1. Прилепская В.Н., Шулятьева Н.Н. Клинические аспекты применения оральных контрацептивов с антиандрогенным эффектом. Гинекология. 2005; 2 (7): 112-4.
2. Руководство по контрацепции. Под ред. В.Н.Прилепской. 2006.
3. Spona J, Binder N, Hoschen K, Feichtinger W. Contraceptive efficacy and safety of a low-dose oral contraceptive, Belara, over three medication cycles. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2008; 13 (1): 39-48.
4. Zahradnik H, Hanjalic-Beck A. Efficacy, safety and sustainability of treatment continuation and results of an oral contraceptive containing 30 mcg ethinyl estradiol and 2 mg chlormadione acetate, in long-term usage (up to 45 cycles) – an open-label, prospective, noncontrolled office-based Phase III study. Contraception 2008; 77: 337-43.
5. Winkler U, Sudik R. The effects of two monophasic oral contraceptives containing 30 mcg of ethinyl estradiol and either 2 mg of chlormadione acetate or 0,15 mg of desogestrel on lipid hormone and metabolic parameters. Contraception 2009; 79: 15-23.
6. Kercher M, Reuther T, Bayrhamma L, Schramm G. Effects of an Oral Contraceptive containing chlormadione and ethinylestradiol on acne pron skin of women of different age groups. Clin Drug Invest 2008; 28 (11): 703-11.
7. Schramm G, Heckes B. Switching hormonal contraceptives to a chlormadinone acetate-containing oral contraceptive. The contraceptive Switch Study. Contraception 2007; 76: 84-90.
8. Benagiano G, Bastianelli C, Farris M. Hormonal Contraception: present and future. Drug Tod 2008; 44 (12): 905-23.
1. Прилепская В.Н., Шулятьева Н.Н. Клинические аспекты применения оральных контрацептивов с антиандрогенным эффектом. Гинекология. 2005; 2 (7): 112-4.
2. Руководство по контрацепции. Под ред. В.Н.Прилепской. 2006.
3. Spona J, Binder N, Hoschen K, Feichtinger W. Contraceptive efficacy and safety of a low-dose oral contraceptive, Belara, over three medication cycles. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2008; 13 (1): 39-48.
4. Zahradnik H, Hanjalic-Beck A. Efficacy, safety and sustainability of treatment continuation and results of an oral contraceptive containing 30 mcg ethinyl estradiol and 2 mg chlormadione acetate, in long-term usage (up to 45 cycles) – an open-label, prospective, noncontrolled office-based Phase III study. Contraception 2008; 77: 337-43.
5. Winkler U, Sudik R. The effects of two monophasic oral contraceptives containing 30 mcg of ethinyl estradiol and either 2 mg of chlormadione acetate or 0,15 mg of desogestrel on lipid hormone and metabolic parameters. Contraception 2009; 79: 15-23.
6. Kercher M, Reuther T, Bayrhamma L, Schramm G. Effects of an Oral Contraceptive containing chlormadione and ethinylestradiol on acne pron skin of women of different age groups. Clin Drug Invest 2008; 28 (11): 703-11.
7. Schramm G, Heckes B. Switching hormonal contraceptives to a chlormadinone acetate-containing oral contraceptive. The contraceptive Switch Study. Contraception 2007; 76: 84-90.
8. Benagiano G, Bastianelli C, Farris M. Hormonal Contraception: present and future. Drug Tod 2008; 44 (12): 905-23.
А.А.Куземин, В.Н.Прилепская, В.В.Яглов
ФГУ Научный центр акушерства, гинекологии и перинатологии им. В.И.Кулакова, Москва