Эффективность и безопасность лечения пациента с поясничной болью
Эффективность и безопасность лечения пациента с поясничной болью
Камчатнов П.Р., Чугунов А.В., Умарова Х.Я. Эффективность и безопасность лечения пациента с поясничной болью. Consilium Medicum. 2018; 20 (2): 90–95. DOI: 10.26442/2075-1753_2018.2.90-95
Kamchatnov P.R., Chugunov A.V., Umarova Kh.Ya.
Efficacy and safety of patients with low back pain treatment. Consilium
Medicum. 2018; 20 (2): 90–95. DOI: 10.26442/2075-1753_2018.2.90-95
Эффективность и безопасность лечения пациента с поясничной болью
Камчатнов П.Р., Чугунов А.В., Умарова Х.Я. Эффективность и безопасность лечения пациента с поясничной болью. Consilium Medicum. 2018; 20 (2): 90–95. DOI: 10.26442/2075-1753_2018.2.90-95
Kamchatnov P.R., Chugunov A.V., Umarova Kh.Ya.
Efficacy and safety of patients with low back pain treatment. Consilium
Medicum. 2018; 20 (2): 90–95. DOI: 10.26442/2075-1753_2018.2.90-95
Поясничная боль (ПБ) – одна из наиболее частых причин обращения за амбулаторной помощью и временной утраты трудоспособности. Широкая распространенность ПБ в популяции, частое возникновение болевого синдрома у пациента с коморбидными заболеваниями, необходимость активного применения противоболевых препаратов ассоциированы с высоким риском нежелательных побочных эффектов проводимой терапии. Важной задачей ведения пациента с ПБ помимо уменьшения интенсивности боли и раннего возвращения к привычному образу жизни является обеспечение безопасности лечебного процесса. Рассматривается возможность применения комбинированного препарата витаминов группы В Нейромультивит для лечения пациентов с ПБ.
Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common reasons for visits to outpatient clinics and temporary disability. Wide LBP occurrence in population, frequent pain syndrome development in patients with comorbid diseases, and necessity of analgetics use are associated with high risk of adverse side effects development. Besides pain management and early return to habitual lifestyle, safety of LBP treatment is an important task. The article considers applicability of combined vitamin B complex drug Neuromultivit in patients with LBP treatment.
2. Vos T, Flaxman A, Naghavi M et al. Years lived with disability (YLDs) for 1160 sequelae of 289 diseases and injuries 1990–2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. Lancet 2012; 380: 2163–96.
3. Hoy D, March L, Brooks P et al. The global burden of low back pain: estimates from the Global Burden of Disease 2010 study. Ann Rheum Dis 2014; 73: 968–74.
5. Katz J. Lumbar disc disorders and low-back pain: socioeconomic factors and consequences. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2006; 88 (Suppl. 2): 21–8.
6. Cutler RL, Fernandez Llimos F, Frommer M et al. Economic impact of medication non-adherence by disease groups: a systematic review. BMJ Open 2018; 8: e016982. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016982
7. Mafi J, McCarthy E, Davis R, Landon B. Worsening Trends in the Management and Treatment of Back Pain. JAMA Intern Med 2013; 173 (17): 1573–81.
8. Sivasubramaniam V, Patel H, Ozdemir B et al. Trends in hospital admissions and surgical procedures for degenerative lumbar spine disease in England: a 15-year time series study. BMJ Open 2015; 5: e009011. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009011
9. Chou R, Qaseem A, Snow V et al. Diagnosis and Treatment of Low Back Pain: A Joint Clinical Practice Guideline from the American College of Physicians and the American Pain Society. Ann Intern Med 2007; 147: 478–91.
10. Roberts E, Nunes V, Buckner S et al. Paracetamol: not as safe as we thought? A systematic literature review of observational studies. Ann Rheum Dis 2016; 75: 552–9.
11. Saragiotto B, Machado G, Ferreira M et al. Paracetamol for low back pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2016; 6: CD012230.
12. Roelofs P, Deyo R, Koes B et al. Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs for Low Back Pain. An Updated Cochrane Review. Spine 2008; 16 (33): 1766–74.
13. Enthoven W, Roelofs P, Koes B. NSAIDs for Chronic Low Back Pain. JAMA 2017; 317 (22): 2327–8.
14. Насонов Е.Л., Яхно Н.Н., Каратеев А.Е. и др. Общие принципы лечения скелетно-мышечной боли: междисциплинарный консенсус. Научно-практическая ревматология. 2016; 3 (54): 247–65. / Nasonov E.L., Iakhno N.N., Karateev A.E. i dr. Obshchie printsipy lecheniia skeletno-myshechnoi boli: mezhdistsiplinarnyi konsensus. Nauchno-prakticheskaia revmatologiia. 2016; 3 (54): 247–65. [in Russian]
15. Goldstein J, Cryer B. Gastrointestinal injury associated with NSAID use: a case study and review of risk factors and preventative strategies. Drug Healthcare Patient Safety 2015; 7: 31–41.
16. Figueiras A, Estany-Gestal A, Aguirre C et al. EMPHOGEN group. CYP2C9 variants as a risk modifier of NSAID-related gastrointestinal bleeding: a case-control study. Pharmacogenet Genomics 2016; 26 (2): 66–73.
17. Moodley I. Review of the cardiovascular safety of COXIBs compared to NSAIDS. Cardiovasc J Africa 2008; 19 (2): 102–6.
18. Nissen S, Yeomans N, Solomon D et al. Cardiovascular Safety of Celecoxib, Naproxen, or Ibuprofen for Arthritis. N Engl J Med 2016; 375 (26): 2519–29.
19. Lapi F, Piccinni C, Simonetti M et al. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and risk of cerebrovascular events in patients with osteoarthritis: a nested case-control study. Intern Emerg Med 2016; 11 (1): 49–59.
20. Agúndez J, Lucena M, Martínez C et al. Assessment of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced hepatotoxicity. Exp Opin Drug Metab Toxicol 2011; 7 (7): 817–28.
21. Bessone F. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: What is the actual risk of liver damage? World J Gastroenterol 2010; 16 (45): 5651–61.
22. Chang YK, Liu JS, Hsu YH et al. Increased Risk of End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Requiring Chronic Dialysis is Associated With Use of Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs): Nationwide Case-Crossover Study. Medicine (Baltimore) 2015; 94 (38): e1362.
23. Hsu CC, Wang H, Hsu YH et al. Use of Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs and Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease in Subjects With Hypertension: Nationwide Longitudinal Cohort Study. Hypertension 2015; 66 (3): 524–33.
24. Nardone R, Höller Y, Storti M et al. Thiamine Deficiency Induced Neurochemical, Neuroanatomical, and Neuropsychological Alterations: A Reappraisal. Sci World J 2013; Article ID 309143.
25. Hosseinzadeh H, Moallem S, Moshiri M et al. Anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) against acute and chronic pain and inflammation in mice. Arzneimittelforschung 2012; 62 (7): 324–9.
26. França D, Souza A, Almeida K. B vitamins induce an antinociceptive effect in the acetic acid and formaldeyde models of nociception in mice. Eur J Pharmacol 2001; 421 (3): 157–64.
27. Dena A, Issa Y, Sherif O. Chemistry behind the Synergism of Diclofenac and Vitamin B1. Int J Advanced Res 2015; 3 (8): 969–76.
28. Применение витаминов группы В в неврологической клинике. Журн. неврологии и психиатрии им. С.С.Корсакова. 2014; 9: 105–11. / Primenenie vitaminov gruppy V v nevrologicheskoi klinike. Zhurn. nevrologii i psikhiatrii im. S.S.Korsakova. 2014; 9: 105–11. [in Russian]
29. Solomon LR. Diabetes as a cause of clinically significant functional cobalamin deficiency. Diabetes Care 2011; 34 (5): 1077–80.
30. Токмакова А.Ю., Анциферов М.Б. Возможности использования Нейромультивита в комплексной терапии полинейропатии у больных сахарным диабетом. Сахарный диабет. 2001; 11 (2): 33–5. / Tokmakova A.Iu., Antsiferov M.B. Vozmozhnosti ispol'zovaniia Neiromul'tivita v kompleksnoi terapii polineiropatii u bol'nykh sakharnym diabetom. Sakharnyi diabet. 2001; 11 (2): 33–5. [in Russian]
31. Строков И.А., Ахмеджанова Л.Т., Солоха О.А. Применение высоких доз витаминов группы В в неврологии. Трудный пациент. 2009; 10: 17–22. / Strokov I.A., Akhmedzhanova L.T., Solokha O.A. Primenenie vysokikh doz vitaminov gruppy V v nevrologii. Trudnyi patsient. 2009; 10: 17–22. [in Russian]
32. Головачева В.А., Строков И.А. Лечение диабетической и алкогольной полинейропатии: возможности и перспективы фармакотерапии. РМЖ. 2014; 16: 1193–7. / Golovacheva V.A., Strokov I.A.. Lechenie diabeticheskoi i alkogol'noi polineiropatii: vozmozhnosti i perspektivy farmakoterapii. RMZh. 2014; 16: 1193–7. [in Russian]
33. Chiu C, Low T, Tey Y et al. The efficacy and safety of intramuscular injections of methylcobalamin in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain: a randomised controlled trial. Singapore Med J 2011; 52 (12): 868–73.
34. Batysheva TT, Otcheskaya OV, Khozova AA et al. Efficacy of the Combination of Arthrosan and Combilipen in Patients with Acute Lower Spinal Pain. Neurosci Behavioral Physiol 2013; 43 (2): 240–3.
35. Mibielli M, Geller M, Cohen J. Diclofenac plus B vitamins versus diclofenac monotherapy in lumbago: the DOLOR study. Curr Med Res Opin 2009; 25 (11): 2589–99.
36. Magaña-Villa M, Rocha-González H, Fernández del Valle-Laisequilla C, Granados-Soto V. B-vitamin mixture improves the analgesic effect of diclofenac in patients with osteoarthritis: a double blind study. Drug Res (Stuttg) 2013; 63 (6): 289–92.
37. Хабиров Ф.А., Хайбуллин Т.И., Гранатов Е.В. Эффективность и безопасность нейромультивита при вертеброгенных радикулопатиях. Журн. неврологии и психиатрии им. С.С.Корсакова. 2017; 117 (10): 38–43. DOI: 10.17116/jnevro201711710138-43 / Khabirov F.A., Khaibullin T.I., Granatov E.V. Effektivnost' i bezopasnost' neiromul'tivita pri vertebrogennykh radikulopatiiakh. Zhurn. nevrologii i psikhiatrii im. S.S.Korsakova. 2017; 117 (10): 38–43. DOI: 10.17116/jnevro201711710138-43 [in Russian]
38. Wong J, Cote P, Sutton D et al. Clinical practice guidelines for the noninvasive management of low back pain: A systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. Eur J Pain 2017; 21 (2): 201–16. DOI: 10.1002/ejp.931
39. Cutforth G, Peter A, Taenzer P. The Alberta health technology assessment (HTA) ambassador program: The development of a contextually relevant, multidisciplinary clinical practice guideline for non-specific low back pain: A review. Physiother Can 2011; 63: 278–86.
40. Van Middelkoop M, Rubinstein S, Verhagen A et al. Exercise therapy for chronic nonspecific low-back pain. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol 2010; 24 (2): 193–204.
41. Miyamoto G, Costa L, Galvanin T, Cabral C. Efficacy of the addition of modified Pilates exercises to a minimal intervention in patients with chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled trial. Phys Ther 2013; 93 (3): 310–20.
42. Барулин А.Е., Курушина О.В., Пучков А.Е. Комплексное лечение острой неспецифической боли в нижней части спины. Неврология, нейропсихиатрия, психосоматика. 2014; 3: 38–42. / Barulin A.E., Kurushina O.V., Puchkov A.E. Kompleksnoe lechenie ostroi nespetsificheskoi boli v nizhnei chasti spiny. Nevrologiia, neiropsikhiatriia, psikhosomatika. 2014; 3: 38–42. [in Russian]
43. Livingston C, King V, Little A et al. Evidence-Based Clinical Guidelines Project. Evaluation and Management of Low Back Pain: A Clinical Practice Guideline Based on the Joint Practice Guideline of the American College of Physicians and the American Pain Society. Salem, Oregon: Office for Oregon Health Policy and Research, 2011.
44. Баранцевич Е.Р., Андреев В. Возможности лечения хронической боли при пояснично-крестцовой радикулопатии. Врач. 2012; 11: 13–9. / Barantsevich E.R., Andreev V. Vozmozhnosti lecheniia khronicheskoi boli pri poiasnichno-kresttsovoi radikulopatii. Vrach. 2012; 11: 13–9. [in Russian]
45. Emilson C, Demmelmaier I, Bergman S et al. A 10-year follow-up of tailored behavioural treatment and exercise-based physiotherapy for persistent musculoskeletal pain. Clin Rehabil 2016. pii: 0269215516639356
46. Werner E, Storheim K, Løchting I et al. Cognitive Patient Education for Low Back Pain in Primary Care: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 2016; 41 (6): 455–62.
2. Vos T, Flaxman A, Naghavi M et al. Years lived with disability (YLDs) for 1160 sequelae of 289 diseases and injuries 1990–2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. Lancet 2012; 380: 2163–96.
3. Hoy D, March L, Brooks P et al. The global burden of low back pain: estimates from the Global Burden of Disease 2010 study. Ann Rheum Dis 2014; 73: 968–74.
5. Katz J. Lumbar disc disorders and low-back pain: socioeconomic factors and consequences. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2006; 88 (Suppl. 2): 21–8.
6. Cutler RL, Fernandez Llimos F, Frommer M et al. Economic impact of medication non-adherence by disease groups: a systematic review. BMJ Open 2018; 8: e016982. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016982
7. Mafi J, McCarthy E, Davis R, Landon B. Worsening Trends in the Management and Treatment of Back Pain. JAMA Intern Med 2013; 173 (17): 1573–81.
8. Sivasubramaniam V, Patel H, Ozdemir B et al. Trends in hospital admissions and surgical procedures for degenerative lumbar spine disease in England: a 15-year time series study. BMJ Open 2015; 5: e009011. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009011
9. Chou R, Qaseem A, Snow V et al. Diagnosis and Treatment of Low Back Pain: A Joint Clinical Practice Guideline from the American College of Physicians and the American Pain Society. Ann Intern Med 2007; 147: 478–91.
10. Roberts E, Nunes V, Buckner S et al. Paracetamol: not as safe as we thought? A systematic literature review of observational studies. Ann Rheum Dis 2016; 75: 52–9.
11. Saragiotto B, Machado G, Ferreira M et al. Paracetamol for low back pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2016; 6: CD012230.
12. Roelofs P, Deyo R, Koes B et al. Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs for Low Back Pain. An Updated Cochrane Review. Spine 2008; 16 (33): 1766–74.
13. Enthoven W, Roelofs P, Koes B. NSAIDs for Chronic Low Back Pain. JAMA 2017; 317 (22): 2327–8.
15. Goldstein J, Cryer B. Gastrointestinal injury associated with NSAID use: a case study and review of risk factors and preventative strategies. Drug Healthcare Patient Safety 2015; 7: 31–41.
16. Figueiras A, Estany-Gestal A, Aguirre C et al. EMPHOGEN group. CYP2C9 variants as a risk modifier of NSAID-related gastrointestinal bleeding: a case-control study. Pharmacogenet Genomics 2016; 26 (2): 66–73.
17. Moodley I. Review of the cardiovascular safety of COXIBs compared to NSAIDS. Cardiovasc J Africa 2008; 19 (2): 102–6.
18. Nissen S, Yeomans N, Solomon D et al. Cardiovascular Safety of Celecoxib, Naproxen, or Ibuprofen for Arthritis. N Engl J Med 2016; 375 (26): 2519–29.
19. Lapi F, Piccinni C, Simonetti M et al. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and risk of cerebrovascular events in patients with osteoarthritis: a nested case-control study. Intern Emerg Med 2016; 11 (1): 49–59.
20. Agúndez J, Lucena M, Martínez C et al. Assessment of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced hepatotoxicity. Exp Opin Drug Metab Toxicol 2011; 7 (7): 817–28.
21. Bessone F. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: What is the actual risk of liver damage? World J Gastroenterol 2010; 16 (45): 5651–61.
22. Chang YK, Liu JS, Hsu YH et al. Increased Risk of End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Requiring Chronic Dialysis is Associated With Use of Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs): Nationwide Case-Crossover Study. Medicine (Baltimore) 2015; 94 (38): e1362.
23. Hsu CC, Wang H, Hsu YH et al. Use of Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs and Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease in Subjects With Hypertension: Nationwide Longitudinal Cohort Study. Hypertension 2015; 66 (3): 524–33.
24. Nardone R, Höller Y, Storti M et al. Thiamine Deficiency Induced Neurochemical, Neuroanatomical, and Neuropsychological Alterations: A Reappraisal. Sci World J 2013; Article ID 309143.
25. Hosseinzadeh H, Moallem S, Moshiri M et al. Anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) against acute and chronic pain and inflammation in mice. Arzneimittelforschung 2012; 62 (7): 324–9.
26. França D, Souza A, Almeida K. B vitamins induce an antinociceptive effect in the acetic acid and formaldeyde models of nociception in mice. Eur J Pharmacol 2001; 421 (3): 157–64.
27. Dena A, Issa Y, Sherif O. Chemistry behind the Synergism of Diclofenac and Vitamin B1. Int J Advanced Res 2015; 3 (8): 969–76.
28. Primenenie vitaminov gruppy V v nevrologicheskoi klinike. Zhurn. nevrologii i psikhiatrii im. S.S.Korsakova. 2014; 9: 105–11. [in Russian]
29. Solomon LR. Diabetes as a cause of clinically significant functional cobalamin deficiency. Diabetes Care 2011; 34 (5): 1077–80.
32. Golovacheva V.A., Strokov I.A.. Lechenie diabeticheskoi i alkogol'noi polineiropatii: vozmozhnosti i perspektivy farmakoterapii. RMZh. 2014; 16: 1193–7. [in Russian]
33. Chiu C, Low T, Tey Y et al. The efficacy and safety of intramuscular injections of methylcobalamin in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain: a randomised controlled trial. Singapore Med J 2011; 52 (12): 868–73.
34. Batysheva TT, Otcheskaya OV, Khozova AA et al. Efficacy of the Combination of Arthrosan and Combilipen in Patients with Acute Lower Spinal Pain. Neurosci Behavioral Physiol 2013; 43 (2): 240–3.
35. Mibielli M, Geller M, Cohen J. Diclofenac plus B vitamins versus diclofenac monotherapy in lumbago: the DOLOR study. Curr Med Res Opin 2009; 25 (11): 2589–99.
36. Magaña-Villa M, Rocha-González H, Fernández del Valle-Laisequilla C, Granados-Soto V. B-vitamin mixture improves the analgesic effect of diclofenac in patients with osteoarthritis: a double blind study. Drug Res (Stuttg) 2013; 63 (6): 289–92.
37. Khabirov F.A., Khaibullin T.I., Granatov E.V. Effektivnost' i bezopasnost' neiromul'tivita pri vertebrogennykh radikulopatiiakh. Zhurn. nevrologii i psikhiatrii im. S.S.Korsakova. 2017; 117 (10): 38–43. DOI: 10.17116/jnevro201711710138-43 [in Russian]
38. Wong J, Cote P, Sutton D et al. Clinical practice guidelines for the noninvasive management of low back pain: A systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. Eur J Pain 2017; 21 (2): 201–16. DOI: 10.1002/ejp.931
39. Cutforth G, Peter A, Taenzer P. The Alberta health technology assessment (HTA) ambassador program: The development of a contextually relevant, multidisciplinary clinical practice guideline for non-specific low back pain: A review. Physiother Can 2011; 63: 278–86.
40. Van Middelkoop M, Rubinstein S, Verhagen A et al. Exercise therapy for chronic nonspecific low-back pain. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol 2010; 24 (2): 193–204.
41. Miyamoto G, Costa L, Galvanin T, Cabral C. Efficacy of the addition of modified Pilates exercises to a minimal intervention in patients with chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled trial. Phys Ther 2013; 93 (3): 310–20.
43. Livingston C, King V, Little A et al. Evidence-Based Clinical Guidelines Project. Evaluation and Management of Low Back Pain: A Clinical Practice Guideline Based on the Joint Practice Guideline of the American College of Physicians and the American Pain Society. Salem, Oregon: Office for Oregon Health Policy and Research, 2011.
44. Barantsevich E.R., Andreev V. Vozmozhnosti lecheniia khronicheskoi boli pri poiasnichno-kresttsovoi radikulopatii. Vrach. 2012; 11: 13–9. [in Russian]
45. Emilson C, Demmelmaier I, Bergman S et al. A 10-year follow-up of tailored behavioural treatment and exercise-based physiotherapy for persistent musculoskeletal pain. Clin Rehabil 2016. pii: 0269215516639356
46. Werner E, Storheim K, Løchting I et al. Cognitive Patient Education for Low Back Pain in Primary Care: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 2016; 41 (6): 455–62.
П.Р.Камчатнов*1, А.В.Чугунов1, Х.Я.Умарова2
1 ФГБОУ ВО «Российский национальный исследовательский медицинский университет им. Н.И.Пирогова». 117997, Россия, Москва, ул. Островитянова, д. 1;
2 ООО «Научно-медицинский центр профессора Умаровой Х.Я.». 364001, Россия, Грозный, ул. Авторханова, д. 40/60
1 N.I.Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 117997, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Ostrovitianova, d. 1;
2 The Scientific Medical Center of Professor Umarova Kh.Ya. 364001, Russian Federation, Grozny, ul. Avtorkhanova, d. 40/60