Saul Hertz – врач-эндокринолог, который придумал и воплотил в реальность использование радиоактивного йода (РЙ) в медицинских целях. История развития данного неинвазивного и эффективного метода лечения началась в 1936 г., когда Saul Hertz в рамках научной сессии спросил у президента Массачусетского технологического института Karl Compton о том, можно ли искусственно сделать йод радиоактивным. Положительный ответ стал началом научных исследований Saul Hertz. Вместе с физиком Arthur Roberts он изучал фармакокинетику радиоактивных изотопов йода и возможность их использования для диагностики и лечения заболеваний щитовидной железы (ЩЖ). В 1938 г., с выделением 131I, испускающего γ- и β-лучи, имеющего период полураспада 8 дней, РЙ смогли применять не только в экспериментах, но и в клинической практике. 31 марта 1941 г. доктор Saul Hertz провел первую в истории терапию РЙ тиреотоксикоза. В настоящее время этот день именуется Всемирным днем тераностики. Впоследствии Saul Hertz стал основоположником радионуклидного лечения карциномы ЩЖ, а по результатам его трудов разработаны принципы терапии РЙ дифференцированного рака ЩЖ. В настоящее время в Гринвиче, штат Коннектикут, США, существуют Архивы доктора Saul Hertz (Dr. Saul Hertz Archives), которые хранят труды этого великого врача и ученого.
Saul Hertz was a physician and scientist who invented and implemented the use of radioactive iodine (RAI) for medical purposes. The history of the development of this new non-invasive and effective method of treatment began in 1936, when Saul Hertz asked Karl Compton, president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology: "Is it possible to artificially make iodine radioactive?" at the scientific session. The positive response was the beginning of Saul Hertz’s research in the field of nuclear medicine. Together with physicist Arthur Roberts, he studied the pharmacokinetics of radioactive isotopes of iodine and the possibility of using them for the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid disease (TD). In 1938, with the release of 131I, which emits gamma and beta rays and has a half-life of 8 days, RAI could be used not only in experiments, but also in clinical practice. On March 31, 1941, Dr. Saul Hertz performed the first RAI therapy for thyrotoxicosis. Nowadays, March 31 is called World Theranostics Day. Subsequently, Saul Hertz became the founder of the radionuclide treatment of TD, and based on the results of his work, the principles of RAI therapy for differentiated TD were developed. Currently, there are Dr. Saul Hertz Archives in Greenwich (Connecticut, USA) that store the works of this great physician and scientist.
Keywords: Saul Hertz, radioactive iodine, history of the discovery, teranostics, hyperthyroidism, thyroid cancer
1. Fahey FH, Grant FD, Thrall JH. Saul Hertz, MD, and the birth of radionuclide therapy. EJNMMI Phys. 2017;4(1):15. DOI:10.1186/s40658-017-0182-7
2. Saul Hertz MD 1905–1950. Available at: Accessed: 13.05.2023.
3. Kopp P. Theodor kocher (1841–1917) Nobel prize centenary 2009. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metabol. 2009;53(9):1176-80. DOI:10.1590/s0004-27302009000900015
4. Do K, Ruan D. Frank Lahey. Surgical Endocrinopathies. 2015:113-6. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-13662-2_18
5. Румянцев П.О., Трухин А.А., Дегтярев М.В. Персонализированный подход к лечению тиреотоксикоза: история развития дозиметрических концепций. Вестник рентгенологии и радиологии. 2017;98(4):214-8 [Rumyantsev PO, Trukhin AA, Degtyarev MV. Personalized approach to thyrotoxicosis treatment: the history of dosimetric concepts development. Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine. 2017;98(4):214-8 (in Russian)]. DOI:10.20862/0042- 4676-2017-98-4-214-218
6. Kendall E. The isolation in crystalline form of the compound containing iodin, which occurs in the thyroid. J Am Med Assoc. 1915;LXIV(25):2042. DOI:10.1001/jama.1915.02570510018005
7. Radvanyi P, Villain J. The discovery of radioactivity. Comptes Rendus Physique. 2017;18(9-10):544-50. DOI:10.1016/j.crhy.2017.10.008
8. Joliot F, Curie I. Artificial Production of a New Kind of Radio-Element. Nature. 1934;133(3354):201-2. DOI:10.1038/133201a0
9. Fermi E. Radioactivity Induced by Neutron Bombardment. Nature. 1934;133(3368):757. DOI:10.1038/133757a0
10. Ehrhardt JD Jr, Güleç S. A Review of the History of Radioactive Iodine Theranostics: The Origin of Nuclear Ontology. Mol Imaging Radionucl Ther. 2020;29(3):88-97. DOI:10.4274/mirt.galenos.2020.83703
11. Compton K. Letter to Saul Hertz. In: Hertz Family Archive. 1936.
12. Hertz B. A tribute to Dr. Saul Hertz: The discovery of the medical uses of radioiodine. World J Nucl Med. 2019;18(1):8-12. DOI:10.4103/wjnm.WJNM_107_18
13. Hertz S, Roberts A, Evans R. Radioactive Iodine as an Indicator in the Study of Thyroid Physiology. Experimental Biology and Medicine. 1938;38(4):510-3.
14. Oesper RE. An American genius the life of Ernest Orlando Lawrence, father of the cyclotron (childs, Herbert). Journal of Chemical Education. 1968;45(10). DOI:10.1021/ed045pa844
15. Kauffman GB. Lawrence, Ernest Orlando (1901–1958), physicist. American National Biography Online. Available at: Accessed: 13.05.2023.
16. Livingood J, Seaborg G. Radioactive Iodine Isotopes. Physical Review. 1938;53(12):1015. DOI:10.1103/physrev.53.1015.2
17. Шеремета М.С., Трухин А.А., Корчагина М.О. Применение радиоактивных веществ в медицине – история и перспективы развития. Проблемы Эндокринологии. 2021;67(6):59-67 [Sheremeta MS, Trukhin AA, Korchagina MO. The use of radioactive substances in medicine – history and development prospects. Problems of Endocrinology. 2021;67(6):59-67 (in Russian)]. DOI:10.14341/probl12824
18. Taylor A. The secret city. The Atlantic. Available at: Accessed: 13.05.2023.
19. Borges de Souza P, McCabe CJ. Radioiodine treatment: an historical and future perspective. Endocr Relat Cancer. 2021;28(10):T121-4. DOI:10.1530/ERC-21-0037
20. Hertz S, Roberts A. Radioactive iodine in the study of thyroid physiology; the use of radioactive iodine therapy in hyperthyroidism. J Am Med Assoc. 1946;131:81-6. DOI:10.1001/jama.1946.02870190005002
21. Hamilton J. The Use of Radioactive Tracers in Biology and Medicine. Radiology. 1942;39(5):541-72. DOI:10.1148/39.5.541
22. Frantz VK, Ball RP, Keston AS, Palmer WW. Thyroid Carcinoma with Metastases: Studied with Radioactive Iodine. Ann Surg. 1944;119(5):668-89.
23. Seidlin SM, Oshry E, Yalow AA. Spontaneous and experimentally induced uptake of radioactive iodine in metastases from thyroid carcinoma; a preliminary report. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1948;8(6):423-32. DOI:10.1210/jcem-8-6-423
24. Obaldo JM, Hertz BE. The early years of nuclear medicine: A Retelling. Asia Ocean J Nucl Med Biol. 2021;9(2):207-19. DOI:10.22038/aojnmb.2021.55514.1385
25. Hertz B. Dr. Saul Hertz (1905–1950) Discovers the Medical Uses of Radioactive Iodine: The First Targeted Cancer Therapy. In: Thyroid Cancer – Advances in Diagnosis and Therapy. 2016. DOI:10.5772/64609.
26. Румянцев П.О., Коренев С.В. История появления терапии радиоактивным йодом. Клиническая и экспериментальная тиреоидология. 2015;11(4):51-5 [Rumiantsev PO, Korenev SV. The history of radioiodine therapy beginnings. Clinical and Experimental Thyroidology. 2015;11(4):51-5 (in Russian)]. DOI:10.14341/ket2015451-55
27. Дедов В.И., Дедов И.И., Степаненко В.Ф. Радиационная эндокринология. М.: Медицина, 1993 [Dedov VI, Dedov II, Stepanenko VF. Radiatsionnaia endokrinologiia. Moscow: Meditsina, 1993 (in Russian)].
28. Дедов И.И., Дедов В.И. Чернобыль: радиоактивный йод – щитовидная железа. М.: Типография МПГУ, 1996 [Dedov II, Dedov VI. Chernobyl': radioaktivnyi iod – shchitovidnaia zheleza. Moscow: Tipografiia MPGU, 1996 (in Russian)].
1. Fahey FH, Grant FD, Thrall JH. Saul Hertz, MD, and the birth of radionuclide therapy. EJNMMI Phys. 2017;4(1):15. DOI:10.1186/s40658-017-0182-7
2. Saul Hertz MD 1905–1950. Available at: Accessed: 13.05.2023.
3. Kopp P. Theodor kocher (1841–1917) Nobel prize centenary 2009. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metabol. 2009;53(9):1176-80. DOI:10.1590/s0004-27302009000900015
4. Do K, Ruan D. Frank Lahey. Surgical Endocrinopathies. 2015:113-6. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-13662-2_18
5. Rumyantsev PO, Trukhin AA, Degtyarev MV. Personalized approach to thyrotoxicosis treatment: the history of dosimetric concepts development. Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine. 2017;98(4):214-8 (in Russian). DOI:10.20862/0042- 4676-2017-98-4-214-218
6. Kendall E. The isolation in crystalline form of the compound containing iodin, which occurs in the thyroid. J Am Med Assoc. 1915;LXIV(25):2042. DOI:10.1001/jama.1915.02570510018005
7. Radvanyi P, Villain J. The discovery of radioactivity. Comptes Rendus Physique. 2017;18(9-10):544-50. DOI:10.1016/j.crhy.2017.10.008
8. Joliot F, Curie I. Artificial Production of a New Kind of Radio-Element. Nature. 1934;133(3354):201-2. DOI:10.1038/133201a0
9. Fermi E. Radioactivity Induced by Neutron Bombardment. Nature. 1934;133(3368):757. DOI:10.1038/133757a0
10. Ehrhardt JD Jr, Güleç S. A Review of the History of Radioactive Iodine Theranostics: The Origin of Nuclear Ontology. Mol Imaging Radionucl Ther. 2020;29(3):88-97. DOI:10.4274/mirt.galenos.2020.83703
11. Compton K. Letter to Saul Hertz. In: Hertz Family Archive. 1936.
12. Hertz B. A tribute to Dr. Saul Hertz: The discovery of the medical uses of radioiodine. World J Nucl Med. 2019;18(1):8-12. DOI:10.4103/wjnm.WJNM_107_18
13. Hertz S, Roberts A, Evans R. Radioactive Iodine as an Indicator in the Study of Thyroid Physiology. Experimental Biology and Medicine. 1938;38(4):510-3.
14. Oesper RE. An American genius the life of Ernest Orlando Lawrence, father of the cyclotron (childs, Herbert). Journal of Chemical Education. 1968;45(10). DOI:10.1021/ed045pa844
15. Kauffman GB. Lawrence, Ernest Orlando (1901–1958), physicist. American National Biography Online. Available at: Accessed: 13.05.2023.
16. Livingood J, Seaborg G. Radioactive Iodine Isotopes. Physical Review. 1938;53(12):1015. DOI:10.1103/physrev.53.1015.2
17. Sheremeta MS, Trukhin AA, Korchagina MO. The use of radioactive substances in medicine – history and development prospects. Problems of Endocrinology. 2021;67(6):59-67 (in Russian). DOI:10.14341/probl12824
18. Taylor A. The secret city. The Atlantic. Available at: Accessed: 13.05.2023.
19. Borges de Souza P, McCabe CJ. Radioiodine treatment: an historical and future perspective. Endocr Relat Cancer. 2021;28(10):T121-4. DOI:10.1530/ERC-21-0037
20. Hertz S, Roberts A. Radioactive iodine in the study of thyroid physiology; the use of radioactive iodine therapy in hyperthyroidism. J Am Med Assoc. 1946;131:81-6. DOI:10.1001/jama.1946.02870190005002
21. Hamilton J. The Use of Radioactive Tracers in Biology and Medicine. Radiology. 1942;39(5):541-72. DOI:10.1148/39.5.541
22. Frantz VK, Ball RP, Keston AS, Palmer WW. Thyroid Carcinoma with Metastases: Studied with Radioactive Iodine. Ann Surg. 1944;119(5):668-89.
23. Seidlin SM, Oshry E, Yalow AA. Spontaneous and experimentally induced uptake of radioactive iodine in metastases from thyroid carcinoma; a preliminary report. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1948;8(6):423-32. DOI:10.1210/jcem-8-6-423
24. Obaldo JM, Hertz BE. The early years of nuclear medicine: A Retelling. Asia Ocean J Nucl Med Biol. 2021;9(2):207-19. DOI:10.22038/aojnmb.2021.55514.1385
25. Hertz B. Dr. Saul Hertz (1905–1950) Discovers the Medical Uses of Radioactive Iodine: The First Targeted Cancer Therapy. In: Thyroid Cancer – Advances in Diagnosis and Therapy. 2016. DOI:10.5772/64609.
26. Rumiantsev PO, Korenev SV. The history of radioiodine therapy beginnings. Clinical and Experimental Thyroidology. 2015;11(4):51-5 (in Russian). DOI:10.14341/ket2015451-55
27. Dedov VI, Dedov II, Stepanenko VF. Radiatsionnaia endokrinologiia. Moscow: Meditsina, 1993 (in Russian).
28. Dedov II, Dedov VI. Chernobyl': radioaktivnyi iod – shchitovidnaia zheleza. Moscow: Tipografiia MPGU, 1996 (in Russian).