, 2017 [Khatkov IE, Parfenov AI, Kniazev OV, et al. Vospalitel'nye zabolevaniia kishechnika v praktike terapevta i khirurga. Moscow: Vita-PRESS, 2017 (in Russian)].
2. Cosnes J, Gower-Rousseau C, Seksik P, Cortot A. Epidemiology and natural history of inflammatory bowel diseases. Gastroenterology. 2011;140:1785-94. DOI:10.1053/j.gastro.2011.01.055.
3. Белоусова Е.А. Эпидемиология воспалительных заболеваний кишечника. В кн.: Неспецифические воспалительные заболевания кишечника. Под ред. Г.И. Воробьева, И.Л. Халифа. М.: Миклош, 2008; с. 8-25 [Belousova EA. Epidemiologiia vospalitel'nykh zabolevanii kishechnika. V kn.: Nespetsificheskiie vospalitel'nyie zabolevaniia kishechnika. Pod red. GI Vorob'yieva, IL Khalifa. Moscow: Miklosh, 2008; p. 8-25 (in Russian)].
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5. Князев О.В., Шкурко Т.В., Каграманова А.В., и др. Эпидемиология воспалительных заболеваний кишечника. Современное состояние проблемы (обзор литературы). Доказательная гастроэнтерология. 2020;9(2):72-9 [Knyazev OV, Schkurko TV, Kagramanova AV, et al. Epidemiology of inflammatory bowel diseases. Current state of problem (literature review). Dokazatelnaia gastroenterologia. 2020;9(2):72-9 (in Russian)]. DOI:10.17116/dokgastro2020902172
6. Alexander-Williams J. Historical review. In: Inflammatory bowel diseases. 3rd ed. Ed. RB Alan, JM Rhodes, SB Hanauer, et al. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1983; p. 3-12.
7. Morgagni GB. Seat and Causes of Diseases. Book 111, Letter XXXI, Article 2. Published under the auspices of the Library of the New York Academy of Medicine, New York, Hafner Publishing, 1960;2; p. 64.
8. Combe C, Saunders W. A singular case of stricture and thickening of the ileum. Medical Transactions of the Royal College of Physicians London. 1813;4:16-21.
9. Fielding J. Crohn’s disease in London in the latter half of the nineteenth century. Ir J Med Sci. 1984;153214-220.
10. Crohn BB, Ginzburg L, Oppenheimer GD. Regional ileitis. JAMA. 1932;99:1323-8. Mt. Sinai J Med. 2000;67263-268.
11. Harris F, Bell G, Brunn H. Chronic cicatrizing enteritis: Regional ileitis (Crohn): A new surgical entity. Surg Gynecol Obstet. 1933;57637445.
12. Colp R. A. Case of non-specific granuloma of the terminal ileum and cecum. Surg Clin North Am. 1934;14443449.
13. McCallum D, Gray W. Metastatic Crohn’s disease. Br J Dermatol. 1976;95:551-4.
14. Greenstein AJ, Janowitz HD, Sachar DB. The extra-intestinal complications of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative coilitis: A study of 700 patients. Medicine. 1976;55:401-12.
15. Harris F, Bell G, Brunn H. Chronic cicatrizing enteritis: Regional ileitis (Crohn): A new surgical entity. Surg Gynecol Obstet. 1933;57637445.
16. Schwartz (Schwartz SI. Delving into a discovery [editorial]). Contemporary Surgery. 1981;18:9.
17. Armitage G, Wilson M. Crohn’s disease: A survey of the literature and a report on 34 cases. Br J Surg. 1950;38:182-93.
18. Berg AA. An operative procedure for right-sided ulcerative colitis. Ann Surg. 1936;1041019-23.
19. Ginzburg L, Oppenheimer GD. Non-specific granulomata of the intestines (inflammatory tumors and strictures of the intestines). Ann Surg. 1933;98:1046-62.
20. Dalziel TK. Chronic interstitial enteritis. BMJ. 1913;2:1068-70.
21. Lilienthal H. Extirpation of the entire colon, the upper portion of the sigmoid flexure, and four inches of the ileum for hyperplastic colitis. Ann Surg. 1903;37616417.
22. Moschcowitz E, Wilensky A. Non-specific granulomata of the intestine. Am J Med Sci. 1923;166:4&66.
23. Wilks S, Moxon W. In Lectures on pathological anatomy. London, Churchill Livingstone, 1875.
24. Bargen J, Weber H. Regional migratory chronic ulcerative colitis. Surg Gynecol Obstet. 1930;50:964-72.
25. Crohn B, Rosenak B. A combined form of ileitis and colitis. JAMA. 1936;106:l-7.
26. Wells C. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Ann R Surg Engl. 1952;11:105-20.
27. Lockhart-Mummery HE, Morson BC. Crohn’s disease (regional enteritis) of the large intestine and its distinction from ulcerative colitis. Gut. 1960;1:87-105.
28. Crohn B, Rosenberg H. The sigmoidoscopic picture of chronic ulcerative colitis (non-specific). Am J Med Sci. 1925;170:220-8.
29. Lewisohn R. Segmental enteritis. Surg Gynecol Obstet. 1938;66215-222.
30. Otani S. Pathology of regional enteritis and regional enterocolitis. Mt Sinai J Med. 1955;22147-58.
31. Aufses AH Jr., Kreel I. Ileostomy for granulomatous ileocolitis. Ann Surg. 1971;173:91-6.
32. Ginzburg L. Operative procedures upon the small intestine. In The Surgical Technique of Dr. A.A. Berg: A Tribute to Forty Years’ Service at the Mount Sinai Hospital. New York: Mount Sinai Hospital, 1934; p. 28-43.
33. Greenstein AJ, Sachar DR, Pucillo A, et al. Cancer in Crohn’s disease after diversionary surgery: A report of seven carcinomas occurring in excluded bowel. Am J Surg. 1978;135:86-90.
34. Slater G, Kreel I, Aufses AH Jr. Temporary loop ileostomy in the treatment of Crohn’s disease. Ann Surg. 1978;188706709.
35. Katariya RN, Sood S, Rao PG. Strictureplasty for tubercular strictures of the gastrointes tinal tract. Br J Surg. 1977;64496.
36. Ozuner G, Fazio VW, Lavery IC, et al. How safe is strictureplasty in the management of Crohn’s disease? Am J Surg. 1996;171:5740.
37. Ozuner G, Fazio VW, Lavery IC, et al. Reoperative rates for Crohn’s disease following strictureplasty: Long-term analysis. Dis Colon Rectum. 1996;39:1199-203.
38. Stebbing J, Jewell DP, Kettlewell MG, et al. Recurrence and reoperation after strictureplasty for obstructive Crohn’s disease: Long term results. Br J Surg. 1995;82:1471-4.
39. Kantor J. Regional (terminal) ileitis: Its roentgen diagnosis. JAMA. 1934;103:2016-21.
40. Bissell AD. Localized chronic ulcerative ileitis. Ann Surg. 1934;99:957-66.
41. Gottlieb C, Alpert S. Regional jejunitis. Am J Roentgen Radium Ther Nucl Med. 1937;38:881-3.
42. Franklin R, Taylor S. Nonspecific granulomatous (regional) esophagitis. J Thorac Surg. 1950;19292-7.
43. Dudeney T. Crohn’s disease of the mouth. Proc R Soc Med. 1969;621237.
44. Dunne W, Cooke W, Allen R. Enzymatic and morphometric evidence for Crohn’s disease as a diffuse lesion of the gastrointestinal tract. Gut. 1977;18:290-4.
45. Goodman M, Skinner J, Truelove S. Abnormalities in the apparently normal small bowel mucosa in Crohn’s disease. Lancet. 1976;1:275-8.
46. Heaton L, Ravdin IS, Blades B, et al. President Eisenhower’s operation for regional enteritis: A footnote to history. Ann Surg. 1964;159:661-6.
1. Khatkov IE, Parfenov AI, Kniazev OV, et al. Vospalitel'nye zabolevaniia kishechnika v praktike terapevta i khirurga. Moscow: Vita-PRESS, 2017 (in Russian).
2. Cosnes J, Gower-Rousseau C, Seksik P, Cortot A. Epidemiology and natural history of inflammatory bowel diseases. Gastroenterology. 2011;140:1785-94. DOI:10.1053/j.gastro.2011.01.055.
3. Belousova EA. Epidemiologiia vospalitel'nykh zabolevanii kishechnika. V kn.: Nespetsificheskiie vospalitel'nyie zabolevaniia kishechnika. Pod red. GI Vorob'yieva, IL Khalifa. Moscow: Miklosh, 2008; p. 8-25 (in Russian).
4. Belousova EA, Abdulganieva DI, Alekseeva OP, et al. Social, Demographic and Clinical Features of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Russia. Almanac of Clinical Medicine. 2018;46(5):445-63 (in Russian). DOI:10.18786/2072-0505-2018-46-5-445-463
5. Knyazev OV, Schkurko TV, Kagramanova AV, et al. Epidemiology of inflammatory bowel diseases. Current state of problem (literature review). Dokazatelnaia gastroenterologia. 2020;9(2):72-9 (in Russian). DOI:10.17116/dokgastro2020902172
6. Alexander-Williams J. Historical review. In: Inflammatory bowel diseases. 3rd ed. Ed. RB Alan, JM Rhodes, SB Hanauer, et al. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1983; p. 3-12.
7. Morgagni GB. Seat and Causes of Diseases. Book 111, Letter XXXI, Article 2. Published under the auspices of the Library of the New York Academy of Medicine, New York, Hafner Publishing, 1960;2; p. 64.
8. Combe C, Saunders W. A singular case of stricture and thickening of the ileum. Medical Transactions of the Royal College of Physicians London. 1813;4:16-21.
9. Fielding J. Crohn’s disease in London in the latter half of the nineteenth century. Ir J Med Sci. 1984;153214-220.
10. Crohn BB, Ginzburg L, Oppenheimer GD. Regional ileitis. JAMA. 1932;99:1323-8. Mt. Sinai J Med. 2000;67263-268.
11. Harris F, Bell G, Brunn H. Chronic cicatrizing enteritis: Regional ileitis (Crohn): A new surgical entity. Surg Gynecol Obstet. 1933;57637445.
12. Colp R. A. Case of non-specific granuloma of the terminal ileum and cecum. Surg Clin North Am. 1934;14443449.
13. McCallum D, Gray W. Metastatic Crohn’s disease. Br J Dermatol. 1976;95:551-4.
14. Greenstein AJ, Janowitz HD, Sachar DB. The extra-intestinal complications of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative coilitis: A study of 700 patients. Medicine. 1976;55:401-12.
15. Harris F, Bell G, Brunn H. Chronic cicatrizing enteritis: Regional ileitis (Crohn): A new surgical entity. Surg Gynecol Obstet. 1933;57637445.
16. Schwartz (Schwartz SI. Delving into a discovery [editorial]). Contemporary Surgery. 1981;18:9.
17. Armitage G, Wilson M. Crohn’s disease: A survey of the literature and a report on 34 cases. Br J Surg. 1950;38:182-93.
18. Berg AA. An operative procedure for right-sided ulcerative colitis. Ann Surg. 1936;1041019-23.
19. Ginzburg L, Oppenheimer GD. Non-specific granulomata of the intestines (inflammatory tumors and strictures of the intestines). Ann Surg. 1933;98:1046-62.
20. Dalziel TK. Chronic interstitial enteritis. BMJ. 1913;2:1068-70.
21. Lilienthal H. Extirpation of the entire colon, the upper portion of the sigmoid flexure, and four inches of the ileum for hyperplastic colitis. Ann Surg. 1903;37616417.
22. Moschcowitz E, Wilensky A. Non-specific granulomata of the intestine. Am J Med Sci. 1923;166:4&66.
23. Wilks S, Moxon W. In Lectures on pathological anatomy. London, Churchill Livingstone, 1875.
24. Bargen J, Weber H. Regional migratory chronic ulcerative colitis. Surg Gynecol Obstet. 1930;50:964-72.
25. Crohn B, Rosenak B. A combined form of ileitis and colitis. JAMA. 1936;106:l-7.
26. Wells C. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Ann R Surg Engl. 1952;11:105-20.
27. Lockhart-Mummery HE, Morson BC. Crohn’s disease (regional enteritis) of the large intestine and its distinction from ulcerative colitis. Gut. 1960;1:87-105.
28. Crohn B, Rosenberg H. The sigmoidoscopic picture of chronic ulcerative colitis (non-specific). Am J Med Sci. 1925;170:220-8.
29. Lewisohn R. Segmental enteritis. Surg Gynecol Obstet. 1938;66215-222.
30. Otani S. Pathology of regional enteritis and regional enterocolitis. Mt Sinai J Med. 1955;22147-58.
31. Aufses AH Jr., Kreel I. Ileostomy for granulomatous ileocolitis. Ann Surg. 1971;173:91-6.
32. Ginzburg L. Operative procedures upon the small intestine. In The Surgical Technique of Dr. A.A. Berg: A Tribute to Forty Years’ Service at the Mount Sinai Hospital. New York: Mount Sinai Hospital, 1934; p. 28-43.
33. Greenstein AJ, Sachar DR, Pucillo A, et al. Cancer in Crohn’s disease after diversionary surgery: A report of seven carcinomas occurring in excluded bowel. Am J Surg. 1978;135:86-90.
34. Slater G, Kreel I, Aufses AH Jr. Temporary loop ileostomy in the treatment of Crohn’s disease. Ann Surg. 1978;188706709.
35. Katariya RN, Sood S, Rao PG. Strictureplasty for tubercular strictures of the gastrointes tinal tract. Br J Surg. 1977;64496.
36. Ozuner G, Fazio VW, Lavery IC, et al. How safe is strictureplasty in the management of Crohn’s disease? Am J Surg. 1996;171:5740.
37. Ozuner G, Fazio VW, Lavery IC, et al. Reoperative rates for Crohn’s disease following strictureplasty: Long-term analysis. Dis Colon Rectum. 1996;39:1199-203.
38. Stebbing J, Jewell DP, Kettlewell MG, et al. Recurrence and reoperation after strictureplasty for obstructive Crohn’s disease: Long term results. Br J Surg. 1995;82:1471-4.
39. Kantor J. Regional (terminal) ileitis: Its roentgen diagnosis. JAMA. 1934;103:2016-21.
40. Bissell AD. Localized chronic ulcerative ileitis. Ann Surg. 1934;99:957-66.
41. Gottlieb C, Alpert S. Regional jejunitis. Am J Roentgen Radium Ther Nucl Med. 1937;38:881-3.
42. Franklin R, Taylor S. Nonspecific granulomatous (regional) esophagitis. J Thorac Surg. 1950;19292-7.
43. Dudeney T. Crohn’s disease of the mouth. Proc R Soc Med. 1969;621237.
44. Dunne W, Cooke W, Allen R. Enzymatic and morphometric evidence for Crohn’s disease as a diffuse lesion of the gastrointestinal tract. Gut. 1977;18:290-4.
45. Goodman M, Skinner J, Truelove S. Abnormalities in the apparently normal small bowel mucosa in Crohn’s disease. Lancet. 1976;1:275-8.
46. Heaton L, Ravdin IS, Blades B, et al. President Eisenhower’s operation for regional enteritis: A footnote to history. Ann Surg. 1964;159:661-6.
1 ГБУЗ «Московский клинический научно-практический центр им. А.С. Логинова» Департамента здравоохранения г. Москвы, Москва, Россия;
2 ГБУ «Научно-исследовательский институт организации здравоохранения и медицинского менеджмента» Департамента здравоохранения г. Москвы, Москва, Россия;
3 ФГБУ «Государственный научный центр колопроктологии им. А.Н. Рыжих» Минздрава России, Москва, Россия
Anna V. Kagramanova*1,2, Oleg V. Knyazev1–3, Asfold I. Parfenov1
1 Loginov Moscow Clinical Scientific Center, Moscow, Russia;
2 Research Institute of Health Organization and Medical Management, Moscow, Russia;
3 Ryzhikh State Scientific Center for Coloproctology, Moscow, Russia