Нефросцинтиграфия в диагностике повреждения почек при обструктивных уропатиях у детей: обзор литературы
Нефросцинтиграфия в диагностике повреждения почек при обструктивных уропатиях у детей: обзор литературы
Сиденко А.В., Яцык С.П., Герасимова Н.П. и др. Нефросцинтиграфия в диагностике повреждения почек при обструктивных уропатиях у детей: обзор литературы. Педиатрия. Consilium Medicum. 2019; 3: 69–77. DOI: 10.26442/26586630.2019.3.190618
Sidenko A.V., Iatsyk S.P., Gerasimova N.P. et al. Renal scintigraphy in a diagnosis of kidney injury in childhood obstructive uropathy: literature review. Pediatrics. Consilium Medicum. 2019; 3: 69–77. DOI: 10.26442/26586630.2019.3.190618
Нефросцинтиграфия в диагностике повреждения почек при обструктивных уропатиях у детей: обзор литературы
Сиденко А.В., Яцык С.П., Герасимова Н.П. и др. Нефросцинтиграфия в диагностике повреждения почек при обструктивных уропатиях у детей: обзор литературы. Педиатрия. Consilium Medicum. 2019; 3: 69–77. DOI: 10.26442/26586630.2019.3.190618
Sidenko A.V., Iatsyk S.P., Gerasimova N.P. et al. Renal scintigraphy in a diagnosis of kidney injury in childhood obstructive uropathy: literature review. Pediatrics. Consilium Medicum. 2019; 3: 69–77. DOI: 10.26442/26586630.2019.3.190618
Обструктивные уропатии (ОУ) – группа заболеваний, в основе которых лежит комплекс структурно-функциональных изменений почечной ткани, возникающих на фоне нарушения уродинамики. Тяжелые случаи ОУ приводят к значительному снижению почечной функции вплоть до терминальной стадии хронической болезни почек (ХБП) и могут рассматриваться как основной фактор, приводящий к развитию ХБП у детей, особенно грудного и раннего возраста. Подход к лечению детей с данной патологией должен носить дифференцированный характер. Необходимо учитывать возраст ребенка, степень тяжести поражения почек, исходное структурно-функциональное состояние как пораженной, так и контралатеральной почки при одностороннем процессе. Совершенствование методов медицинской визуализации привело к значительному улучшению диагностики ОУ у детей всех возрастных групп. В большинстве случаев для успешного лечения ОУ необходима количественная оценка состояния уродинамики и объема функционирующей паренхимы с определением признаков склеротических изменений и степени их выраженности. С данной целью в современной клинической практике широко применяются методы радионуклидной диагностики, такие как динамическая и статическая нефросцинтиграфия. В настоящей статье анализируются литературные источники, посвященные вопросам лечения и диагностики ОУ у детей. Ключевые слова: нефросцинтиграфия, обструктивные уропатии, рефлюкс, гидронефроз, мегауретер, функция почек, радионуклидная диагностика.
Obstructive uropathy (OU) is a group of diseases characterized by a set of structural and functional abnormalities in renal tissue that occur due to impaired urodynamics. Severe OU result in a significant decrease in renal function up to the terminal stage of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and can be considered as the main factor leading to CKD in children, especially infants and young children. The approach to the treatment of children with this pathology should be differential. It is necessary to consider the child age, the severity of kidney injury, the initial structural and functional state of both affected and contralateral kidney in a unilateral process. Development of medical imaging methods has led to a significant improvement in the diagnosis of OU in children of all age groups. In most cases, a successful treatment of OU requires a quantitative assessment of urodynamics and a functional parenchymal volume along with an identification of signs of sclerotic changes and their severity. For this purpose, methods of radionuclide diagnostics, such as dynamic and static renal scintigraphy, are widely used in current clinical practice. The article analyzes a literature on the treatment and diagnosis of OU in children. Key words: renal scintigraphy, obstructive uropathy, reflux, hydronephrosis, megaureter, renal function, radionuclide diagnostics.
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60. Shulkin BL, Mandell GA, Cooper JA et al. Procedure guideline for diuretic renography in children 3.0. J Nucl Med Technol 2008; 36 (3): 162–8.
61. Fettich J, Colarinha P, Fischer S et al. Guidelines for direct radionuclide cystography in children. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2003; 30 (5): 39–44.
62. Gordon I, Colarinha P, Fettich J et al. Guidelines for indirect radionuclide cystography. Eur J Nucl Med 2001; 28 (3): 16–20.
63. Piepsz A, Colarinha P, Gordon I et al. Guidelines for 99mTc-DMSA scintigraphy in children. Eur J Nucl Med 2001; 28 (3): 37–41.
64. Mandell GA, Eggli DF, Gilday DL et al. Procedure guideline for radionuclide cystography in children. Society of Nuclear Medicine. J Nucl Med 1997; 38 (10): 1650–4.
65. Mandell GA, Eggli DF, Gilday DL et al. Procedure guideline for renal cortical scintigraphy in children. Society of Nuclear Medicine. J Nucl Med 1997; 38 (10): 1644–6.
66. Piepsz A, Ham HR. Pediatric applications of renal nuclear medicine. Semin Nucl Med 2006; 36 (1): 16–35.
67. Piepsz A. Antenatally detected hydronephrosis. Semin Nucl Med 2007; 37 (4): 249–60.
68. Ismaili K, Piepsz A. The antenatally detected pelviureteric junction stenosis: Advances in renography and strategy of management. Pediatr Radiol 2013; 43 (4): 428–35.
69. Piepsz A. Antenatal detection of pelviureteric junction stenosis: main controversies. Semin Nucl Med 2011; 41 (1): 11–9.
70. Taylor AT, Blaufox MD, DePalma D et al. Guidance document for structured reporting of diuresis renography. Semin Nucl Med 2012; 42 (1): 41–8.
71. Shikano N, Kanai Y, Kawai K et al. Transport of 99mTc-MAG3 via rat renal organic anion transporter 1. J Nucl Med 2004; 45 (1): 80–5.
72. Eshima D, Taylor AJr. Technetium-99m (99mTc) mercaptoacetyltriglycine: Update on the new 99mTc renal tubular function agent. Semin Nucl Med 1992; 22 (2): 61–73.
73. Bubeck B, Brandau W, Weber E et al. Pharmacokinetics of technetium-99m-MAG3 in humans. J Nucl Med 1990; 31 (8): 1285–93.
74. Taylor AT. Radionuclides in nephrourology, part 1: Radiopharmaceuticals, quality control, and quantitative indices. J Nucl Med 2014; 55 (4): 608–15.
75. Grant FD, Gelfand MJ, Drubach LA et al. Radiation doses for pediatric nuclear medicine studies: Comparing the North American consensus guideline sand the pediatric dosage card of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine. Pediatr Radiol 2015; 45 (5): 706–13.
76. Lassmann M, Biassoni L, Monsieurs M et al. The new EANM paediatric dosage card. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2007; 34 (5): 796–8.
77. Stabin MG, Gelfand MJ. Dosimetry of pediatric nuclear medicine procedures.
Q J Nucl Med 1998; 42 (2): 93–112.
78. Smith T, Gordon I. An update of radiopharmaceuticals chedules in children. Nucl Med Commun 1998; 19 (11): 1023–36.
79. Piepsz A, Tondeur M, Ham H. Relative 99mTc-MAG3 renal uptake: Reproducibility and accuracy. J Nucl Med 1999; 40 (6): 972–6.
80. Lythgoe MF, Gordon I, Khader Z et al. Assessment of various parameters in the estimation of differential renal function using technetium-99m mercaptoacetyltriglycine. Eur J Nucl Med 1999; 26 (2): 155–62.
81. Tomaru Y, Inoue T, Oriuchi N et al. Semi-automated renal region of interest selection method using the double-threshold technique: Inter operator variability in quantitating 99mTc-MAG3 renal uptake. Eur J Nucl Med 1998; 25 (1): 55–9.
82. Moonen M, Jacobsson L, Granerus G et al. Determination of split renal function from gamma camera renography: A study of three methods. Nucl Med Commun 1994; 15 (9): 704–11.
83. Piepsz A, Kinthaert J, Tondeur M et al. The robustness of the Patlak-Rutland slope for the determination of split renal function. Nucl Med Commun 1996; 17 (9): 817–21.
84. Groothedde RT. The individual kidney function. A comparison between frame summation and deconvolution. Nucl Med Commun 1985; 6 (9): 513–8.
85. Sennewald K, Taylor AJr. A pitfall in calculating differential renal function in patients with renal failure. Clin Nucl Med 1993; 18 (5): 377–81.
86. Samal M, Nimmon CC, Britton KE et al. Relative renal uptake and transit time measurements using functional factor images and fuzzy regions of interest. Eur J Nucl Med 1998; 25 (1): 48–54.
87. O’Reilly PH, Testa HJ, Lawson RS et al. Diuresis renography in equivocal urinary tract obstruction. Br J Urol 1978; 50 (2): 76–80.
88. Liu Y, Ghesani NV, Skurnick JH et al. The F0 protocol for diuretic renography results in fewer interrupted studies due to voiding than the F15 protocol. J Nucl Med 2005; 46 (8): 1317–20.
89. Kuyvenhoven J, Piepsz A, Ham H. When could the administration of furosemide be avoided? Clin Nucl Med 2003; 28 (9): 732–7.
90. Adeyoju AA, Burke D, Atkinson C et al. The choice of timing for diuresis renography: The F0 method. B J U Int 2001; 88 (1): 1–5.
91. Wong DC, Rossleigh MA, Farnsworth RH. Diuretic renography with the addition of quantitative gravity-assisted drainage in infant sand children. J Nucl Med 2000; 41 (6): 1030–6.
92. Sfakianaki E, Sfakianakis GN, Georgiou M et al. Renal scintigraphy in the acute care setting. Semin Nucl Med 2013; 43 (2): 114–28.
93. Conway JJ, Maizels M. The “welltempered” diuretic renogram: A standard method to examine the asymptomatic neonate with hydronephrosis or hydroureteronephrosis. A report from combined meetings of The Society for Fetal Urology and members of The Pediatric Nuclear Medicine Council – the Society of Nuclear Medicine. J Nucl Med 1992; 33 (11): 2047–205.
94. Chaiwatanarat T, Padhy AK, Bomanji JB et al. Validation of renal output efficiencyas an objective quantitative parameter in the evaluation of upper urinary tract obstruction. J Nucl Med 1993; 34 (5): 845–8.
95. Piepsz A, Tondeur M, Ham H. NORA: A simple and reliable parameter for estimating renal output with or without furosemide challenge. Nucl Med Commun 2000; 21 (4): 317–23.
96. Biassoni L. Pitfall sand limitations of radionuclide renal imaging in pediatrics. Semin Nucl Med 2015; 45 (5): 411–27.
97. Familiari D, DiFranco D, Cacciaguerra S et al. Potential usefulness of 99mTc-DMSA for radioguided surgery in pediatric renal dysplasia. Clin Nucl Med 2016; 41 (2): 107–10.
98. Tsalkidis A, Gardikis S, Kambouri K et al. (99m)Tc-DMSA scintigraphy diagnosing crossed renal ectopia with fusion in a three years old boy. J Nucl Med 2011; 14 (3): 300–3.
99. Weyer K, Nielsen R, Petersen SV et al. Renal uptake of 99mTc-dimercaptosuccinicacidis dependent on normal proximal tubule receptor-mediated endocytosis. J Nucl Med 2013; 54 (1): 159–65.
100. Lassmann M, Treves ST, Group ESPDHW. Paediatric radiopharmaceutical administration: Harmonization of the 2007 EANM paediatric dosage card (version1.5.2008) and the 2010 North American consensus guidelines. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2014; 41 (5): 1036–41.
101. Cao X, Xu X, Grant FD, Treves ST. Estimation of split renal function with (99m)Tc-DMSA SPECT: Comparison between 3D volumetric assessment and 2D coronal projection imaging. AJR 2016; 207 (6): 1324–8.
102. Sheehy N,Tetrault TA, Zurakowski D et al. Pediatric 99mTc-DMSA SPECT performed by using iterative reconstruction with isotropic resolution recovery: Improved image quality and reduced radiopharmaceutical activity. Radiology 2009; 251 (2): 511–6.
103. Zhang X, Xu H, Zhou L et al. Accuracy of early DMSA scan for VUR in young children with febrile UTI. Pediatrics 2014; 133 (1): 30–8.
104. Shih BF, Tsai JD, Tsao CH et al. Reappraisal of the effectiveness of 99mTc-dimercaptosuccinicacids cans for selective voiding cystourethrography in children with a first febrile urinary tract infection. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 2014; 30 (12): 608–12.
105. Sheu JN, Wu KH, Chen SM et al. Acute 99mTcDMSA scan predicts dilating vesicoureteral reflux in young children with a first febrile urinary tract infection: A population-based cohort study. Clin Nucl Med 2013; 38 (3): 163–8.
106. Printza N, Farmaki E, Piretzi K et al. Acute phase 99mTc-dimercaptosuccinic acid scan in infants with first episode of febrile urinary tract infection. World J Pediatr 2012; 8 (1): 52–6.
107. Mantadakis E, Vouloumanou EK, Georgantzi GG et al. AcuteTc-99m DMSA scan for identifying dilating vesicoureteral reflux in children: a meta-analysis. Pediatrics 2011; 128 (1): 169–79.
108. Shaikh N, Spingarn RB, Hum SW. Dimercaptosuccinicacid scan or ultrasound in screening for vesicoureteral reflux among children with urinary tract infections. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2016; 7.
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58. Mendichovszky I, Solar B, Smeulders N et al. Nuclear Medicine in Pediatric Nephro-Urology: An Overview. Semin Nucl Med 2017; 47: 204–28.
59. Gordon I, Piepsz A, Sixt R et al. Guidelines for standard and diuretic renogram in children. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2011; 38 (6): 1175–88.
60. Shulkin BL, Mandell GA, Cooper JA et al. Procedure guideline for diuretic renography in children 3.0. J Nucl Med Technol 2008; 36 (3): 162–8.
61. Fettich J, Colarinha P, Fischer S et al. Guidelines for direct radionuclide cystography in children. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2003; 30 (5): 39–44.
62. Gordon I, Colarinha P, Fettich J et al. Guidelines for indirect radionuclide cystography. Eur J Nucl Med 2001; 28 (3): 16–20.
63. Piepsz A, Colarinha P, Gordon I et al. Guidelines for 99mTc-DMSA scintigraphy in children. Eur J Nucl Med 2001; 28 (3): 37–41.
64. Mandell GA, Eggli DF, Gilday DL et al. Procedure guideline for radionuclide cystography in children. Society of Nuclear Medicine. J Nucl Med 1997; 38 (10): 1650–4.
65. Mandell GA, Eggli DF, Gilday DL et al. Procedure guideline for renal cortical scintigraphy in children. Society of Nuclear Medicine. J Nucl Med 1997; 38 (10): 1644–6.
66. Piepsz A, Ham HR. Pediatric applications of renal nuclear medicine. Semin Nucl Med 2006; 36 (1): 16–35.
67. Piepsz A. Antenatally detected hydronephrosis. Semin Nucl Med 2007; 37 (4): 249–60.
68. Ismaili K, Piepsz A. The antenatally detected pelviureteric junction stenosis: Advances in renography and strategy of management. Pediatr Radiol 2013; 43 (4): 428–35.
69. Piepsz A. Antenatal detection of pelviureteric junction stenosis: main controversies. Semin Nucl Med 2011; 41 (1): 11–9.
70. Taylor AT, Blaufox MD, DePalma D et al. Guidance document for structured reporting of diuresis renography. Semin Nucl Med 2012; 42 (1): 41–8.
71. Shikano N, Kanai Y, Kawai K et al. Transport of 99mTc-MAG3 via rat renal organic anion transporter 1. J Nucl Med 2004; 45 (1): 80–5.
72. Eshima D, Taylor AJr. Technetium-99m (99mTc) mercaptoacetyltriglycine: Update on the new 99mTc renal tubular function agent. Semin Nucl Med 1992; 22 (2): 61–73.
73. Bubeck B, Brandau W, Weber E et al. Pharmacokinetics of technetium-99m-MAG3 in humans. J Nucl Med 1990; 31 (8): 1285–93.
74. Taylor AT. Radionuclides in nephrourology, part 1: Radiopharmaceuticals, quality control, and quantitative indices. J Nucl Med 2014; 55 (4): 608–15.
75. Grant FD, Gelfand MJ, Drubach LA et al. Radiation doses for pediatric nuclear medicine studies: Comparing the North American consensus guideline sand the pediatric dosage card of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine. Pediatr Radiol 2015; 45 (5): 706–13.
76. Lassmann M, Biassoni L, Monsieurs M et al. The new EANM paediatric dosage card. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2007; 34 (5): 796–8.
77. Stabin MG, Gelfand MJ. Dosimetry of pediatric nuclear medicine procedures.
Q J Nucl Med 1998; 42 (2): 93–112.
78. Smith T, Gordon I. An update of radiopharmaceuticals chedules in children. Nucl Med Commun 1998; 19 (11): 1023–36.
79. Piepsz A, Tondeur M, Ham H. Relative 99mTc-MAG3 renal uptake: Reproducibility and accuracy. J Nucl Med 1999; 40 (6): 972–6.
80. Lythgoe MF, Gordon I, Khader Z et al. Assessment of various parameters in the estimation of differential renal function using technetium-99m mercaptoacetyltriglycine. Eur J Nucl Med 1999; 26 (2): 155–62.
81. Tomaru Y, Inoue T, Oriuchi N et al. Semi-automated renal region of interest selection method using the double-threshold technique: Inter operator variability in quantitating 99mTc-MAG3 renal uptake. Eur J Nucl Med 1998; 25 (1): 55–9.
82. Moonen M, Jacobsson L, Granerus G et al. Determination of split renal function from gamma camera renography: A study of three methods. Nucl Med Commun 1994; 15 (9): 704–11.
83. Piepsz A, Kinthaert J, Tondeur M et al. The robustness of the Patlak-Rutland slope for the determination of split renal function. Nucl Med Commun 1996; 17 (9): 817–21.
84. Groothedde RT. The individual kidney function. A comparison between frame summation and deconvolution. Nucl Med Commun 1985; 6 (9): 513–8.
85. Sennewald K, Taylor AJr. A pitfall in calculating differential renal function in patients with renal failure. Clin Nucl Med 1993; 18 (5): 377–81.
86. Samal M, Nimmon CC, Britton KE et al. Relative renal uptake and transit time measurements using functional factor images and fuzzy regions of interest. Eur J Nucl Med 1998; 25 (1): 48–54.
87. O’Reilly PH, Testa HJ, Lawson RS et al. Diuresis renography in equivocal urinary tract obstruction. Br J Urol 1978; 50 (2): 76–80.
88. Liu Y, Ghesani NV, Skurnick JH et al. The F0 protocol for diuretic renography results in fewer interrupted studies due to voiding than the F15 protocol. J Nucl Med 2005; 46 (8): 1317–20.
89. Kuyvenhoven J, Piepsz A, Ham H. When could the administration of furosemide be avoided? Clin Nucl Med 2003; 28 (9): 732–7.
90. Adeyoju AA, Burke D, Atkinson C et al. The choice of timing for diuresis renography: The F0 method. B J U Int 2001; 88 (1): 1–5.
91. Wong DC, Rossleigh MA, Farnsworth RH. Diuretic renography with the addition of quantitative gravity-assisted drainage in infant sand children. J Nucl Med 2000; 41 (6): 1030–6.
92. Sfakianaki E, Sfakianakis GN, Georgiou M et al. Renal scintigraphy in the acute care setting. Semin Nucl Med 2013; 43 (2): 114–28.
93. Conway JJ, Maizels M. The “welltempered” diuretic renogram: A standard method to examine the asymptomatic neonate with hydronephrosis or hydroureteronephrosis. A report from combined meetings of The Society for Fetal Urology and members of The Pediatric Nuclear Medicine Council – the Society of Nuclear Medicine. J Nucl Med 1992; 33 (11): 2047–205.
94. Chaiwatanarat T, Padhy AK, Bomanji JB et al. Validation of renal output efficiencyas an objective quantitative parameter in the evaluation of upper urinary tract obstruction. J Nucl Med 1993; 34 (5): 845–8.
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