Ротационная ангиография и ее роль в современной клинической практике
Ротационная ангиография и ее роль в современной клинической практике
Климов В.П., Азаров А.В., Семитко С.П., Верткина Н.В. Ротационная ангиография и ее роль в современной клинической практике. Consilium Medicum. 2017; 19 (1): 42–49.
Klimov V.P., Azarov A.V., Semitko S.P., Vertkina N.V. Rotational angiography and the role of rotational angiography in modern clinical practice. Consilium Medicum. 2017; 19 (1): 42–49.
Ротационная ангиография и ее роль в современной клинической практике
Климов В.П., Азаров А.В., Семитко С.П., Верткина Н.В. Ротационная ангиография и ее роль в современной клинической практике. Consilium Medicum. 2017; 19 (1): 42–49.
Klimov V.P., Azarov A.V., Semitko S.P., Vertkina N.V. Rotational angiography and the role of rotational angiography in modern clinical practice. Consilium Medicum. 2017; 19 (1): 42–49.
На сегодняшний день, несмотря на преимущества неинвазивных методов диагностики, прямое ангиографическое исследование играет главную роль в оценке состояния сосудистого русла, оставаясь общепризнанным «золотым стандартом». Метод постоянно совершенствуется. В настоящее время возможно использование ротационной плоскопанельной ангиографии с последующим 3D-моделированием. Изначально ротационная ангиография применялась главным образом в нейрорадиологии. Развитие медицинских технологий сделало возможным 3D-реконструкцию объекта по обычным ангиографическим изображениям. Метод 3D-ангиографии стал использоваться в диагностике поражения и других сосудистых бассейнов, при планировании оперативного вмешательства и оценке результатов лечения. Однако, несмотря на все свои положительные стороны, ротационная ангиография рутинно не применяется так широко, как того заслуживает. Для иллюстрации возможностей применения метода в условиях городской клинической больницы представлен ряд клинических примеров из повседневной практики работы Регионального сосудистого центра ГБУЗ «ГКБ им. В.В.Вересаева» Департамента здравоохранения г. Москвы.
Nowadays, despite the advantages of non-invasive methods of diagnosis, direct angiography plays a key role in examining the blood vessels, and remains the gold standard. The method continues updating. It is possible to use rotational flat-panel angiography followed by 3D modeling, nowadays. Rotational angiography has been mainly used in neuroradiology procedures. The development in medical technologies has made it possible to acquire object-based 3D reconstruction method for evaluating angiographic images. 3D angiography has been used in the diagnosis of damage in vascular territories when planning the surgery or estimating the results of treatment. However, despite all of the benefits, rotational angiography is not routinely used as it deserves. To illustrate the use of this method in practice of city clinical hospital we show clinical cases as a part of the everyday practice of Regional Vascular Center SFHI City Clinical Hospital named after V.V.Veresaev, Moscow Health Department.
Key words: rotational angiography, 3D angiography, stenting.
1. Беленков Ю.Н., Терновой С.К., Синицын В.Е. Магнитно-резонансная томография сердца и сосудов. М.: Видар, 1997; с. 144. / Belenkov Iu.N., Ternovoi S.K., Sinitsyn V.E. Magnitno-rezonansnaia tomografiia serdtsa i sosudov. M.: Vidar, 1997; s. 144. [in Russian]
2. Синицын В.Е., Дадвани С.А., Артюхина Е.Г. и др. Компьютерная томографическая ангиография в диагностике атеросклеротических поражений аорты и артерий нижних конечностей. Ангиология и сосудистая хирургия. 2000; 2. 37–44. / Sinitsyn V.E., Dadvani S.A., Artiukhina E.G. i dr. Komp’iuternaia tomograficheskaia angiografiia v diagnostike ateroskleroticheskikh porazhenii aorty i arterii nizhnikh konechnostei. Angiologiia i sosudistaia khirurgiia. 2000; 2. 37–44. [in Russian]
3. Kreuzer SH, Prokop M, Ahmadi R et al. Grading of carotid artery stenoses with multislice CT-angiography: comparison with DSA. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2001; 24 (Suppl. 1): S160.
4. Mallouhi A, Rieger M, Czermak B et al. Renal multi-slice spiral-CT angiography: the role of three-dimensional reconstructions in follow-up of renal artery stenting. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2001; 24 (Suppl. 1): S160.
5. Ernemann U, Skalej M, Guervit O et al. 3D-angiography in planning the treatment of cerebral aneurysms. Electromedica 2000; 68: 31–6.
6. Paulin S. Coronary angiography, past, present and future. Cardiovasc Interven Radiol 2001; 24: S232–S233.
7. Tajima H, Kumazaki T, Gemma K et al. Clinical assessment rotational digital angiography for the diagnosis of aortic dissection. Nippon Igaku Hoshasen Gakkai Zasshi 1990; 50 (Suppl. 12): 1608–10.
8. Климов В.П., Щиголев Ю.С., Никитин В.Г. и др. Ротационная цифровая ангиография с субтракцией в диагностике заболеваний головного мозга. В кн.: Неотложная медицинская помощь. Материалы науч.-практ. конф. ГВКГ им. Н.Н.Бурденко. М., 1998; с. 219–20. / Klimov V.P., Shchigolev Iu.S., Nikitin V.G. i dr. Rotatsionnaia tsifrovaia angiografiia s subtraktsiei v diagnostike zabolevanii golovnogo mozga. V kn.: Neotlozhnaia meditsinskaia pomoshch'. Materialy nauch.-prakt. konf. GVKG im. N.N.Burdenko. M., 1998; s. 219–20. [in Russian]
9. Biederer J, Link J, Peter D et al. Rotational digital subtraction angiography of carotid bifuracation stenosis. Rofo Fortschr Geb Rontgenstr Neuen Bildgeb Verfahr 1999; 171: 283–9.
10. Климов В.П., Кучеров В.В., Залесов В.Е. и др. Ротационная цифровая ангиография с субтракцией при определении проходимости аутовенозных аортокоронарных шунтов. В кн.: Неотложная медицинская помощь. Материалы науч.-практ. конф. ГВКГ им. Н.Н.Бурденко. М., 1998; с. 220–1. / Klimov V.P., Kucherov V.V., Zalesov V.E. i dr. Rotatsionnaia tsifrovaia angiografiia s subtraktsiei pri opredelenii prokhodimosti autovenoznykh aortokoronarnykh shuntov. V kn.: Neotlozhnaia meditsinskaia pomoshch'. Materialy nauch.-prakt. konf. GVKG im. N.N.Burdenko. M., 1998; s. 220–1. [in Russian]
11. Klein HM, Vorwerk D, Neuerburg J, Günther RW. Rotational angiography of the renal arteries. Fortschr Röntgenstr 1995; 162: 249–51.
12. Ernemann U, Guervit O, Siekmann R, Skalej M. Rotational angiography: Diagnostic value and application in iterventional neurology. Cardiovasc Interven Radiol 2001; 24 (Suppl. 1): S109–S110.
13. Klimov V, Ardashev A. Advantages of rotational DSA in the assessment of ascending aorta in post-CABG angina patients. Eur Radiol 2003; 13 (10): H24.
14. Waggershauser T. Digital subtraction rotational angiography (dynavision plus) in clinical application. Electromedica 1998; 66 (Suppl. 5): 2–7.
15. Elgersma OE, Buijs PS, Wust AF et al. Maximum internal carotid arterial stenosis: assessment with rotational angiography versus conventional intraarterial digital subtraction angiography. Radiology 1999; 213: 777–83.
16. Климов В.П. Эффективность использования ротационной дигитальной субтракционной ангиографии при селективном рентгеноконтрастном исследовании проходимых аутовенозных аортокоронарных шунтов у больных ИБС после операции аортокоронарного шунтирования: экономический аспект. Бюллетень НЦССХ им. А.Н.Бакулева РАМН. 2003; 4 (6): 176. / Klimov V.P. Effektivnost' ispol'zovaniia rotatsionnoi digital'noi subtraktsionnoi angiografii pri selektivnom rentgenokontrastnom issledovanii prokhodimykh autovenoznykh aortokoronarnykh shuntov u bol'nykh IBS posle operatsii aortokoronarnogo shuntirovaniia: ekonomicheskii aspekt. Biulleten' NTsSSKh im. A.N.Bakuleva RAMN. 2003; 4 (6): 176. [in Russian]
17. Takahashi M, Ozawa Y. Routine biplane cerebral angiography with stereoscopic magnification. Radiology 1980; 136: 113–7.
18. Thron A, Voigt K. Rotational cerebral angiography: procedure and value. Am J Neurorad 1983; 4: 289–91.
19. Voigt K, Stoeter P, Petersen D. Rotational cerebral roentgenography. Evaluation of the technical procedure and diagnostic application with model studies. Neuroradiology 1975; 10: 95–100.
20. Cornelis G, Bellet A, Van Eygen B et al. Rotational multiple sequence roentgenography of intracranial aneurysms. Acta radiol 1972; 13: 74–6.
21. Tu RK, Cohen WA, Maravilla KR et al. Digital subtraction rotational angiography for aneurysms of the intracranial anterior circulation: injection method and optimization. Am J Neurorad 1996; 17: 1127–36.
22. Gattoni F, Sacrini A, Tonolini M et al. Digital rotational angiography in the study of vascular diseases: technical note and initial clinical applications. Radiol Med (Torino) 1998; 96: (Suppl. 6): 570–3.
23. Климов В.П. Возможности ротационной дигитальной субтракционной ангиографии при исследовании аутовенозных аортокоронарных шунтов и коронарных артерий у больных ишемической болезнью сердца. Автореф. дисс. … канд. мед. наук. М., 2004; с. 102. / Klimov V.P. Vozmozhnosti rotatsionnoi digital'noi subtraktsionnoi angiografii pri issledovanii autovenoznykh aortokoronarnykh shuntov i koronarnykh arterii u bol'nykh ishemicheskoi bolezn'iu serdtsa. Avtoref. diss. … kand. med. nauk. M., 2004; s. 102. [in Russian]
24. Bosanac Z, Miller RJ, Jain M. Rotational digital subtraction carotid angiography: technique and comparison with static digital subtraction angiography. Coin Radiol 1998; 53 (Suppl. 9): 682–7.
25. Ashina K. Clinical evaluation of biplane rotational DSA for intracranial diseases. Nippon Igaku Hoshasen Gakkai Zasshi 1994; 54 (Suppl. 13): 1225–36.
26. Bullitt E, Soltys M, Chen J et al. Three-dimensional reconstruction of intracranial vessels from biplan projection views. J Neurosci Methods 1996; 66 (Suppl. 1): 13–22.
27. Carsin M, Chabert E, Croci S et al. The role of 3-dimensional reconstructions angiographic evaluation of cerebral vascular malformations: 3D morphometry. J Neuroradiol 1997; 24 (Suppl. 2): 137–40.
28. Ernemann U, Skalej M, Barth K, Voigt K. 3D-reconstructions of intracranial vessels bassed on rotational angiography. Neuroradiology 1998; 40 (Suppl. 1): 47.
29. Bullitt E, Liu A. Aylward SR et al. Registration of 3D cerebral vessels with 2D digital angiograms: clinical evaluation. Acad Radiol 1999; 6 (Suppl. 9): 539– 46.
30. Hoff DJ, Wallace MC, terBrugge KG, Gentili F. Rotational angiography assessment of cerebral aneurysms. Am J Neuroradiol 1994; 15 (Suppl. 10): 1945–1948.
31. Tanoue S, Kiyosue H, Kenai H et al. Three-dimensional reconstructed images after rotational angiography in the evaluation of intracranial aneurysms: surgical correlation. Neurosurgery 2000; 47 (Suppl. 4): 866–71.
32. Shimizu T, Kodama Y, Endo H et al. The usefulness of three-dimensional reconstructed image by rotational DSA for transcatheter arterial embolization. Cardiovasc Interven Radiol 2001; 24 (Suppl. 1): S169.
33. Tajima H, Kumazaki T, Gemma K et al. Rotational digital angiography of ulcer-like projection of pelvis. Radiat Med 1996; 14: 49–51.
34. Klimov V, Ardashev A. Rotational DSA of coronary artery as a movable object – if it is possible? Eur Radiol 2004; 14: R31.
35. Blendea D et al. Usefulness of high-speed rotational coronary venous angiography during cardiac resynchronization therapy. Am J Cardiol 2007; 100 (10): 1561–5.
36. Fagih AA et al. An initiative to minimize amount of contrast media utilizing a novel rotational coronary sinus occlusive venography technique with ordinary cath-lab X-ray machine during CRT implantation. J Invasive Cardiol 2010; 22 (9): 428–31.
37. Klimov V, Ardashev A. Rotational DSA of coronary artery bypass graft patency. Eur Radiol 2003; 13 (10): H26.
38. Asato T, Tajima H. Clinical assessment of rotational digital angiography for the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. Nippon Ika Daigaku Zasshi 1997; 64 (Suppl. 5): 401–10.
39. Kumazaki T. Development of a new digital angiography system – improvement of rotational angiography and three dimensional image display. Nippon Igaku Hoshasen Gakkai Zasshi 1991; 51(Suppl. 9): 1068– 77.
40. Schueler BA, Sen A. Hsiung HH, Latchaw RE, Hu X. Three-dimensional vascular reconstruction with a clinical x-ray angiography system. Acad Radiol 1997; 4 (Suppl. 10): 693–699.
41. Bidaut LM, Laurent C, Piotin M et al. Second-generation three-dimensional reconstruction for rotational three-dimensional angiography. Acad Radiol 1998; 5 (12): 836–49.
42. Fahrig R, Nikolov H, Fox AJ, Holdsworth DW. A three-dimensional cerebrovascular flow phantom. Med Phys 1999; 26 (Suppl. 8): 1589–99.
43. Talukdar AS, Wilson DL. Modeling and optimization of rotational C-arm stereoscopic X-ray angiography. IEEE Trans. Med Imaging 1999; 18 (Suppl. 7): 604–16.
44. Fahrig R, Fox A, Lownie S, Holdsworth D. Use of a C-arm system to generate true three-dimensional computed rotational angiograms: preliminary in vitro and in vivo results. AJNR 1997; 18: 1507–14.
45. Unger B, Link J, Trenkler J, Bohm-Jurkovic H. Digital rotational angiography for the preoperative and preinterventional clarification of cerebral arterial aneurysms. Rofo Fortschr Geb Rontgenstr Neuen Bildgeb Verfahr 1999; 170 (Suppl. 5): 482–91.
46. Missler Y, Hundt C, Wiesmann M et al. Three-dimensional reconstructed rotational digital subtraction angiography in planning treatment of intracranial aneurysms. Eur Radiol 2000; 10 (Suppl. 4): 564–8.
47. Endo H, Shimizu T, Kodama Y et al. Usefulness of three-dimensional (3D) recostructed images of renal arteries. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2001; 24 (Suppl. 1): S196.
48. Kofune M et al. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the coronary sinus with rotational angiography. Circulation J 2008; 72 (6): 1020–21.
49. Gutleben KJ et al. Three-dimensional coronary sinus reconstruction-guided left ventricular lead implantation based on intraprocedural rotational angiography: a novel imaging modality in cardiac resynchronization device implantation. Europace 2011; 13 (5): 675–82.
1. Belenkov Iu.N., Ternovoi S.K., Sinitsyn V.E. Magnitno-rezonansnaia tomografiia serdtsa i sosudov. M.: Vidar, 1997; s. 144. [in Russian]
2. Sinitsyn V.E., Dadvani S.A., Artiukhina E.G. i dr. Komp’iuternaia tomograficheskaia angiografiia v diagnostike ateroskleroticheskikh porazhenii aorty i arterii nizhnikh konechnostei. Angiologiia i sosudistaia khirurgiia. 2000; 2. 37–44. [in Russian]
3. Kreuzer SH, Prokop M, Ahmadi R et al. Grading of carotid artery stenoses with multislice CT-angiography: comparison with DSA. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2001; 24 (Suppl. 1): S160.
4. Mallouhi A, Rieger M, Czermak B et al. Renal multi-slice spiral-CT angiography: the role of three-dimensional reconstructions in follow-up of renal artery stenting. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2001; 24 (Suppl. 1): S160.
5. Ernemann U, Skalej M, Guervit O et al. 3D-angiography in planning the treatment of cerebral aneurysms. Electromedica 2000; 68: 31–6.
6. Paulin S. Coronary angiography, past, present and future. Cardiovasc Interven Radiol 2001; 24: S232–S233.
7. Tajima H, Kumazaki T, Gemma K et al. Clinical assessment rotational digital angiography for the diagnosis of aortic dissection. Nippon Igaku Hoshasen Gakkai Zasshi 1990; 50 (Suppl. 12): 1608–10.
8. Klimov V.P., Shchigolev Iu.S., Nikitin V.G. i dr. Rotatsionnaia tsifrovaia angiografiia s subtraktsiei v diagnostike zabolevanii golovnogo mozga. V kn.: Neotlozhnaia meditsinskaia pomoshch'. Materialy nauch.-prakt. konf. GVKG im. N.N.Burdenko. M., 1998; s. 219–20. [in Russian]
9. Biederer J, Link J, Peter D et al. Rotational digital subtraction angiography of carotid bifuracation stenosis. Rofo Fortschr Geb Rontgenstr Neuen Bildgeb Verfahr 1999; 171: 283–9.
10. Klimov V.P., Kucherov V.V., Zalesov V.E. i dr. Rotatsionnaia tsifrovaia angiografiia s subtraktsiei pri opredelenii prokhodimosti autovenoznykh aortokoronarnykh shuntov. V kn.: Neotlozhnaia meditsinskaia pomoshch'. Materialy nauch.-prakt. konf. GVKG im. N.N.Burdenko. M., 1998; s. 220–1. [in Russian]
11. Klein HM, Vorwerk D, Neuerburg J, Günther RW. Rotational angiography of the renal arteries. Fortschr Röntgenstr 1995; 162: 249–51.
12. Ernemann U, Guervit O, Siekmann R, Skalej M. Rotational angiography: Diagnostic value and application in iterventional neurology. Cardiovasc Interven Radiol 2001; 24 (Suppl. 1): S109–S110.
13. Klimov V, Ardashev A. Advantages of rotational DSA in the assessment of ascending aorta in post-CABG angina patients. Eur Radiol 2003; 13 (10): H24.
14. Waggershauser T. Digital subtraction rotational angiography (dynavision plus) in clinical application. Electromedica 1998; 66 (Suppl. 5): 2–7.
15. Elgersma OE, Buijs PS, Wust AF et al. Maximum internal carotid arterial stenosis: assessment with rotational angiography versus conventional intraarterial digital subtraction angiography. Radiology 1999; 213: 777–83.
16. Klimov V.P. Effektivnost' ispol'zovaniia rotatsionnoi digital'noi subtraktsionnoi angiografii pri selektivnom rentgenokontrastnom issledovanii prokhodimykh autovenoznykh aortokoronarnykh shuntov u bol'nykh IBS posle operatsii aortokoronarnogo shuntirovaniia: ekonomicheskii aspekt. Biulleten' NTsSSKh im. A.N.Bakuleva RAMN. 2003; 4 (6): 176. [in Russian]
17. Takahashi M, Ozawa Y. Routine biplane cerebral angiography with stereoscopic magnification. Radiology 1980; 136: 113–7.
18. Thron A, Voigt K. Rotational cerebral angiography: procedure and value. Am J Neurorad 1983; 4: 289–91.
19. Voigt K, Stoeter P, Petersen D. Rotational cerebral roentgenography. Evaluation of the technical procedure and diagnostic application with model studies. Neuroradiology 1975; 10: 95–100.
20. Cornelis G, Bellet A, Van Eygen B et al. Rotational multiple sequence roentgenography of intracranial aneurysms. Acta radiol 1972; 13: 74–6.
21. Tu RK, Cohen WA, Maravilla KR et al. Digital subtraction rotational angiography for aneurysms of the intracranial anterior circulation: injection method and optimization. Am J Neurorad 1996; 17: 1127–36.
22. Gattoni F, Sacrini A, Tonolini M et al. Digital rotational angiography in the study of vascular diseases: technical note and initial clinical applications. Radiol Med (Torino) 1998; 96: (Suppl. 6): 570–3.
23. Klimov V.P. Vozmozhnosti rotatsionnoi digital'noi subtraktsionnoi angiografii pri issledovanii autovenoznykh aortokoronarnykh shuntov i koronarnykh arterii u bol'nykh ishemicheskoi bolezn'iu serdtsa. Avtoref. diss. … kand. med. nauk. M., 2004; s. 102. [in Russian]
24. Bosanac Z, Miller RJ, Jain M. Rotational digital subtraction carotid angiography: technique and comparison with static digital subtraction angiography. Coin Radiol 1998; 53 (Suppl. 9): 682–7.
25. Ashina K. Clinical evaluation of biplane rotational DSA for intracranial diseases. Nippon Igaku Hoshasen Gakkai Zasshi 1994; 54 (Suppl. 13): 1225–36.
26. Bullitt E, Soltys M, Chen J et al. Three-dimensional reconstruction of intracranial vessels from biplan projection views. J Neurosci Methods 1996; 66 (Suppl. 1): 13–22.
27. Carsin M, Chabert E, Croci S et al. The role of 3-dimensional reconstructions angiographic evaluation of cerebral vascular malformations: 3D morphometry. J Neuroradiol 1997; 24 (Suppl. 2): 137–40.
28. Ernemann U, Skalej M, Barth K, Voigt K. 3D-reconstructions of intracranial vessels bassed on rotational angiography. Neuroradiology 1998; 40 (Suppl. 1): 47.
29. Bullitt E, Liu A. Aylward SR et al. Registration of 3D cerebral vessels with 2D digital angiograms: clinical evaluation. Acad Radiol 1999; 6 (Suppl. 9): 539– 46.
30. Hoff DJ, Wallace MC, terBrugge KG, Gentili F. Rotational angiography assessment of cerebral aneurysms. Am J Neuroradiol 1994; 15 (Suppl. 10): 1945–1948.
31. Tanoue S, Kiyosue H, Kenai H et al. Three-dimensional reconstructed images after rotational angiography in the evaluation of intracranial aneurysms: surgical correlation. Neurosurgery 2000; 47 (Suppl. 4): 866–71.
32. Shimizu T, Kodama Y, Endo H et al. The usefulness of three-dimensional reconstructed image by rotational DSA for transcatheter arterial embolization. Cardiovasc Interven Radiol 2001; 24 (Suppl. 1): S169.
33. Tajima H, Kumazaki T, Gemma K et al. Rotational digital angiography of ulcer-like projection of pelvis. Radiat Med 1996; 14: 49–51.
34. Klimov V, Ardashev A. Rotational DSA of coronary artery as a movable object – if it is possible? Eur Radiol 2004; 14: R31.
35. Blendea D et al. Usefulness of high-speed rotational coronary venous angiography during cardiac resynchronization therapy. Am J Cardiol 2007; 100 (10): 1561–5.
36. Fagih AA et al. An initiative to minimize amount of contrast media utilizing a novel rotational coronary sinus occlusive venography technique with ordinary cath-lab X-ray machine during CRT implantation. J Invasive Cardiol 2010; 22 (9): 428–31.
37. Klimov V, Ardashev A. Rotational DSA of coronary artery bypass graft patency. Eur Radiol 2003; 13 (10): H26.
38. Asato T, Tajima H. Clinical assessment of rotational digital angiography for the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. Nippon Ika Daigaku Zasshi 1997; 64 (Suppl. 5): 401–10.
39. Kumazaki T. Development of a new digital angiography system – improvement of rotational angiography and three dimensional image display. Nippon Igaku Hoshasen Gakkai Zasshi 1991; 51(Suppl. 9): 1068– 77.
40. Schueler BA, Sen A. Hsiung HH, Latchaw RE, Hu X. Three-dimensional vascular reconstruction with a clinical x-ray angiography system. Acad Radiol 1997; 4 (Suppl. 10): 693–699.
41. Bidaut LM, Laurent C, Piotin M et al. Second-generation three-dimensional reconstruction for rotational three-dimensional angiography. Acad Radiol 1998; 5 (12): 836–49.
42. Fahrig R, Nikolov H, Fox AJ, Holdsworth DW. A three-dimensional cerebrovascular flow phantom. Med Phys 1999; 26 (Suppl. 8): 1589–99.
43. Talukdar AS, Wilson DL. Modeling and optimization of rotational C-arm stereoscopic X-ray angiography. IEEE Trans. Med Imaging 1999; 18 (Suppl. 7): 604–16.
44. Fahrig R, Fox A, Lownie S, Holdsworth D. Use of a C-arm system to generate true three-dimensional computed rotational angiograms: preliminary in vitro and in vivo results. AJNR 1997; 18: 1507–14.
45. Unger B, Link J, Trenkler J, Bohm-Jurkovic H. Digital rotational angiography for the preoperative and preinterventional clarification of cerebral arterial aneurysms. Rofo Fortschr Geb Rontgenstr Neuen Bildgeb Verfahr 1999; 170 (Suppl. 5): 482–91.
46. Missler Y, Hundt C, Wiesmann M et al. Three-dimensional reconstructed rotational digital subtraction angiography in planning treatment of intracranial aneurysms. Eur Radiol 2000; 10 (Suppl. 4): 564–8.
47. Endo H, Shimizu T, Kodama Y et al. Usefulness of three-dimensional (3D) recostructed images of renal arteries. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2001; 24 (Suppl. 1): S196.
48. Kofune M et al. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the coronary sinus with rotational angiography. Circulation J 2008; 72 (6): 1020–21.
49. Gutleben KJ et al. Three-dimensional coronary sinus reconstruction-guided left ventricular lead implantation based on intraprocedural rotational angiography: a novel imaging modality in cardiac resynchronization device implantation. Europace 2011; 13 (5): 675–82.
1 ФГБОУ ДПО «Институт повышения квалификации» ФМБА России. 125371, Россия, Москва, Волоколамское ш., д. 91;
2 ГБУЗ «Городская клиническая больница им. В.В.Вересаева». 127644, Россия, Москва, ул. Лобненская, д. 10;
3 ГБУЗ МО «Мытищинская городская клиническая больница». 141009, Россия, Московская область, Мытищи, ул. Коминтерна, д. 24 *semitko@mail.ru
1 Institute of Professional Development of FMBA of Russia. 125371, Russian Federation, Moscow, Volokolamskoe sh., d. 91;
2 V.V.Veresaev Сity Clinical Hospital. 127644, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Lobnenskaia, d. 10;
3 Mytischi City Clinical Hospital. 141009, Russian Federation, Moscow Region, Mytisсhi, ul. Kominterna, d. 24 *semitko@mail.ru