В настоящем обзоре рассмотрены новый принцип классификации различных видов тремора, механизмы треморогенеза, кратко изложен патогенез, представлены основные клинические характеристики дрожательных гиперкинезов. Рассмотрены новые критерии диагностики эссенциального тремора как наиболее распространенного экстрапирамидного заболевания, характеризующегося развитием дрожательного гиперкинеза. Основным проявлением эссенциального тремора является кинетический и постуральный (кинетико-постуральный) тремор, вовлекающий чаще обе верхние конечности, голову, голосовые связки, реже другие части тела. В статье приводятся критерии дифференциальной диагностики различных видов тремора: паркинсонического, дистонического, первичного писчего и др.
In this review, a new principle for the classification of various tremor types, mechanisms of tremorogenesis, and the main clinical characteristics of trembling hyperkineses are presented. New criteria for the diagnosis of essential tremor, the most common extrapyramidal disease characterized by the development of trembling hyperkinesis, are presented. The main manifestation of essential tremor is the kinetic and postural (kinetically-postural) tremor, involving more often both the arms, the head, the vocal cords, and rarely other parts of the body. In the article criteria of differential diagnostics of different types of tremor are given: parkinsonian, dystonic, primary writing tremor and others.
1. Bhatia KP, Bain P, Bajaj N et al. Tremor Task Force of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society. Consensus Statement on the classification of tremors. from the task force on tremor of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society. Mov Dis 2018; 33 (1): 75–87. DOI: 10.1002/mds.27121
2. Deuschl G, Bain P, Brin M, Ad Hoc Scientific Committee. Consensus statement of the movement disorder society on tremor. Mov Dis 1998; 13 (Suppl. 3): 2–23.
3. Шток В.Н., Левин О.С., Федорова Н.В. Экстрапирамидные расстройства. М., 2003. / Shtok V.N., Levin O.S., Fedorova N.V. Ekstrapiramidnye rasstrojstva. M., 2003. [in Russian].
4. Deuschl G, Petersen I, Lorenz D et al. Tremor in the elderly. Mov Dis 2015; 30: 1327–34.
5. Raethjen J, Austermann K, Witt K et al. Provocation of Parkinsonian tremor. Mov Dis 2008; 23: 1019–23.
6. Иванова Е.О., Иванова-Смоленская И.А., Иллариошкин С.Н. Тремор: патогенез, особенности клинической картины, лечение. Неврологич. журн. 2013; 18 (5): 4–12. / Ivanova E.O., Ivanova-Smolenskaya I.A., Illarioshkin S.N. Tremor: patogenez, osobennosti klinicheskoj kartiny, lechenie. Nevrologich. zhurn. 2013; 18 (5): 4–12. [in Russian]
7. Lakie M, Walsh EG, Wright GW. Passive mechanical proper-ties of the wrist and physiological tremor. J Neurol Neurosurg Psy 1986; 49 (6): 669–76.
8. Deuschl G, Raethjen J, Lindemann M, Krack P. The pathophysiology of tremor. Muscle Nerve 2001; 24: 716–35.
9. Raethjen J, Pawlasa F, Lindermannab M et al. Determinants of physiologic tremor in a large normal population. Clin Neurophisiol 2000; 111: 1825–37.
10. Morrison S, Mills P, Barret R. Differences in multiple segment tremor dynamics between young and elderly persons. J Gerontol Biol Sci Med 2006; 61: 982–90.
11. Grinmaldi G, Manto M. Tremor: From Pathogenesis to Treatment. San Rafael, CA: Morgan & Claypool, 2008.
12. Elble RJ. Central mechanism of tremor. J Clin Neurophisiol 1996; 13: 133–44.
13. Elble RJ, Deuschl G. Tremor. In: Brown WF, Bolton CF, Aminoff MJ, eds. Neuromuscular Function and Disease: Basic, Clinical and Electrodiagnostic Aspects. Philadelphia, PA: W.B.Saunders, 2002: 1759–79.
14. Axelrad JE, Louis ED, Honig LS et al. Reduced Purkinje cell number in essential tremor: a postmortem study. Arch Neurol 2008; 65: 101–14.
15. Louis ED, Faust PL, Vonsattel JP et al. Neuropathological changes in essential tremor: 33 cases compared with 21 controls. Brain 2007; 130: 3297–307.
16. Залялова З.А. Что мы знаем о треморе? Врач. 2011; 14: 7–11. / Zalyalova Z.A. Chto my znaem o tremore? Vrach. 2011; 14: 7–11. [in Russian]
17. Левин О.С. Тремор. Справочник поликлинического врача. 2017; 4: 51–6. / Levin O.S. Tremor. Handbook for Practitioners Doctors. 2017; 4: 51–6. [in Russian]
18. Chaudhuri KR, Buxton-Thomas M, Dhawan V et al. Long duration asymmetrical postural tremor is likely to predict development of Parkinson’s disease and not essential tremor: clinical follow up study of 13 cases. J Neurol Neurosurg Psy 2005; 76 (1): 115–7.
19. Deuschl G, Krack P. Tremors: differential diagnosis, neurophysiology, and pharmacolog. Parkinsons Disease and Movement Disorders. Ed. by J.Jankovic, E.Tolosa. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1998; p. 419–52.
20. Brodkey JA, Tasker RR, Hamani C et al. Tremor cells in the thalamus: differences among neurological disorders. J Neurosurg 2004; 101: 43–7.
21. Helmich RC, Janssen M, Oyen W. Pallidal Dysfunction Drives a Cerebellothalamic Circuit into Parkinson Tremor. Ann Neurol 2011; 69: 269–81.
22. DeOrchis VS, Geyer HL, Herskovitz S. Teaching video neuroimages: orthostatic tremor: the helicopter sign. Neurology 2013; 80: 161.
23. Boroojerdi B, Ferbert A, Foltys H et al. Evidence for a non-orthostatic origin of orthostatic tremor. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1999; 66: 284–8.
24. Kobylecki C, Silverdale MA, Dick JP et al. Dystonia associated with idiopathic slow orthostatic tremor. Tremor Other Hyperkinet Mov (N Y) 2015; 5: 351.
25. Hassan A, Ahlskog JE, Matsumoto JY et al. Orthostatic tremor: clinical, electrophysiologic, and treatment findings in 184 patients. Neurology 2016; 86: 458–64.
26. Иллариошкин С.Н., Федотова Е.Ю., Червяков А.В. и др. Проблемы диагностики дистонического тремора. Нервные болезни. 2011; 2: 40–3. / Illarioshkin S.N., Fedotova E.Yu., Chervyakov A.V. i dr. Problemy diagnostiki distonicheskogo tremora. Nervnye bolezni. 2011; 2: 40–3. [in Russian]
27. Deuschl G. Dystonic tremor. Rev Neurol 2003; 159: 900.
28. Bain PG. Parkinsonism Relat. Disord 2007; 13: 369.
29. Berendse HW, van Laar T. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders. Ed. by E.Ch.Wolters et al. Amsterdam, 2007; p. 309.
30. Handbook of Essential Tremor and Other Tremor Disorders. Ed. by K.E.Lyons, R.Pahwa. Boca Raton, 2005.
31. Tremor: From Pathogenesis to Treatment. Ed. by G.Grimaldi, M.Manto. San Rafael, CA, 2008.
32. Asgeirsson H et al. Prevalence study of primary dystonia in. IcelandMov Dis 2006; 21: 293.
33. Stamelou M, Charlesworth G, Cordivari C et al. The phenotypic spectrum of DYT24 due to ANO3 mutations. Mov Dis 2014; 29: 928–34.
34. Albanese A, Sorbo FD. Dystonia and tremor: the clinical syndromes with isolated tremor. Tremor Other Hyperkinet Mov (N Y) 2016; 6: 319.
35. Rajput AH, Robinson CA, Rajput ML et al. Essential tremor is not dependent up on cerebellar Purkinje cell loss. Parkinsonism Relat Dis 2012; 18: 626–8.
36. Zadikoff C, Lang AE, Klein C. The ‘essentials’ of essential palatal tremor: a reappraisal of the nosology. Brain 2006; 129 (Pt 4): 832–40.
37. Pearce JM. Palatal myoclonus (syn. Palatal tremor). Eur Neurol 2008; 60 (6): 312–5.
38. Иллариошкин С.Н., Иванова-Смоленская И.А. Дрожательные гиперкинезы. Руководство для врачей. М.: Атмосфера, 2011. / Illarioshkin S.N., Ivanova-Smolenskaya I.A. Drozhatelnye giperkinezy. Rukovodstvo dlya vrachej. M.: Atmosfera, 2011. [in Russian]
39. Qureshi F, Morales A, Elble RJ. Tremor due to infarction in the ventrolateral thalamus. Mov Dis 1996; 11: 440–4.
40. Louis ED. Essential tremor. Lancet Neurol 2010; 9: 613–22.
1. Bhatia KP, Bain P, Bajaj N et al. Tremor Task Force of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society. Consensus Statement on the classification of tremors. from the task force on tremor of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society. Mov Dis 2018; 33 (1): 75–87. DOI: 10.1002/mds.27121
2. Deuschl G, Bain P, Brin M, Ad Hoc Scientific Committee. Consensus statement of the movement disorder society on tremor. Mov Dis 1998; 13 (Suppl. 3): 2–23.
3. Shtok V.N., Levin O.S., Fedorova N.V. Ekstrapiramidnye rasstrojstva. M., 2003. [in Russian].
4. Deuschl G, Petersen I, Lorenz D et al. Tremor in the elderly. Mov Dis 2015; 30: 1327–34.
5. Raethjen J, Austermann K, Witt K et al. Provocation of Parkinsonian tremor. Mov Dis 2008; 23: 1019–23.
6. Ivanova E.O., Ivanova-Smolenskaya I.A., Illarioshkin S.N. Tremor: patogenez, osobennosti klinicheskoj kartiny, lechenie. Nevrologich. zhurn. 2013; 18 (5): 4–12. [in Russian]
7. Lakie M, Walsh EG, Wright GW. Passive mechanical proper-ties of the wrist and physiological tremor. J Neurol Neurosurg Psy 1986; 49 (6): 669–76.
8. Deuschl G, Raethjen J, Lindemann M, Krack P. The pathophysiology of tremor. Muscle Nerve 2001; 24: 716–35.
9. Raethjen J, Pawlasa F, Lindermannab M et al. Determinants of physiologic tremor in a large normal population. Clin Neurophisiol 2000; 111: 1825–37.
10. Morrison S, Mills P, Barret R. Differences in multiple segment tremor dynamics between young and elderly persons. J Gerontol Biol Sci Med 2006; 61: 982–90.
11. Grinmaldi G, Manto M. Tremor: From Pathogenesis to Treatment. San Rafael, CA: Morgan & Claypool, 2008.
12. Elble RJ. Central mechanism of tremor. J Clin Neurophisiol 1996; 13: 133–44.
13. Elble RJ, Deuschl G. Tremor. In: Brown WF, Bolton CF, Aminoff MJ, eds. Neuromuscular Function and Disease: Basic, Clinical and Electrodiagnostic Aspects. Philadelphia, PA: W.B.Saunders, 2002: 1759–79.
14. Axelrad JE, Louis ED, Honig LS et al. Reduced Purkinje cell number in essential tremor: a postmortem study. Arch Neurol 2008; 65: 101–14.
15. Louis ED, Faust PL, Vonsattel JP et al. Neuropathological changes in essential tremor: 33 cases compared with 21 controls. Brain 2007; 130: 3297–307.
16. Zalyalova Z.A. Chto my znaem o tremore? Vrach. 2011; 14: 7–11. [in Russian]
17. Levin O.S. Tremor. Handbook for Practitioners Doctors. 2017; 4: 51–6. [in Russian]
18. Chaudhuri KR, Buxton-Thomas M, Dhawan V et al. Long duration asymmetrical postural tremor is likely to predict development of Parkinson’s disease and not essential tremor: clinical follow up study of 13 cases. J Neurol Neurosurg Psy 2005; 76 (1): 115–7.
19. Deuschl G, Krack P. Tremors: differential diagnosis, neurophysiology, and pharmacolog. Parkinsons Disease and Movement Disorders. Ed. by J.Jankovic, E.Tolosa. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1998; p. 419–52.
20. Brodkey JA, Tasker RR, Hamani C et al. Tremor cells in the thalamus: differences among neurological disorders. J Neurosurg 2004; 101: 43–7.
21. Helmich RC, Janssen M, Oyen W. Pallidal Dysfunction Drives a Cerebellothalamic Circuit into Parkinson Tremor. Ann Neurol 2011; 69: 269–81.
22. DeOrchis VS, Geyer HL, Herskovitz S. Teaching video neuroimages: orthostatic tremor: the helicopter sign. Neurology 2013; 80: 161.
23. Boroojerdi B, Ferbert A, Foltys H et al. Evidence for a non-orthostatic origin of orthostatic tremor. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1999; 66: 284–8.
24. Kobylecki C, Silverdale MA, Dick JP et al. Dystonia associated with idiopathic slow orthostatic tremor. Tremor Other Hyperkinet Mov (N Y) 2015; 5: 351.
25. Hassan A, Ahlskog JE, Matsumoto JY et al. Orthostatic tremor: clinical, electrophysiologic, and treatment findings in 184 patients. Neurology 2016; 86: 458–64.
26. Illarioshkin S.N., Fedotova E.Yu., Chervyakov A.V. i dr. Problemy diagnostiki distonicheskogo tremora. Nervnye bolezni. 2011; 2: 40–3. [in Russian]
27. Deuschl G. Dystonic tremor. Rev Neurol 2003; 159: 900.
28. Bain PG. Parkinsonism Relat. Disord 2007; 13: 369.
29. Berendse HW, van Laar T. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders. Ed. by E.Ch.Wolters et al. Amsterdam, 2007; p. 309.
30. Handbook of Essential Tremor and Other Tremor Disorders. Ed. by K.E.Lyons, R.Pahwa. Boca Raton, 2005.
31. Tremor: From Pathogenesis to Treatment. Ed. by G.Grimaldi, M.Manto. San Rafael, CA, 2008.
32. Asgeirsson H et al. Prevalence study of primary dystonia in. IcelandMov Dis 2006; 21: 293.
33. Stamelou M, Charlesworth G, Cordivari C et al. The phenotypic spectrum of DYT24 due to ANO3 mutations. Mov Dis 2014; 29: 928–34.
34. Albanese A, Sorbo FD. Dystonia and tremor: the clinical syndromes with isolated tremor. Tremor Other Hyperkinet Mov (N Y) 2016; 6: 319.
35. Rajput AH, Robinson CA, Rajput ML et al. Essential tremor is not dependent up on cerebellar Purkinje cell loss. Parkinsonism Relat Dis 2012; 18: 626–8.
36. Zadikoff C, Lang AE, Klein C. The ‘essentials’ of essential palatal tremor: a reappraisal of the nosology. Brain 2006; 129 (Pt 4): 832–40.
37. Pearce JM. Palatal myoclonus (syn. Palatal tremor). Eur Neurol 2008; 60 (6): 312–5.
38. Illarioshkin S.N., Ivanova-Smolenskaya I.A. Drozhatelnye giperkinezy. Rukovodstvo dlya vrachej. M.: Atmosfera, 2011. [in Russian]
39. Qureshi F, Morales A, Elble RJ. Tremor due to infarction in the ventrolateral thalamus. Mov Dis 1996; 11: 440–4.
40. Louis ED. Essential tremor. Lancet Neurol 2010; 9: 613–22.